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everything feels outdated what the fuck do I read to understand neoliberalism and all this shit, what can you even do at this point?



Just read this one book by Fisher. It's short and simple, only a 100 pages long

If you feel ambitious, read David Harvey's book too


a more abstract answer: get diverse, read a wider range of shit than pure leftist philosophy or economics


Do you have some recommendations?


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Saw this chart posted in here some time ago. Don't know if Foucault belongs there, or if it is any good in general.


Pikkety and Smith being there is a bit weird, but alright. Smith i can at least understand from historic reasons, but I really doubt he would be a neoliberal would he have been teleported in time.


It's difficult to tell with Smith, but there's no denying his influence on Neoliberal policies. Just like with everything they conveniently leave out Points like his Hatred of Landlords.

Piketty is probably on the list because although he doesn't think Marx is Satan incarnate, his bastardization of Marx serves Liberals more than the Left.


Foucault belongs but not for the reason of the one who made that. Foucault wasn't neoliberal but does describe it before it was really a thing.


>they conveniently leave out Points like his Hatred of Landlords.

This. It shits me to tears. Same as how Smith basically infers that education, health, and essential public infrastructure should be free and yet these drongos try to privatise everything.


There is no need to understand neoliberalism. It isn't a thing. It's just a word people use who want to say that this society is shit without saying that capitalism is shit.


its probably not what you want, but ive been reading some psychology-adjacent shit, like "dare to lead" by brene brown, been psyching myself up to read deluze&guttari shit, reading lots of shit on them. Been reading anthropology, recently "against the grain" by james c scott. Just started another book of his, less anthropology and more a study of the faces we put on towards power, and how that influences the sort of superstructure i guess, like the accepted notion of how things are. Also been reading "the violent technologies of extraction" by alexander dunlap and others. id say thats some 10/10 shit tbh.
The way that i think of it, capitalism is all around us, so if we go into different adjacent disciplines, we'll get another angle on capitalism. Same with neoliberalism, tho i get the desire to have a good history of it specifically. (oh yeah also read Understanding the F-Word by david mcgowan, its… okay/good). Like neoliberalism is just imperialism/colonialism by another name. Yes it has certain unique characteristics, but its also the same expansion that all states have done since there was rich stores of people, livestock, or grain to exploit. The parasite tries to spread and feed.
And so personally i really love a sort of wider lens on what capitalism is… i dont think its totally distinct from previous social forms, except that it is more deterritorialized n shit. Its like democratic feudalism, which in turn was like a more horizontal empire. So its fun to see the changes through time, and also the consistencies, anyways yeah like i read lotsa marxian shit and economics when i was younger, and im pretty done with it. Last economics shit i read (but didnt finish) was some mutualist shit (it was good).
all in all i think anthropology and history is maybe the most important to me, and then i try to look out for shit that explains capital more as this organism or self-perpetuating arrangement, rather than an ideology that people believe, because the latter way of seeing it is more restriction and gives a more inside view rather than a look at the whole beast, and its evolution through history


>>3526 (me)
id also recommend foucault, (((tiqqun))), ellul, camatte. I dont say that i fully endorse them all, but that you can learn something important from them all maybe. Fuck frenchies tho god damn they cant write

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