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File: 1608527955902.pdf ( 1.64 MB , mccannon1995.pdf )


Thread for discussing the spanish civil war. I start the thread with a short paper on Soviet Union's involvement 1936-1939.


File: 1608528305918.jpg ( 77.43 KB , 1180x585 , Dare-Devil-Rides-To-Jarama….jpg )

Morning Star review of an audio play about two volunteers in the Spanish Civil War.
It might be worth a listen. (£2 per episode, or £6 for the whole thing.)


What do people here make of Orwell's interpretation of the war? His theory goes that the MLs shot themselves and the war effort in the foot by siding with the liberals instead of committing to full social revolution like what POUM and CNT were doing. He thinks if all the communists overthrew the Republican liberals, that they could've inspired a rural insurgency behind Franco's lines and eventually won.


I've been reading this recently:
It has quite some hot takes about it and my general understanding of the events is not deep enough to tell how valid they are.

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