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File: 1608528112322.jpeg ( 126.92 KB , 750x931 , charles-fourier-8cac7eff-….jpeg )


Does anyone have a PDF of Charles Fourier's "The Hierarchies of Cuckoldry and Bankruptcy"?


I’m tempted to buy the physical version and scan it and upload it myself. there doesn’t seem to be an English ebook version in circulation.


Me too, but the shipping costs are high


Fuck it boys, I'll order it tomorrow night and do it if no one else posts by then. It does seem it doesn't exist anywhere digitally


finally a book I can gift to my bf


I already ordered it. I'm going to scan it and upload it to /leftypol/ after I get it on thursday


File: 1608528113384.jpg ( 69.64 KB , 700x488 , a0c2566204474f7d8536724388….jpg )



File: 1608528113516.jpg ( 61.85 KB , 1280x720 , adam.jpg )

thank you based anon! you're the real cool adam




mail got dropped off just now. this book is about 80 pages so I can probably have it scanned and uploaded by tonight EST


lo and behold, a really shitty ghetto scan of the translation of the Hierarchies the Cuckoldry and Bankrupcy.
maybe one day I'll destroy the binding and do a proper scan so it isn't all wavy, but overcoming my attachments to books is a project in itself.


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File: 1608528116261.png ( 4.54 MB , 1550x2930 , hhwnsgamgm251.png )


thanks. uploaded this to libgen


File: 1608528116473.jpg ( 381.09 KB , 800x800 , 3dec7c3b319ac107e66c8eccc9….jpg )

Don't destroy it anon, it's perfectly readable.


File: 1608528116571.gif ( 198.67 KB , 220x153 , tohru_thumbsup.gif )

Fucking awesome dude. Thank you for what you've done


Thank you, based anon

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