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/edu/ - Education

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/Leftypol/ didn't bite, let's see if /edu/ acctually might read something.

>Read capital and complimentary theory.

>No! Really, READ capital and complimentary theory.
>No, not like that!
>Ok basically read this quote down below by fucking Karl Marx.
>And at least read the text on point 1 down below.
> To understand why your current party isn't even being shut down or disturbed by the Porky Police.
>You are in your current state, totally harmless.
>Let's not keep it that way.

"It is all the more clear what we have to accomplish at present: I am referring to ruthless criticism of all that exists, ruthless both in the sense of not being afraid of the results it arrives at and in the sense of being just as little afraid of conflict with the powers that be. Therefore I am not in favour of raising any dogmatic banner." - Karl Marx




Feel free to read these pages before going for the full dive in this one:

(btw yes I know this file is hosted on libcom but who gives a shit)


Feel free to read these pages before going for the full dive in this one:: 3-18,41-42,85-86,99-101,156-157-176-181,189,248-254,257-263,266-268

Idk translate this shit if u give a fuck or read Bork, I've not read it I just stumbled across it, It's written as a masters in intellectual history so it might suck… But more theory is almost always good, otherwise we'll never get out of this shit.

Also: Rest of the thread is now dedicated to talking about the literature as well as recommending other stuff which is actually good and not full of quasi-religious essentialism et.c


bump, props cus scientific socialism.


Michael Parenti Videos in youtube


Huh OP that's Robert Kurz in the pic, have you read him?



This thread should have been called "Critique of labor" or "Critique of the value form".
Bump nonetheless.

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