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/edu/ - Education

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A lifetime of undiagnosed learning disorders, educational neglect and unproductive escapism has reduced my grey matter into a vestigial organ. I essentially missed out on the entirety of highschool but was able to work with what I had and managed to get a GED plus a tiny smattering of community college. But I started to hit the brainlet wall again and I realized how spotty and full of holes my whole foundation is. I was too ashamed at the time to ask for help and I no longer have access to professional educators so I might as well ask an anonymous imageboard.

Do y'all have any good resources or books for someone looking to restart their education from basics? Assume that I don't know anything aside from basic literacy and numbers. Maybe not even that.


This seems to be a relatively approachable rundown on materialism (Thanks Stalin), but I wasn't referring to Marx when I mentioned restarting from basics (Though I surely need help with that too). I'm talking fundamental elementary school shit and then building from there. I'm still rather poor with division, for instance. Much appreciated, legitimate thanks.


Did you look into khanacademy's courses? They have math from the 1st grade all the way to the high school and college level as well as any other topic commonly taught in school

Also check out this https://4chan-science.fandom.com/wiki/Mathematics#Precalculus


Try Howard Zinn's People's History of the United States ( https://www.historyisaweapon.com/zinnapeopleshistory.html ) It's easy to read and great at presenting at history from the point of view of the average person.


It really helps if you specify what you're interested in (both in the sense of what entices you and what you think it would be useful for you to learn). "General education" is a meme outside of acquiring the most basic foundations. IMO it's better to pick something concrete and go for it


Thank you very much. I will definitely check these out. I appreciate the time and effort you've taken to help me out, no matter how small. I even appreciate maths is fun's non-threatening child-friendly aesthetic.
Thanks for your guidance. To say that I've been unfocused is an understatement. So I have bits of an education here and there. I really enjoyed the history courses I took as an adult (mainly ancient history) because the professor was at least engaging and the content didn't have too many dates or dead people to remember. I also never really paid much attention in science. I'm not a flat-earther or anything but past a certain point I just don't really understand how or why the world functions.


>How to Read a Book
>Atomic Habits
>Make it Stick
>Deep Work

These create a foundation for consumption of information. Read these so that everything you read subsequently will be effectively absorbed. After that it depends on your interests. Like the other anon said, A People's History of the U.S. is a great start, but it's written with the assumption that you know the general U.S. propaganda history. How to Read a Book has a great list of books of the western cannon to read. It all really depends on your interests.

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