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So in Malaysia they tried to ban public DNS servers, because people used those to avoid censorship
It's another case of legislative-pedophilia (attacking civil liberties by claiming it's for pRotecTing tHe cHildRen)
The law got canned because of public outcry.

Louis Rossmann vid for more context:

I don't know much about that country but it seems pretty shit, they still have archaic medieval laws that punish criticizing or satirizing royalties. The guy wears a fucking bath-towel as his official costume, how people avoid snickering at that is beyond me. By the way the artist of the clown-face (thread picture) got arrested because it insulted the queen or something (not quite sure i understand why that face would…no matter)

Anyway whats the cure for those attacks on digital infrastructure like DNS ?
-vpns ?
-recursive DNS server locally hosted on a remote-vps
-entirely new network protocol that has a resilient name-resolver directly built in
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DNS over TOR is a good fix for now. Most of my TCP traffic goes over TOR, but if someone were to run it as a DNS resolver only, the possible attack vector requiring large amounts of infrastructure would become even more infeasible, as the only exploitable resource would be a sparse metadata trail of website visits.

In any case you should set up a local DNS cache. Have some resources on djbdns http://cr.yp.to/djbdns.html http://www.lifewithdjbdns.org http://thedjbway.b0llix.net/djbdns.html

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Fermilab is a big atom-smasher particle-accelerator physics research project, in the US.It's no longuer the biggest project of this type, the currently biggest is the LHC in Switzerland. Threat-title is a Swiss-French speaking physicist quip about that. The biggest smasher under construction is in China

The fermilab had an interesting research project for neutrinos, and sort of was the front-runner in that area. However they had funding problems and might not be able to continue and there was some drama as well. There was a death and some close calls too.

Neutrinos are very light, low energy particles that don't interact much and hence can pass through matter without getting blocked. They occur naturally in the sun's core as a byproduct of nuclear fusion, but they are also generated by technology without nuclear reactions.

These neutrinos have interesting technological applications.
high power applications: is a neutrino-ray-cannon that can disable nukes by making them cook-off with 1-5% of their specified yield. Regardless where the nuke is or how fast it's going. No matter of shielding or how deep they are buried/submerged. It also doesn't do damage to anything else, so there's no political complications.
low power application is neutrino based communications. Those could become very energy efficient and no longer suffer from signal degradation from passing through objects (including the entire earth). So you can send signals to somebody on the other side of the planet by pointing the neutrino transmitter straight down. Jamming neutrino transmission would be impractical. The military obviously wants this for their ships, subs, bunkers and bases, the first generation of such devices (derived from research instruments see picture) would be super bulky , and likely limited to such niche applications. However eventually could be shrunk down to fit very small electronic devices.

I wonder whether this project is being sabotaged because the anti-nuke-ray would finish off the nuclear weapons industry, and neutrino communications would use a different more 3 dimensional network-topology and reshuffle the deck in communications, upstarts could potentially up-root the entrenched 2 dimensional telecoms.

Fermilab isn't the only research project that's doing neutrinos, so if this was industriaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


There's implications to technology being held back


>There's implications to technology being held back
Sure, historically it tends to be the loosing strategy, but at the same time it's also really common.


i really hope some far left, oppenheimer level genius that is too dirty to hire for the government finds a way to just completely destroy all nukes on the planet. I would be so happy. It honestly would be such a blessing

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Some breakthroughs have led me to finally and definitively abandon microshit's spyware.
I had been staying on wangblows for the audio software but had no idea Linux production had come so far.

My DAW [Renoise] has a fucking excellent native linux version that exceeds WIndows performance in some cases. Grabbing audio to feed into its sampler is easier than ever with youtube-dl and ffmpeg.
yabridge lets you convert Windows VSTs to run through Wine, the ones I've tried have worked seamlessly albeit with a little overhead.
Takes a tiny bit of elbow grease to get it optimized enough for serious use, but it's pretty simple once you get past initial setup and it even supports VST3.

Feels pretty good to be making music on a system I have so much control over, it's actually given me a lot of inspiration to work on new material.
Are you a composer or producer who runs Linux? What's your workflow/software?



I use Ardour, Vital, Helm, Geomkick, Surge, Stochas, sfizz, eq10q, and some other stuff like calf plugins.

I'm a total noob though so those might be terrible tool choices.


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I can't believe I only just found this great thread.

I also use Ardour (now on version 8 it's getting pretty good) and some of the plugins you mentioned (others I need to check out).

I'm currently using my linux system for real-time jamming and recording. I use NixOS so I can have the same audio setup on my laptop and my desktop. I'll attach my config. NixOS also has I guess what you would call a plugin that sets your system up for real-time audio called musnix, I turn on some of its settings but not the rt kernel (which causes some instability), but I can get the latency down to 10.7msec in jack with a very stable sound.

I have an arturia audiofuse interface, and today I took that and my laptop to a band practice, as well as my synth, a Yamaha DX7 (which weights 30lbs lol don't use this for practice) and I was using Yoshimi, Pianoteq (only non free software on my computer I swear, but I needed piano) and the synth's own sound (plus other shit), and i just used the midi selector on the dx to change busses. So I has a left and a right going from the interface into the mixer and it worked rock solid for 12h.

Literally we had practice for 12h today idk why we elected to do that, but this isn't even something that's ever going to make us money lol. Anyway shit worked the entire time without a hitch, I'm at this point more worried about the interface's shitty power socket than the software.

I'm not comfortable with posting my band here so maybe in another 3 years I'll bump this thread with some solo OC.

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>300 torrents
>18 terabytes were seeded
>4 of them thanks 2 fallout new vegas
Is this truly so over for people rn?


fuck wrong board i guess kms rn

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Back when they were making 200-300k a year if you mentioned unionizing they would laugh and scoff and snub all the proles. They saw anyone making a normal prole wage as subhuman.

Now that porky decides theyve forgotten their place and lays them off, they have no savings left, and no jobs like every other prole they come crawling back and start talking about unionizing.

Tech workers are class traitors, barely different from cops. Its a great time to see them get crushed and experience the poverty they thought they were so immune to. Their demographic is literally typical smug atheist centrist libs, let them burn

This. Find an apolitical woman from a conservative family that way you make sure her core values are in the right place. Ideally working class. Then you introduce her to communism as an strictly political ideology keep her away from libshittery at all costs. You'd be surprised how much she will relate to it.
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>You can book a plane ticket to Venezuela or Cuba or North Korea right now if you wanted to.
I can't just go on vacation, I have work on Monday.

Also North Korea doesn't just give out citizens to randos, if you mean immigrating there.


>I don't see anything else in terms of economic theory
And how many have you looked at? I don't know you but you really sound like a fundie who thinks the bible is true because it's the only book he's read.

>The highest returns are on wallstreet

That's because they are close to the money spigots. Money is not real. The federal reserve adds money to the economy in order to centrally plan the market according to political interests. Banks and hedge funds and the stock market in general is one way the new money is transferred into the economy. And the people who work in those industries take a cut of the money passing through and use it to buy up hard assets like real estate before the extra money pushes prices up. That's the real reason you can't afford a house.

>the second highest go to arms dealers

The second way that new money is injected into the economy is through government spending. The government creates bonds or gilts out of thin air and exchanges them for money the central bank created out of thin air. The government then spends the fake money on real shit that is relevant to their interests. Like weapons.

>the capitalists who make the most profits don't produce anything

The people who print money out of thin air and use it to centrally plan the economy are not "capitalists". Central banking is part of Marx's communist manifesto. Throwing central bankers out of a helicopter because they're communists is part of Kiyosaki's capitalist manifesto.

>used to be a satirical comment to mock attempts at polishing a turd

I don't see any argument here. You just take it on faith that "inequality" is bad or "capitalism" is inefficient but you don't have any arguments to back it up.
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>And how many have you looked at?
I went by process of elimination.
First thing i did was eliminate the loony theories like praxology that don't explain shit.
Second thing that got eliminated was theories that assumed market equilibrium, it's obviously not in equilibrium, so those theories contradict reality.
Third round of elimination was every theory that tried assign a beneficial purpose to the boom-recession cycle. Having an economy that behaves like a mental patient with severe bi-polar disorder isn't beneficial. If you want a machine analogy a boom is a feed-back-loop that builds up an overload, and the recession is a cascade failure. Theories that try to gaslight you into thinking that's a good thing are obviously not applicable. Then i was left with Marxism.

>I don't know you but you really sound like a fundie who thinks the bible is true because it's the only book he's read.

I don't treat it like a orthodox holy scripture. Marx is wrong about the tendency for profit equalization, that doesn't happen. That's been fixed by other marxists who corrected Marx's theories with a tendency for demographic decline caused by the rise in the rate of exploitation.

>That's because they are close to the money spigots. Money is not real. The federal reserve adds money to the economy in order to centrally plan the market according to political interests. Banks and hedge funds and the stock market in general is one way the new money is transferred into the economy. And the people who work in those industries take a cut of the money passing through

I mostly agree with this, but i just see monopoly power extracting rent. Capitalist monopolies do get destroyed sometimes and then they grow back in a different form. That's what this is, it's not set up like historic monopolies, but it still is the old phenomenon.

>The people who print money out of thin air and use it to centrally plan the economy are not "capitalists". Central banking is part of Marx's communist manifesto. Throwing central bankers out of a helicopter because they're communists is part of Kiyosaki's capitalist manifesto.

I think the redeeming quality of Central banks is that they can curtail the reach of multinational corporate superPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>Marx is wrong about the tendency for profit equalization
Are you the same blowhard who ghosted me in the book thread. Go and respond there instead.


You said
<a fundie who thinks the bible is true because it's the only book he's read.
in your previous post

There are a few "textual" Marxists, who are not religious fundies by any stretch, but they do care more about reading the contents of marx's books than treating Marxism like a more scientific discipline that does empirical reality-checks from time to time. An example would be the TSSI marxists, they have something called temporal pricing that is supposed to rescue marx's profit equalization tendency. To me it always sounded like mental gymnastics for the sake of treating Marx as infallible.

The reason for bringing this up, is because the accusation you made, would not be entirely wrong, with regards to the textual wing of Marxism. I'm on the more scientific wing of Marxism, that does throw out elements of marx's original theory that didn't pan out.

This is a rather academic dispute within Marxism and i realize that you probably didn't even know about it. Anyway, now you know why this hole profit equalization topic came up.

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same guy who posted this:

i deleted all of the archives i have. none of you have to worry that anything from this site is sitting is somebody's computer. all gone. all of the stupid bad compas-dichotomy-isms are now gone for good. nobody have to worry.


Glad you're back.

>none of you have to worry that anything from this site is sitting is somebody's computer

I wasn't worried anon, archiving content is generally a good thing.

What made you get rid of it?


first, mental-illness madness. second, I don't want future people to know what an (insert name)-ism or what a "compass" is

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Why is the Linux desktop still such a fucking ghetto? They rewrite their crap every couple of years but it's getting shittier every time.
linux is just the project car version of mac os

I'm tired of this bullshit.


The Linux desktop is currently replacing the old display-server X11 with the new one Wayland.
I think X11 might be something like 40 years old and predates linux. So it's not like "crap" gets rewritten every couple of years.

>it's getting shittier every time.

A lot of stuff has to be adapted to the new display server, and that's causing some transitional bugs. But if you compare it to windows, it's looking pretty good.

>linux is just the project car version of mac os

Not really comparable, Linux is very modular, runs an pretty much any hardware, while macos is monolithic and only runs on a very small hardware selection.
Apple probably wants to kill off macos and convert their entire product-line to ios. If you want any of the power-user features you will need to think different or switch to linux.


Xfce and LXDE are working great for me, dunno what you're talking about…


Because real ones use I3/DWM


speaking from a programmer's perspective, there is no reliable API or good low level library for graphics on Linux. The only "solution" libraries are bloated, hacked together and incredibly complex.

Both GTK and QT are poor solutions to a lack of a consistent and sensible graphics API. Even expert GTK programmers hate GTK.


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Have you tried not using the latest gnomeslop? Why would you need anything more than XClock and a couple of XTerms? FVWM is 90s yet it's still the most advanced desktop. Unironically the only progress happening during the last decade was shoving inane freedesktop standards into every system component and making everything a mobile UI.

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Hello lads. I was recently released from prison, come home to find I do not know where to lurk anymoar. I used to hang out on lainchan and 8chan. Reincarnations of both are still around but they have changed quite a bit.

I don't want consoymerism threads. I just want to know where the similar faggots are gathering these days. I know that there are people like me too stubborn to give up on this so I'm sure they are all congregating somewhere in a virtual valhalla. I've tried here for a few days but this is too fringe for my liking although I may share your politics.

Any advice appreciated
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No. The full list right now is:

leftypol.org threw around the idea of joining in late 2021, but there was a lot of backlash from both sides of the fence. Obviously it's not the same situation as leftychan (disproportionate userbase at the time, for one, isn't a major factor)


>there was a lot of backlash from both sides of the fence
I don't remember much backlash from our side of the fence. The cries of "pls no politics ;_;7" in that cafe thread are pretty funny though, considering pretty much all of the webring boards are polluted with obnoxious /pol/ fuckers who can't keep their politics out of apolitical boards.


Yeah it's pretty funny that the site hosting /fascist/ (most active board on the site at the time) had someone seriously trying to say 'no politics in the webring pls'. Not to mention the popular board /dup/.
I wonder if it was dissonance or just plain old insincerity.


tech was the only board i cared about, the managers of that board fucked it so hard it was in limbo for months after the reboot which was valuable time to make a bunker or send everyone somewhere else officially. This never happened and here we are. I couldn't give less of a fuck about politics, everyonbe is always trying to shoehorn their off-topic beliefs into pretty much everywhere they go, tech was hostile enough to tell you to shut the fuck up reguardless of which garbage someone thought was so much more imprtant than the board subject and that's what made them special.


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Once I found lainchan, I never looked back. /tech/ was filled with 8chins crying about trans and coc all day. I checked it daily but can't say I miss it.


The brain chip company has successfully implanted a brain chip into a person. It's a paraplegic and this allows this person to thought-control their wheel-chair and even do high fidelity computer inputs (good enough for playing games)

At this time the brain chip is one way communication only, only relaying thought-commands from the brain to external devices, but nothing flows back into the brain. But if this thing is going to become the tech that fixes most handicaps it will have to become 2 way communication. And there are serious worries about it becoming a attack vector for brain-hacking. If brain chips were free open source technology, protected by a very diligent community, and absolute brain privacy was vigorously enforced (as in death penalty for brain privacy violations), that probably would mitigate risks enough though.

For able people this promises hands-free computing. I suspect people would not undergo brain surgery to get this unless they need it to fix a handicap. Because of the medical risks and it eventually turning into obsolete e-waste rattling in your skull.

This thing uses thousands of wires connected to electrodes directly stuck inside the brain. So people who have this implanted, probably become vulnerable to electromagnetic fields. Getting an MRI scan is probably off the table. Humans generally are not affected by magnetic fields, even extremely powerful ones. Hence why there is lots of technological EM in the human environment. People who get the brain chip would have to be even more careful than those who have a pacemaker. Nukes produce a big EM pulse, so the brain-chipped people will die first in WW3. Safety wise this really would benefit from optical data links that electrically isolate the brain.

Whats the real world application going to be ?
My hunch is it'll get used for medical and military purposes (soldiers thinking what their shoulder cannon shoots at)
If the functionality can be replicated with a wearable headband/cap it might enter general use, but if it's surgical implants only, it'll remain a niche.

vid not related


>This thing uses thousands of wires connected to electrodes directly stuck inside the brain.

So we should expect the same problem of the body forming scar tissue around the foreign body and attenuating the signal fed to the electrodes that occurred the last however many times this was tried.

No real breakthrough here, just PR hype.


>So we should expect the same problem of the body forming scar tissue around the foreign body and attenuating the signal fed to the electrodes that occurred the last however many times this was tried.
That's a good point.

>No real breakthrough here, just PR hype.

Yeah i guess to get around the scarring issue they'd have to find a way to measure the electrical pulses in the brain without contact. But these pulses are extremely faint and make hardly any detectable EM fields. Dis a tough one

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generative ML software
-generative machine learning software will kill off the copyright-restriction lobby
Media creation will become cheap and abundant, restricting access to content will become self defeating. SO called IP will seize to be capital, the new capital will be the chip-plants and power-plants. Small artists will benefit the most, these new tools will allow individuals and small teams to create very sophisticated content that previously was only doable for large companies.
-Copy restrictions are the most destructive in the pharmaceutical field because they prevent people from getting medicine, and globally this leads to the involuntary slaughter of tens of millions of people every year. I would expect a similar dynamic from computationally brute-forcing candidates for molecules with medical properties and a explosion of cheap generica.
-it will become so easy to make fake surveillance-recordings and digital-records that all kinds of video, audio and digital records will be downgraded from forensic evidence to testimonial evidence.

-The so called "client-side csam-scanning" scheme will backfire spectacularly, because AI image-recognition and image-generation are very similar, and one can be turned into the other. AI-stalking is deployed like regular malware, the attacker injects a payload into the victims computer to exfiltrate data. Big tech like Apple or the EU Thorn-surveillance group (responsible for chat-control), are pushing to infect a gazillion smartphones with this crud. They will end up spreading a pedo-porn-generator far and wide. The think of the children political deception will die with this one.
-meat-space surveillance with cameras that recognize peoples faces will turn into a gang-violence bonanza. While the meat-space mafia is generally stupid with mediocre tech skills, they will eventually figure out how to wear "other people's faces". Public safety will nose-dive and the fashion trends will get surreal with women wearing face-curtain-hair and men growing up-beards that go from the chin to the forehead.
Everything eventually turns into it's opposite. Something something dialectical.

surveillance capitalism
-People'll use AI to generated loads of data, personal profiling will eventually die because the data becomes diluted with ai-slop. Data-brokers will also usePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


OP if I may be frank with you a bit about image board etiquette. When you create threads with gigantic OPs like this on a slow board, although you probably think you're doing a good thing by creating a bunch of thoughtful content to help the board along… The reality is in fact the opposite. It's actually intimidating to other posters, who feel like they need to measure up to the amount of writing or the quantity of topics covered in the OP in order to contribute, and the real tendency is that big essays don't actually generate discussions at all. I have seen this play out many, many times in the years of image boards under my belt.

My suggestion is to keep OPs simple and open, and if you feel like you really have something to say do it in a subsequent post.


>Machines that have the same shape as a human worker, are still a solution in search for a problem
Everyone wants a robot waifu gf, there's definitely a market for a decent one.


>Everyone wants a robot waifu gf
Sure, but you won't get a wholesome "robot waifu gf", they'll produce "robot whores" that make you buy into an expensive subscription model. Even if you pay all that, it'll still interrupt the sex to tell you about products and services from companies that participate in the third-party sex-vertisement program.


>it'll still interrupt the sex to tell you about products and services from companies that participate in the third-party sex-vertisement program
Dang, these sex robots are already more human than humen!


So it would have been better to split this into half a dozen separate threads instead ?

Even if that's like having a bunch of threads with kinda similar topics ?

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