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This is exactly the kind of "solutions" I expect from Silicon Valley's greatest minds.
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>micro-level algorithmic management of worker's bodies.
Taylorism but cringier


the guillotine is too good for bezos.


I feel bad for Amazon employees and Americans in general.


Marx's chapter on machines never considered the full body workouts of amazon im extremely skeptical this is even possible, the work in a warehouse isn't exactly circuit training


99 % of this banal idea is already implemented in Germany due to initiative from the workers. The idea is older than Amazon and depending on the resolution of your model, you might be able to do this with pencil and paper. Within the warehouse, there are tasks where you run around a lot and tasks where you don't walk much and use your arms instead. Your working hours get split between these task types. Within the type, you can differentiate more: Some tasks require heavy lifting (unloading the boxes from the trucks), some tasks require more nimble moves (pulling things out of the boxes); and there's also symmetry to consider: At some receive stations you pull the boxes from the conveyor belt to your left and put the contents on something to your right, on some stations it's the other way around; you should do both. Likewise the symmetry thing exists with pulling things from carts and putting them into boxes to send to customers. And the tasks that have you run around a lot differ in how much of that is climbing stairs.

I'm certain people had that idea (and acted on it) already a century ago. No need to suck Bezos' cock for that "innovation" or to become a hysterical luddite over that.

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Signal decided to include a payment mechanism in their app based on some obscure cryptocoin which is located in the British virgin islands, a known tax heaven.

Them hiding their server commits for over a year sure makes sense now
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Imagine shilling telegram.


It's a matter of which glowies are preferred, the choice of chat apps and ilk, so best stick to the old technology that works or what others in this thread already said.


Just use XMPP for chatting with people directly and Matrix for group chats. XMPP is proven and reliable and completely open.


lol ahahahahahhahahahhahaha


use session

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>contributing back is a prerequisite of distributing binaries
>using a license that perpetuates the developer/user distinction
>not writing a license where contributing to the codebase is a prerequisite of using the software
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>contributing back is a prerequisite of distributing binaries
This is not true, you have to provide the source code to the users of the binaries, but you don't have to send your changes upstream or make them public.


why the fuck are you writing 32 bit?


you noticed the assembler code is 32bit but you didn't notice the shellscript has the hashbang front to back ?


i used to work in the embedded space - my eyes are biased 「(゚ペ)


>chink fetishist
>being a dumbfuck
Checks out.


I’m installing linux for the first time, what distro should I use? I’m fine with it taking hours to set up, as long as it’s free. I ain’t paying for that shit. I was leaning towards gentoo but what do you guys think?
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Why did you suggest Debian twice?




Hannah Montana Linux


If you actually want to learn Linux, go for Gentoo or at least arch, and do as much through terminal as possible. I recommend a tiling window manager. They're honestly the absolute shit once you get used to them.


Linux From Scratch

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Know some good shit on Tor? Let us know. Whether it be substitutes for clearnet services, or just the .onion domain for whatever, or just something cool.

What I found:
>privacytools.io site
>Invidious (YouTube front-end)
(Clearnet version: https://vid.puffyan.us/ )
Requires enabling certain scripts to work unfortunately. You can sign up and make a list of subscriptions though.
>Nitter (Twitter front-end)
>/leftypol/ (/leftypol/)

Some things I was interested in hearing about:
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Hidden service for snopyta.org
Basically an index of their services, and about half of them have a hidden service through Tor. I prefer the Invidious instance I linked before, but theirs probably works just as well if not better if you don't want to sign up for an account to keep a subscriptions list. The Invidious instance I linked before had registration while Snopyta's didn't when I checked.


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Land of the free.
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yes, Luke Smith


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>the tech support guy would call me every month I went over the limit and demand that I stop downloading.
Holy shit imagine being such a cuck that you can't even throttle your customer and have to ask him to stop.
>N-NO! You can't just torrent all of Big Busta's Gozongas vol. 4-23!!!


Fucking kek


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I was baffled when I learned americunts get data caps. Our standard, basic net subscription is like 30 buck a month for unlimited data and the highest bandwidth installed in your area.

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I'll start with a pretty obvious one.

It's pretty good, don't let the hundreds of unfunny and unoriginal edits of anime girls holding it make you think it's just a "meme".
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Thanks. I hadn't read them, good to know I'm not missing much.


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Carmack became lame but DooM is still GOAT.


I wish there was a NON-MEME book about Terry Davis and TempleOS.
Guy was legitimately badass past the glow-in-the-dark niggers funno.


don't let glowies defile the legacy of Terry. Read his code & doc yourself. It's literate programming at its near full potential sans 64bit assembly arcanery that I still do not understand .

One could make great operating systems course out of it


Library Genesis

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Whats the best way to archive imageboard threads?
Specifically threads on here
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This is as retarded and spooky as claiming imageboards are "meant" to be filled with anime or that tripcodes are inherently bad (why are they shipped with every imageboard software then?). The sysadmin decides whatever the fuck they want to do with the software.

The only reason Futaba and by extension 4chan didn't archive threads is because bandwidth and storage were expensive as fuck back then. On the other hand, 2ch has archived every single thread since its creation in 1999 because, well, it's all just text.


I dont think your argument works when we talk about user archiving
Yeah there is definitly an argument to be made against auto archiving on imageboards but users freely archiving stuff and distributing it is pretty much the spirit of the old internet
On a practical basis there are some extremely good threads on here from time to time like the Permaculture thread and a couple about american architecture and the slow death of small town america


>/leftypol/ is a bunch of libs, simps, autists
He could just be talking about the jannies


Archive.today has .onion links.


I tried these earlier and the Tor Browser gave me a warning tho. Maybe they didn't update something.

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Is it true that this site is a honeypot for glowies?
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yeah, not normie friendly and discord is "more fun". be sure to join the leftypol matrix chat though.



>Is it true that this site is a honeypot for glowies?

Discord should not be treated as trustworthy software. Why?

A) It is proprietary software.

B) Discord is owned, maintained and operated by a corporation called Hammer and Chisel. They are operating under a profit incentive which runs contrary to your privacy.

C) Aforementioned corporation was co-founded by Jason Citron, who is also the CEO.
Citron also founded OpenFeint.
In 2011, OpenFeint was party to a class action suit with allegations including computer fraud, invasion of privacy, breach of contract, bad faith and seven other statutory violations. According to a news report "OpenFeint's business plan included accessing and disclosing personal information without authorization to mobile-device application developers, advertising networks and web-analytic vendors that market mobile applications"
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Also before anyone tries to say the Microsoft buyout talks are over-hyped look at this:
Microsoft owns Xbox. They did a partnership with Xbox months ago. They are obviously in contact.

F) Now, about Microsoft. They own Skype, and they have handed fuckloads of user data to the NSA on request.
So Discord is actively looking at essentially handing their entire company to people who are known to give up user data to the NSA (not that Discord hasn't worked with glowies themselves in the past).

Yes, it's Glowiecord.


Fukken saved!


Microsoft itself was the very first member of the NSA PRISM program. Skype started handing over data to the NSA a bit later, but still before Microsoft bought them out.

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Well apperently the retards at duckduckgo.com refused to update their v2 address in time for the new year, meaning, now their onion doesn't work. I'm quite upset by this. Anyone serious about privacy would have had to updated a long time ago. Are their any other search engines like duckduckgo with an onion domain?
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Based self hoster. If you don't mind sharing some info: How much does running an instance like this cost you? Are you running any other services? I've been thinking about getting myself a VPS (perhaps splitting the cost, responsibilities and access with some comrades) to do things like this and would like to hear from more experienced people.


>How much does running an instance like this cost you?
3Euros/month at contabo
>Are you running any other services?
Yes! check them in https://vxempire.xyz
>I've been thinking about getting myself a VPS (perhaps splitting the cost, responsibilities and access with some comrades)
Do it, you have nothing to lose but your chains
>to do things like this and would like to hear from more experienced people.
ask me anything


Snopyta are so based holy shit. Who are these mad lads? Their Invidious instance is hosted in Finland apparently. I don't know much about them.


I can search through DDG's onion just fine right now?


Didn't work for me earlier

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