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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature"
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Does it mimic music? Does it play a worse version of it?
How does sound travel from the instruments into a recorder and then a PC?

I am half scared to say that the digimon and real life technology make the same amount of sense to me

I am befuddled when I think about technology materialism, I literally don't understand how 1010010101 becomes something else?
Is the PC tricking my brain to make it think it is something?


No there is no sound in your computer, it just stores instructions on how to actuate the linear motor that moves the speaker membrane back and forth to create pressure waves in the surrounding air. That's the sound.

Recording -> sound waves push a microphone membrane back and forth
Storing -> computer takes the signals from the microphone and translates it into a list of instructions in binary language.
replay -> computer sends instructions to speaker membrane that moves back and forth roughly the same way the sound pushed the microphone membrane.

There are more steps like signal amplification, and data compression on the instruction list, but that's just ways to make the performance better and i left that out to make the explanation simpler.


Fun fact: most speakers can also capture audio if ran in reverse.


I'm throwing up right now
This is so sick

The world we live in is a lie, I'm an idealist now
Nothing is real, I'm gonna kill bill clinton and fly away

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A nuclear salt water rocket works similar to chemical rockets except it uses nuclear reactions instead of chemical reactions. here is a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvZjhWE-3zM for the uninitiated. It is the most plausible propulsion system we could build in the near future that is really powerful.

It is much better than a regular rocket, it can go up to 1% the speed of light in a few days. But fusion reactions can get you up to 15% light speed, and at that speed you can reach the nearest star system in about 30 years.

So is it possible to modify the salt water rocket to inject heavy-water pellets into the fission plume to get secondary fusion reactions.

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I posted this in another thread but I think it deserves its own thread.I've been seeing a lot of people saying that installing tor is super hard and difficult, and, even if you use windows it's not that hard. All you have to do is install the tor browser and go into the browser bundle files and run the executable for tor, or, just use the browser bundle.Like it's not hard at all.But, being the pros (and dirty commies that we are) we don't use fucking bourgeois Microsoft.So, I've set up a super simple and comprehensive guide to installing and using tor like a pro on Linux.This is why we use Linux.STEP ONE:Downloading tor:ctrl+alt+t: Open terminal:Sudo apt install torsudo service tor startSTEP TWO:Downloading and setting up privoxy.sudo apt install privoxyEdit the config file:vim /etc/privoxy/config(If you don't have vim sudo apt install vim)add in text at the bottom:(vim insert mode: press I)forward-socks5 .onion 9050(press escape)Type :wq (write quite)Done, ammo loaded cannons ready to fire.STEP THREE:Set up firefox to use tor:about:preferences: Network settings, Use custom proxy(Privoxy runs on port 8118) 8118Check off "Use this proxy for all protocols"Done.Takes literally 5 seconds and you don't have to inconvenience yourself by downloading a whole brand new fucking browser ONLY for the simple task of bouncing around encrypted packets through a bunch of proxies. You also don't have to live with the hellscape that is Microsoft and the billions of exploits and bugs in and written for it. (Not to mention back doors.)And before anyone starts bitching; Setting up firefox for privacy isn't that difficult.Basically turn off all telemetry and geo location, referer headers (but you will need http refer headers for 8chan) and some other shit, Guide here:https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/blog/2018/09/firefox-hardening-guide/But honestly none of that even matters unless you are a windows user or a pedophile and let's hope you aren't either one of those.Have a nice day.
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How can you expect us to troubleshoot your problem if you're unwilling to tell us anything and provide misleading examples? Then you call me an autist when I try to work with what you gave us lol.

At least try using torsocks with something basic like wget and post the result of that FFS.

>just one simple example of a popular program that should work with torsocks but doesn't

Wrong, it's not simple and it's not guaranteed. Only a few programs are officially guaranteed to work. Firefox might work or not, but it's a ridiculous test case for testing if torsocks works at all. https://gitlab.torproject.org/legacy/trac/-/wikis/doc/torsocks


Tails OS sure seems able to get torsocks to work with a wide range of things.


Tails doesn't use torsocks at all, you have no idea what you're talking about.

Anyway, torsocks works fine for me, but I'm not trying to make it torify whole browsers or operating systems. Sounds like you encountered a user error.


Huh, guess I had torsocks misconstrued then. I thought it was the big tool used generally to route non-browser applications through Tor. I still can't make it work with anything.


Torsocks is basically a monkey patch: it is a hack that replaces the connect() system function at runtime with its own wrapper.
But if a program does some weird shit then torsocks's wrapper might break something. Or some part of a program might use a different method of connecting, which means torsocks's wrapper will be bypassed and the program will leak. Browsers have become almost their own operating systems, they probably reimplement large parts of the network stack. That's why I would be surprised if applying torsocks to firefox actually did work.

Try this:
torsocks curl -I https://www.example.com/

The above should output HTTP headers. If not then inspect with strace:
strace torsocks curl -I https://www.example.com/

Then look for the connect() calls, something like this:
connect(5, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(9050), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16)

There's other options than just torsocks though. The program might internally support SOCKS proxies without documenting it. Often they check the ALL_PROXY or all_proxy environment variables. So you can try running this:
ALL_PROXY="socks5h://" all_proxy="socks5h://" /path/to/my/program

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What's the tool to download video from Spotify and Netflix?

I want to download an encrypted video.

I tried yt-dl, yt-dlp and N_m3u8DL.
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No that's not it, if people say how they tech the tech, it might induce changes in the distribution systems, and then they have to do the work of figuring out where the stream is put together all over again.


Yeah, I write scrapers for myself all the time, which includes automated logins and such. The only obstacle are captchas, everything else is usually trivial to work around.

I've looked at the list of youtube-dl's extractors and it does support Spotify, but not Netflix. So there's that at least.

To work in a "team" and withstand your boss and the general office bullshit you need normie skills not tech skills. Hobby programming, let alone web scraping, is not a "marketable tech skill" either way.


meant for >>10834


if you know right people, there is no such thing as unmarketable skills. degenerates like sports betting junkies will hire retards who know how to use selenium at basic level to scrape odds and buy lines at discount. Learn some R with shiny and you can even scam people looking for cheap business analytic.


shut the fuck up workoid

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Is protonmail a honeypot?
>Trying to sign up on .onion links back to .com
>Can't sign up with vpn
>Only accepts crypto after you've signed up

There's absolutely no reason for not allowing sign-ups with vpns/TOR and activating the accounts after the payment has gone through
Do there exist any alternatives that aren't glowies?
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>By default, we do not keep any IP logs which can be linked to your anonymous email account.
Legal context aside, this statement evaluates to false


Whelp, I've had about enough of this shit. Time to get a home email server setup already.


the entire internet is an honeypot. once you get there you're fucked.


t. your cia glowie


I don't care much about the server side of things because I heavily compartmentalize and torify my email usage anyway, so it's not very helpful for their big data algos. For the most part I use one email account per identity per website - that includes multiple email accounts for a single website in case of multiple logins. That's a lot of email accounts.

Which is why I'm searching for an email provider that:
- isn't a pain in the ass to register an account with
- provides IMAP support for free so I can automate my email checks

Is there anything like that out there?

What's essential is to use Tor, the onion service is just a cherry on the cake, but Tor by itself already hides your origin IP even if you connect to a clearnet address.

Unfortunately their onion service is not configured for its purpose, so it will often refuse to login you with the message "too many recent login attempts". That's probably because they left their clearnet checks in place. Most of the people who set up onion services don't use Tor themselves so there's really very little testing involved.

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I know this is firstworldproblems

I don't game so this is really just a commentary from a outsider looking in, but i've recently heard that first person video game developers are thinking about using the TPM (trusted platform module) chip on the motherboard for anti-cheat, this seems like an extreme measure for video games, which got me curious about the problem.

Apparently cheating in video games has become really serious business and very technically sophisticated. Some people even use a secondary computer to run cheat software that generates fake user input signals for a simulated mouse, keyboard and or gamepads. Which means people pay big money for hacks.

Why are game devs trying to beat cheaters in a technical arms-race, instead of trying to make money off of them ?

Cheating doesn't really matter as long as cheaters and non-cheaters don't mix. Because "the experience™" matters.
To fix this, a detailed skill measuring system is needed that is really effective at matching players. The goal at this point is not to detect cheaters, but to indirectly move them to cheater arenas where they can have software robotwars. To make this work you have to do more than just give players a skill rank, you have to generate like a "data-rich" play pattern and match players according to their play patterns. This would probably also fix other issues that diminish "the experience™"

The next step is to develop your own cheat programs and sell them, that way you know who the cheaters are (at least some of them) and you can safely quarantine them in the cheater corner. To get maximum capitalistic cheater-bucks, periodically depreciate the cheat programs. (I know this is really atrocious anti consumer behavior but nobody cares about it in this specific instance).The technical experience you gather from making the cheat programs translates into making good bot-players that you can dynamically remove or add to online matches to balance out mismatched human players.

This hole problem might just be capitalism's fault because how many cheat programs would really be developed in an economy based on production for use rather than production for sale. However it is still plausible that such abuse cases could occur in socialism as well, and i think we ought to find ways to negate the abuse in a more elegant way that doesn't involve punching the donkey. Is there a way to get hack-devs interested in using their skills for a bettePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


It's simply not possible. Despite having some of the most intrusive anticheats, both esea and faceit cannot detect hardware cheats.


The best way to bust cheaters is with active server admins and the honor system. Everything else comes with too many drawbacks.


That being said, hack v hack is fun to watch.


seemed boring to me, am i missing something ? can you share what the fun part is ?


I probably not the best example, but the story goes like this.
>two "legit" cheaters are trying to hide their cheats
>they eventually learn that the only person killing a hacker is another hacker
>cheat arms race to see who "rage hacks" first, aka spinbot, bhops, etc.
it happens a lot now that csgo is f2p, I think there are whole YouTube channels dedicated to hack v hack

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Recent events have once again highlighted the necessity of a truly communal, self-governed anonymous discussion forum. This thread is for the development of new forms of decentralized anonymous image boards.

The problem in need of a solution is this: [b]How can we develop a forum that genuinely empowers its community and allows them to resist censorship?[/b]

One recent attempt is NNTPChan/Overchan. NNTPChan is a decentralized imageboard that uses the NNTP protocol (network-news transfer protocol) to synchronize content between many different servers. It utilizes cryptographically-signed posts to perform optional/opt-in decentralized moderation. I'm still rather confused on how moderation works there myself.

This seems like a great idea, by distributing a forum across a collection of servers one can resist the disruption of any single server. When 8ch was shutdown by its DDoS provider, however, its community didn't find the motivation to learn from this and migrate to a censorship-resistance platform. Instead its subcommunities were scattered to the winds, the ones that survived coalescing back on a number of individual websites using the classical top-down server-owner structure, with all the authority and alienation from its userbase that it necessarily contains. What lessons can be learned from this? Is there more that can be done?
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bumping due to recent talk of resurrecting this / integrating it into a lefty webring


>dec of 2020

>Another spit 6 months later.


I would give literally anything to have nntpchan at this point.


>Recent events have once again highlighted the necessity of a truly communal, self-governed anonymous discussion forum.
Not this shit again.

>This thread is for the development of new forms of decentralized anonymous image boards.

Not THIS shit again.

Stop falling for marketing memes.


How is a federated board a marketing gimmick?

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Where did it go? The onion just stopped working.What happened? They were fairly popular. Was that the issue? They were a bunch of contrarians, after all.


I only posted there near the start, would have been two years ago, then got bored of it.
Did it ever develop a real culture beyond 'we use Tor only'?
I was an erisfag, there were two others (another bystander and the notorous bot spammer).


Fucking based, anon. Thank you.


Flywheels are cool as heck, you can use them to store electric power or even mechanical energy from other spinning devices through kinetic energy recovery systems. It seems like this would save a ton on gas mileage, why aren't these found in more automobiles?
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>So, why didn't Japanese car makers include flywheels?
Because they cost more than they save?
>[_] Miracle technology everybody is too dumb to use
>[X] You don't have all the facts and there is a catch somewhere


hey i was just asking a honest question

>Because they cost more than they save?

No that can't be it, there were short range buses that were powered by flywheels, which essentially used them like batteries. For a car to recover breaking energy you'd need a tiny fraction of the capacity.

there has to be something else that prevents their use that is not so obvious. Like maybe gyroscopic properties that made the car handling weird or something.


>there were short range buses that were powered by flywheels
Ok. There are also cars that run on wood. Just because it's possible doesn't mean it's a good idea.

It's worth noting that many electric cars and hybrids have regenerative braking. You just reverse the motors and turn them into generators while braking. Then you get a nice boost of energy when you accelerate after the corner. The Porsche 918 was famous for being one of the first road cars to do that. The mechanical flywheel thing doesn't seem that useful though.

There's a bit of history about Formula 1 trying to use flywheels here
My interpretation is they are only really useful for countering turbo lag in racing and even then it was not really worth the extra weight and complexity.

And like I say, if there was any fuel efficiency gains to be had then Japan at least has more than enough ingenuity and motivation to make it work.

>hey i was just asking a honest question



>It's worth noting that many electric cars and hybrids have regenerative braking. You just reverse the motors and turn them into generators while braking. Then you get a nice boost of energy.
Batteries can't handle enough current, they can only capture between 10% and 25% of braking energy. Electric super capacitors should be able to capture enough energy for stop and go regenerative braking. However Flywheels can handle truly enormous power spikes at high efficiency in a very compact size, this tech will probably make a comeback.


>Like maybe gyroscopic properties that made the car handling weird or something.
That actually is a problem and why flywheels are more common on vehicles that don't turn a lot. You need a flywheel mounted in gimbals to be able to overcome its inertia and make large directional changes when storing really large amounts of energy.


Is anybody willing to speculate whether the mega drive reaction-less space drive pans out ?

here is another video

the theory part might be plausible




No they don't. There is no explanation for their physics and the peddlers just claim that they will magically work if they were just tested in space; something rather expensive and infeasible without justification through proper scientific methods.

They also seem to have found believers among the conspiracy theorists on /pol/ and other places who are convinced that jew physicists don't want them tested in space because jew physics is smoke and mirrors holding whitoids back from being the pioneers in space exploration.

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