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A short while ago Valve announced and demoed a functional gaming handheld, that uses a AMD labtop CPU with a very powerfull iGPU and a beefed up memory-bus for about 500 money.

The big wow was that it was running Arch Linux as operating system under the hood, with access to a desktop mode, that would actually be usable as a PC. Most of the people (including me) in the Free Software and Linux scene were excited about this because it means more people using Linux and maybe better driver support.

I have only ever used steam once and i managed to buy a game and then somehow invalidate my license key or user account that was attached to it. I'm pretty sure this was user-error, but still i felt like i was being punished for legally buying a game. I kinda gave up on gaming, although i do sometimes still follow technical news about video game engines.

My experience with DRM systems in general is that it's a fickle bitch and proprietary software doesn't just mean that it's violating the 4 User Freedoms bequeathed to us by Saint Stalllman, it also means that it's probably going to stop working at some point. At least in my case I managed to wrench quite a number of DRMed programs i payed for. I basically think that Intellectual property enforcement is some kind of political, ideological or religious terror, that can only be explained by an unreasonable amount of evilness. I know this sounds a little silly but consider that it feels like unpredictable unexplainable punishment when drm wigs out. Stallman really can feel like a angel descending from the sky telling you a transcendental truth. (Figuratively speaking)

And here is where my doubts come about, steam uses DRM for most of it's games, and Linux users in general really don't like DRM, or proprietary software, and there might be a lot of friction, about it. However I don't think Valve will switch to windows, because Microsoft has it's own videogame-store on windows as well as their own console that is the arch nemesis of Valve and steam. Their dependence on Microsoft is an existential risk and they need something like the steamdeck that is independent of MS to survive as a company. But i fear that there will only be a honeymoon period after which Linux ends up as a battered wife.

I was re-considering my game-abstinence and getting a steamboy, because it looks like you could use it while lying on a sofa and there are a number of puzzel games like the ones from ZachtrPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>I was re-considering my game-abstinence and getting a steamboy, because it looks like you could use it while lying on a sofa
Bad idea to sacrifice your abstinence for this. For a few games here and there a laptop on a sofa should do - since you say you'll install Arch anyway and go to GOG instead. Among popular puzzlers most work natively on Linux, and many of them are also on GOG. How large is the screen on this thing anyway? Most Zachtronics would be unplayable on a very small screen, and at least 3 of them have you write code which would also be a pain in the ass on this thing.


maybe you are right, I'll reconsider


If you would buy a laptop or handheld for playing games on a sofa, consider getting an armchair (with a footrest) for your pc instead. It's really comfy :-)

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He died 3 years ago today, bros.

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Terry A. Davis was the soul of programming. You must be a deranged schizo to do eveything he did. The Platonic ideal of a programmer


i just thought he died of age but damn i googled and his end was even sadder

homeless and hit by a train
sad end.


>arch below 'buntu


>BSD above GNU/Linux
I don't think so buddy


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He probably had lucid moments and saw no way to escape his illness. It's also sad how dumbasses trolled him online and contributed to his illness worsening, he had a cult following but some people just saw him as a lolcow. Dude had so much potential. Making TempleOS by himself is already an incredible feat, but without the schizophrenia he could've been much bigger.

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I swear to god, the ONLY reason to use paint.net is that its lightweight. If they start trying to change it now and bloat it it will fucking fail. After the last update its taking so long to startup I might as well have opened photoshop. Why would they do this?


why the fuck tom holland never says shit like this, it would be fun

is paint.net the best photoshop alternative


GIMP is open-source

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Does anybody know how to return the css back to Yotsuba B? Seems like an update happened and now for some reason I can't return it back to Yotsuba.


Ok nvm, I just noticed it in the bottom

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So how does humanity extract more energy?
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>the moon has UV, solar wind and sun storms constantly bombarding it. PVs will not last longer there
Yes, in fact, they will, that's one reason why it's such an attractive engineering project. You can also make them dramatically simpler outside an atmosphere when you don't have to worry about the kind of weathering you experience on Earth.

That's unnecessary because lunar photovoltaics are so much better than Earth photovoltaics because they don't have an atmosphere to contend with.

You seem unaware of this but the moon actually has next to no atmosphere. We can still see craters on it that are billions of years old because it takes a really long time to overturn the lunar surface with "moon dust". People far smarter than you have been thinking about this idea for far longer. It's been feasible since the '80s.


>Yes, in fact, they will, that's one reason why it's such an attractive engineering project. You can also make them dramatically simpler outside an atmosphere when you don't have to worry about the kind of weathering you experience on Earth.
good point. there's no pesky oxygen

>That's unnecessary because lunar photovoltaics are so much better than Earth photovoltaics because they don't have an atmosphere to contend with.

there's only 30% more sunlight hitting the moon. not super impressive. this and the lack of atmosphere makes the thermal situation difficult. more on this later

>You seem unaware of this but the moon actually has next to no atmosphere

yes, and this is the problem. the moon is surrounded by what's called a dusty plasma. dust gets thrown around by electrostatic effects and there's no atmosphere to stop this. this is worst at the terminator, where the surface charge changes from positive to negative at sunset (and opposite at sunrise), which throws enough dust around that austronauts were able to see light reflecting off it. look up the "streamers" seen during Apollo. t someone who has actually worked with this stuff

what's even worse is the thermal situation. semiconductors degrade exponentially faster the hotter they get. space thermal system rely on coatings with wavelength dependent emissivity. you can't use this on a PV, obviously, at least not on the front, or you'd reflect away the very energy you're trying to absorb. your surroundings are 130°C, and your PV cells will likely be too. it might be possible to cover the entire surface underneath the cells with multi layer insulation (MLI) blankets. if you get the angles right then the temperature drops to around 65°C ((130+273)/2^0.25-273). assuming you can make them in-situ of course. there's aluminium up there at least

>People far smarter than you have been thinking about this idea for far longer. It's been feasible since the '80s.

I've read many of these papers. it's a waste of labour compared to making do with Earth


the moon is in a vacuum, you might be able to use an electrostatic charge to deal with dust.
of course PV is nicer than a solar thermal concentrator because it's just one solid piece that makes electricity, but STC does have better tolerance for the harsh conditions of space. What's the radiation pressure on the moon, will that harm the longevity of PV ?
How much is the temperature difference between sun and shade on the moon? If you are looking at semiconductors, it might also be worth to consider peltiers if the delta T is high enough.


>you might be able to use an electrostatic charge to deal with dust
possibly yes. but everything being electrically connected might work against you. you want high voltage to keep current low and efficiency high. but this means you also set up an E-field that will throw dust around. what might work is a thin net over everything that is appropriately charged. you have to be careful though - too positive and you attract the negatively charged dust, too negative and you attract the positively charged dust on the ground

>How much is the temperature difference between sun and shade on the moon?

temperatures fluctuate between -170°C and +130°C (100-400 K) over each month, at the equator. the ground is about as insulating as styrofoam, so it gets cold pretty fast if you say unfurl a sun shade. things get worse if you're in a valley or crater
STC is probably a better bet. on the other hand they use moving parts

>it might also be worth to consider peltiers if the delta T is high enough

and waste all the electricity you just generated?

pdf related is good reading when it comes to space thermal systems. pages 53-56 deal with the Moon


Expand nuclear and oil power plant production

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How exactly does one to say build a flashlight that can radiate light so dense in heat that any type of contact with that light energy will cause immediate fires or fires within less than a second if not objects that melt?


Just hit your g spot, Barb.




>How exactly does one to say build a flashlight that can radiate light so dense in heat that any type of contact with that light energy will cause immediate fires or fires within less than a second if not objects that melt?
use a high power laser. remember to use safety squints!


Anything that powerful will cause instant and permanent vision damage.

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The shovel is a simple tool used to dig various substances
You can use a shovel to dig farmland, roads, tunnels, holes, mines, foundations, or digging away unwanted substances like chemical waste and mud
A shovels ability to dig however is restricted by the density of the blade, a light plastic shovel will be able to dig conserdiably less than a heavier steel shovel, remember the denser the blade the more you can dig as the mass of the force struck towards the earth when digging overcomes the mass of the ground within a designated area.


I found out that if you pour water on dirt it becomes easier to shovel


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Kek you forgot to include the part where it breaks after a year of use


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Shovels are the perfect tool to keep in your car. The best shovels are Spetsnaz shovels that can be used as an offensive tool against road rage attackers, as well as a tool to help you when your car is bogged down. Unlike a gun, you can keep a Spetsnaz shovel next to you when driving and the police will not bother you anywhere.

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Does anybody here use any Pine devices such as PinePhone or PineBook?
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When my phone dies i'm going for a pinephone. I fucking hate android


Yes. I bought a PineBook Pro to be my new primary machine. It's nice enough, but the default OS is terrible, and I haven't fixed this yet.


i bought a beta edition pinephone and i run postmarketos. the default was manjaro arm; WAY buggier and harder to use than postmarketos. but the phone in general is buggy and fragile. i love the hardware switches and getting to use a linux terminal, but the microphone is now broken and it can no longer be used daily (i swapped back to my android ;_;)

pinephones need to mature a lot before even regular linux users can feel comfortable on it. need to mature even more, for even a fraction of normies. i say, keep up the good work, and i'll buy another in a few years.


Does Tinder work on pinephones?

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Any programmers here? I thought about simulating a population organizing resources for a while. Nothing serious, just doing it for fun. Anyone tried that before in their free time? Do you have any conceptual starting points? I will start:

Type: Person
Attributes: sex, age_range
That is to predict how much resources they themselves need and how much work they can produce. All based on averages.

Type: Resource
Attributes: quantity, state
Subtypes: metal, mineral, wood, food
The attribute "state" describes for example if the resource has been refined based on some procedure. The mentioned subtypes have further subtypes of course.

Type: Product
Attribute: kcal, components
Subtypes: electronics, furniture, dish
kcal is supposed to represent the average amount of work exerted with the most efficient available tools available to produce the product.
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Brainlet here, but for the "Too simple" etc etc didn't Cockshott make an open source program in Julia for planning?
Couldn't you anons use this as a base?


Cockshott has a github with some relevant code: https://github.com/wc22m?tab=repositories


yes that works but the question is scale


Write an OpenTTD script/bot or whatever


At such simplistic level you could just structure the whole thing on iterations, so you have a simple mathematical function that takes the current state as input and transforms it according to some chosen model to produce a new state which is then again fed as input. Then just iterate to see how it behaves through hundreds of generations.

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Does anyone know a type of petrol that turns into a gas and gives off heat without turning into carbon dioxide and water vapour?
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But doesnt hydrocarbons when burned into a gas naturally diffuse heat(energy) until it returns into its base temperature resulting in it becoming a fluid again? In this context fuel is ignited turning into hydro carbonic gas before releasing its heat into the water turning it into water vapour. That released heat allows the fuel to turn back into liquid with reduced mass


no. burning stuff results in a chemical change, not just a phase change
you can turn CO2 + H2O back into hydrocarbons, but it requires an entirely different process. specifically, it requires a reducing environment. if you run CO2 + H2O over hot coals in an oxygen free environment you'll generate syngas which in turn can be turned into hydrocarbons


CO2 + H2O + 2C + energy -> 3CO + H2 (syngas)
this process requires coal and is endothermic
then apply https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fischer%E2%80%93Tropsch_process which mostly requires steam and is exothermic
I'm not sure whether the combined process is endothermic or exothermic. probably endothermic because the coals have to be red hot


What about oxygen free fuel tanks where the petrol has nothing to combust with then what?


uh.. you typically don't have fire in your fuel tank

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