>>13227>A group claiming to be Palestine solidarity activists is claiming credit for the hacks and DDoS.Yeah they probably are neither a Palestine solidarity group nor the people who done the hacks and ddos.
>In other words, this entity wants us to be mad at Internet Archive for violating copyright law.Publishers want to get rid of public libraries, that's all there is too it.
IA probably didn't violate copyright law, by any reasonable interpretation. (I do understand the irony of putting the word
reasonable in the same sentence as
copyright in present year)
And it's just madness to accuse people who run websites to be engaged in mercenary naval warfare.
There is a technical aspect. Libraries do have to pay to lend books. But during covid many people were cut off from libraries on account of "lock-downs" (horrible terminology) and could not use the book lending services. However publishers did not offer a refund to libraries, that means they took license money but nothing was offered in return.
There is another argument, the extremist expansion of copyright was not exactly done with democratic consent, powerful lobbies wrote those laws and then it was foisted onto society. To what extend copyright law falls into the category of unjust might-makes-right and justice respectively is debatable. Unjust laws are not valid, it's not a crime to violate unjust laws but it is a crime to enforce unjust laws. A recent example of an unjust law would be banning birth-controle medications, because it violated the right to self-determination and it is political interference into medical treatments. Basically medical treatments ought to be decided by patients and their doctors, without any third party interference.
If they kill Internet Archive that will create damages in opportunity cost for billions of people. The copyright pushers already have infringed on personal property rights of billions of people by infecting digital goods with malware that they call "digital rights management". So what they are doing likely isn't above board either.
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