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I'm looking for recommendations on resources, learning materials, or general advice when it comes to learning about electrical engineering. Books, videos, MIT courses, you name it. I'm open to starting with the absolute basics from Physics 101, which I admittedly have not brushed up on in a while.

In addition, I'm also interested in tinkering with hardware as part of the learning process, so any advice on that front would be greatly appreciated.
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Electroboom is unironically a good channel


Can you convert this hypercringe to webm next time


Join a ham radio club OP. Lots of people will help you learn. There is a strong DIY ethos in the community and people love sharing their plans.


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Electrikid SEETHING at the cybernetic c h a d s


>36 Mb
thought it would be smaller

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I fucking hate that non-smart TVs simply stopped being made and the "best" there is is fucking 1366x768 crap.


Have you looked for chinese TVs?
Or like monoprice tvs?

I don't know now, but a few years back they offered cheap dumb TVs.



Does anybody like this way to browse their music this way?
What are some current year music apps that have this feature
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>tfw born in the wrong generation

well then /tech/ tell what is your favourite music player to use on ya phone

preferably an open source great looking one

might be a little more trouble
but it's mostly just for the aesthetic and feel like you're shuffling through an actual catalogue of albums




consider getting a dedicated music player that handles http://rockbox.org
most popular choice is a used 5th generation ipod


How many albums do you have? 10?


idk i have 800 mp3s but i am ready to sacrifice functionality for aesthetics

oh definitely if i ever get money
something with big storage and big battery that only plays music

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I use it daily and it's great. It never crashes on me and it's easy to use.

The only problem is that it's picky with hardware. You can buy an old thinkpad to run it on and if has an Ivy Bridge CPU, you can disable Intel ME. IMHO disabled ME and Qubes gives you the most secure computer for daily use.

What do you guys think of Qubes?
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>That's the point, if you care about surveillance, you should use Qubes
Son of a petit-bourg spotted
No, anon, that's completely unreasonable and won't scale.
Whonix? Sure
TailsOS? definitely

Qubes OS? No.
But it is great for superusers and the security/privacy emphasis.


which is better for GPU passthrough fedora or qubes (how do i make the usb persistent)

im reluctant to try out redhat since they are the ones in control they force the linux standards (based on what i leaned from past chan boards)
is Xen CoC compiliant? i hope not since its not systemD based right? (rumors has it that the linux kernel contains obfuscated code)
i wish calub veim (computernewb) shared their KVM configuration since they can run nested VT-D android emulator inside the VM and DX11 games run perfectly fine how did they even do it? sorry if this is offtopic

will it work on normal generic hardware since i bought a new motherboard from a repair shop

>>8740 (apologies if i look like a glowie)
how do i disable the other security features on qubes its too inconvenient and im afraid of data loss from encryption
gpu passthrough is hard on ubuntu and manjaro i coudn't understand the tutorial (i only need VM isolation)

unraid seems promising but i dont like web interfaces also where can i find a crack


>which is better for GPU passthrough fedora or qubes (how do i make the usb persistent)
Fedora because you have one less thing in the way (no hypervisor), but you can do GPU passthrough to Fedora VMs in Qubes.


Qubes uses systemd in dom0. I read about some guy developing a fork that uses systemvinit, but that hasn't progressed into anything that you can download.

Thankfully, there is isolation between VMs, even your AppVMs and dom0. So most security problems with systemd in dom0 (which to anyone else reading, has not proven to be less secure than other init), will be stuck in dom0.

It's possible to set up a systemd-less templateVM and make your AppVMs systemd-less. It's not easy, but it's easier than making dom0 systemd-less.

As for the code of conduct, every Linux distro seems to use the same CoC template (except maybe Apartheid Linux.) It's the community that brings drama to the distro or not. So far, it has a good community, and most of the devs are hobbyists or they get independent grants. There's no corporation like Red Hat behind the scenes.

>will it work on normal generic hardware since i bought a new motherboard from a repair shop

Probably. Most of the problems are with older hardware without hardware assisted virtualization.
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> built for Linux-libre which has no MAC system and is unsuitable for security reasons because of that
Elaborate? Linux's mandatory access controls are not free software?


No, they are free software. It's just that nobody maintains a version built for the libre kernel. It shouldn't be THAT hard to do because I don't think the things Linux-libre cleans out should overlap with SELinux/AppArmor all that much, but nobody has bothered to do it yet.

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How do we get around the centralization of the web? It seems like a herculean task. I made my own email server but it took me so long just to be able to make it so that outlook.com accounts could receive them at all. I tried to do it from scratch and it would be received by google (as junk initially) and yahoo (junk initially) but not outlook (failed to receive). So I learned about Mail in a box and screwed around with nameservers on namecheap and it worked finally. But outlook still marks it as spam. A lot of people use outlook.
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There's a search engine that doesn't index the one million most successful sites, though I'm not sure about what metric they use for that: https://millionshort.com/ I admit I don't use it because it doesn't display anything without javascript.

I think a search engine excluding anything commercial would be cool, but I barely grasp how you could make that really work. I guess it would be either manually checking & tiny database or an automatic approach with tons of wrong deletions and wrong inclusions. A more modest goal would be to merely downrank stuff that is likely commercial. That can be done just by boosting sites with words like "GPL" or "Public Domain" or "Creative Commons" in their texts and punishing sites a bit for having words like "shop" and "buy" and the dollar sign (some collateral damage guaranteed, but whatever).


>I think a search engine excluding anything commercial would be cool
that is actually an incredible idea, all the caveats of the difficulty of creating a good search engine aside.


Making a search engine is not hard if you have modest goals. I'm thinking no image search, no pdf indexing, English language only, tiny manually approved index plus automatic inclusion of sites linked from these, but not automatically following links further.

Rank punishment for these:
฿ ₵ ¢ ₡ дин $ ₫ € ƒ ₲ ₴ ₭ Kč ლ лв. ₺ ₥ ₦ ₱ £ ៛ ₽ ₹ ₨ ৳ ₮ ₩ ¥ zł
.. . . . . .. . ﷼ .. . . . ₪

More downrank words: eshop, ebay, amazon, alibaba, rakuten, bitcoin, monero, patreon, dollar and other currency names spelled out.


The board software ate some of those currency symbols from right-to-left script.


I think a big challenge is removing private blog networks (PBNs) because they are practically spam and they are getting advanced at getting around word filters.

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Are commercially available fingerprint sensors a fake?

I mean how can they read the intricacies and curvatures of a phone while being so flat and tiny? I litearlly don't understand or think they're real

And wasn't a old wives tale that all fingerprints are unique?


Probably. They get so much shit on them sitting in peoples pockets and each time you use it. Why doesn't the skin from the previous time you used it not affect it? I think they do something, bu they're not "secure" by any reasonable definition.


>Are commercially available fingerprint sensors a fake?
Lets say it's a very low security hurdle.

The biggest flaw is that you can't change your finger-print, so if somebody has managed to lift your finger print from a surface you touched, the security is broken and you can't reset it. There are already black markets for finger print databases. Some smartphones scan your face instead of your finger, you can't change your face either.

You can get a special usb-stick that plugs into the charging port of your smartphone to unlock it. That's very safe if you can hold on to the usb-stick.


>a special usb-stick
Wouldn't any stick with USB-C or micro USB work?


>Wouldn't any stick with USB-C or micro USB work?
You need the special stick so it will not release the phone unlock codes unless it's actually plugged into the phone. That prevents duplication.

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Capitalism didn't create any of those things. Human labor did. Read Marx, schizo.


>It must be because the creators of this IB basically are fucking disgusting commies
You know how refreshing it is to not see fucking delusional neolibs and nazis rotting your brain away with their poorly crafted and boring tirades over and over again for once on the goddamned internet? Don't ruin the fun, libtard.


Holy shit we got the next Sherlock Holmes here.


>What's really funny and contradictory is that without capitalism you wouldn't have the hardware or internet to post or host this project from
>what is ussr computers


All that technology was developed by dynamic public and state sector research, Capitalism doesn't create technology it just sell's it.

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Chad is going to reveal people's names, job titles and other private information from web traffic. Beware!


>Chad Sneed
This CANNOT be real.


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>Umm sweaty, looks like you have root access to your phone and are using a custom rom, Looks like we're going to ban you from our app


Such a based app.
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Fair phone us friendly towards rooting and custom roms


What? It shows up fine


not when i clicked 2 days ago
does nitter self-host the twitter post?


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Unrelated but is this trick really possible?
Can I trick the behemoth to get free storage by editing some files?


okay idk why but i'm uploading google photos (lots)

and it isn't counting any storage as used? wtf is going on here

it's a new phone with no root or anything

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how much it would cost to build something to shoot that down, or maybe EMP the drones
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this isn't Final Fantasy the military doesn't use airships


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You will ride the blimp and you will be happy.


Yes and no, airships for recon still have uses if there is no risk of them attacked and DARPA is devloping drone airships that job would be just sit on a boarder and listen in to radio signals with a nation they are technically not at war with.


Hover your drone in front of it. Then when it crashes into it, you sue Amazon for $100000000000000000000000000000.


Is making money off suing companies really as comically easy as they show in TV?

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