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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature"
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>“We have been studying methods to reconstruct or recreate an image a person is seeing just by looking at the person’s brain activity,” Kamitani, one of the scientists, tells CNBC Make It(…)“These neural networks or AI model can be used as a proxy for the hierarchical structure of the human brain,” Kamitani says.
>While the idea of computers reading your brain may sound positively Jetson-esque, the Japanese researchers aren’t alone in their futuristic work to connect the brain with computing power.

Within some years privacy will be an outdated concept.


Privacy is already an outdated concept.


The brain isn't a wi-fi transmitter. You need to have physical electrodes attached in order to do this.


Only if normalfags roll over and allow themselves to be sodomized, and even pay for the privilege.




Would this be able to assist in a mind uploading scheme?

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