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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature"
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Wtf am i supposed to do with this


I have a Librem too!


The fuck is this


You got a laptop that costs a minimum of $1,570 USD. WTF are you complaining about? If you don't like it install a different distro.


Oink oink


install windows you faggot


But anon, I live in the basement


Is that you Nyx?


>Wtf am i supposed to do with this

MS shills ?
is elevendows that unpopular ?


I think they were kidding bro only gaymers use M$


What's the build quality like on these anyway? I still have a hard time justifying the price tag on my System76 machine.


Use LUKS to set up your disk drive, then install AlienBOB's "Slackware Live" edition. Switch your repo to "-current" if it's not and grab sbopkg to simplify package installation. You're going to want dwm for your window manager.

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