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File: 1608526287100.png ( 32.83 KB , 432x432 , 1565502518003.png )

 No.4951[View All]

This Thread Has Been Re-appropriated for leftychan.net Usage.

General thread meant for the discussion of the mobile app for browsing leftypol.org, known as clover.

Releases can be found here:
200 posts and 34 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Don't know why but very recently many images have started to appear as 404 only on the app. OPs and replies. Is this only me?


We've made a few changes to the site, including serving thumbnails as WebP images, without realizing it broke the app. >>>/leftypol/354722


the most cursed of file types


btw if you use it for data compression
why don't you guys also allow to post using webP images for poster

wouldn't that just save you space and bandwidth?


I can literally see 0 pics


What's the ETA on a fix for this issue?


webp sucks as format to save pictures in for various reasons, but good for web pictures that "shouldn't" or will probably won't be saved, like thumbnails.
The absolute based beast is aware and is working on it.








The crisis is over.

I thank all of the respected techie comrades that were quick to report, assist and deploy the changes needed to fix this issue.

Now, rejoice: https://github.com/PietroCarrara/Clover/releases/latest


File: 1625445460147.jpg ( 32.56 KB , 600x449 , 1625445450930.jpg )

muchas gracias comrade


>why don't you guys also allow to post using webP images for poster
Mainly because they aren't supported by most file managers and lots of editing programs. It would save us data (if people actually used them) but it would be a long-term inconvenience to lots of users.

Thank you based mobile dev.


Based update.


how do I know this apk is safe?

non meme answers please


It's open source, you can read the code yourself.


Unless you read the entirety of the code and compile it, you can't

But since Android requires the code to ask permission to do anything (e.g. "Do you allow Kuroba to save files, mr. user?"), the app won't do anything if you don't let it.


You have to go to Settings > Thread Watcher > Enable


Are you going to be able to implement the new 4chan captcha? Can't post on there with the old one.


No images work


download the latest version


If it is implemented in upstream Kuroba, I may try to pull it


File: 1626315430076.jpg ( 58.59 KB , 600x758 , https _pbs.twimg.com_media….jpg )

Any chance we could get Orbot working with Kuroba?
F-Droid has an Orbot switch


Mobile app has stopped working when cloudfare is on


how are you here anon
why did the cloud not flare you up too


For me it's working. You get the challenge then go back to the app and reload.


Not on this fork. You can try opening up a feature request at https://github.com/Adamantcheese/Kuroba


Will you add /assembly/?


Welp, time to replace all instances of "leftypol.org" with "leftychan.net".




what's leftypol.org? never heard of it


We have dynamic boards, you can already access it.

Luckly, it's just one constant. But while .org works, I don't want to change it. If there's another split, I'm deleting the repo.

Maybe I'll implement them


>If there's another split, I'm deleting the repo.
Can't someone else just do the small edit themselves and reup? Highly doubt the hostage taking of the .org domain is going to end anytime soon.


Since the domain changed to leftychan.net I can't post at all on the app :(. I just get "Error posting: you didn't make a post" mind you I was one of the guys getting this bug >>9304


I'll pass the repo to the tech team, but if we split I'll stop coding.

Okay, I'm changing it then. Do you still get many errors (excluding the ones from the domain name change)?


>Okay, I'm changing it then. Do you still get many errors (excluding the ones from the domain name change)?
Ty based app dev anon. The errors when posting never stopped with me, but I didn't really care since it posted the message anyway the only inconvenience was that you couldn't delete.


Split release, if you go to Settings > Sites > Add you can add leftychan and use both sites to just grill.

I haven't released much stuff recently, and I don't plan on doing so until the split is healed. Good grilling.





Thank you based mobile dev


The split will heal when they surrender and destroy themselves




nice blog pietro

pls review Click the cinematic masterpiece


Next post will probably be how to optimize the output of a factory using Kantorovich's method *if I can get a grip on this shit*


i understood zero of what you said
i don't own a factory man


I've been looking into what's needed for both leftychan and leftypol sites to be converted into the latest kurobas. It looks like it just needs to be imported more than anything with the correct type of chan engine.

I'm not a coder but I'm not too dumb in understanding what might be required for conversion. I've found the original source code and two potential forks we can use.

I'll make an update on this next weekend.

If you know how to do java, please let me know. We might can get this fixed way easier and probably even leave directions when shit hits the fan again.


There's two major apps that we could use moving forward.
Blue Clover: https://nnuudev.github.io/BlueClover/
Kuroba-Ex: https://github.com/K1rakishou/Kuroba-Experimental

We were very close with Kuroba-Ex but the developer is a bit of a dick and asshole. Thus why I moved to Blue Clover.

Sauce: https://github.com/K1rakishou/Kuroba-Experimental/issues/780


based thank you


Since leftypol has been added to kurobaEx, would it be difficult to fork it and add leftychan?


Why fork, why not just send in a compatibility for both patch?


You'll need two things:

- to find the pull request or commit where leftypol was added
- to be able to compile and test the app

For the first one you can look on github and for the second one you need to figure out how they build that app, are they using Android Studio? Idk anything about android development (or ios for that matter) but I'd download the source on github and open it in Android Studio and see what happens.

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