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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature"
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Because freedom matters.

If your computer still is running a proprietary prison.
And every time it fails you, your frustration grows.
When the system's not free, you will always be hosed.
Put a GNU system on and reboot it
Put it in your horn and toot it!




<The Architecture of Open Source Applications
>Architects look at thousands of buildings during their training, and study critiques of those buildings written by masters. In contrast, most software developers only ever get to know a handful of large programs well—usually programs they wrote themselves—and never study the great programs of history. As a result, they repeat one another's mistakes rather than building on one another's successes.

>Our goal is to change that. In these two books, the authors of four dozen open source applications explain how their software is structured, and why. What are each program's major components? How do they interact? And what did their builders learn during their development? In answering these questions, the contributors to these books provide unique insights into how they think.

>If you are a junior developer, and want to learn how your more experienced colleagues think, these books are the place to start. If you are an intermediate or senior developer, and want to see how your peers have solved hard design problems, these books can help you too.


>gcc, glibc, coreutils and bash are not bloatware
hello ulrich drepper


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Richard Stallman was right and with every passing day he is righter


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Couldn't agree more.


The Snowden leaks basically turned me into a free software zealot.


I sort off get this reaction but free software doesn't stop the NSA from hoovering up all the internet datas.

Did the Snowden revelations show MS Windows having back-doors ?


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It was the PRISM program, in particular. It demonstrated that propriefucks should never be trusted with communications software.


Most importantly, Skype had given the NSA full access to user communications even before the Microsoft acquisition.


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The manly urge to disappear and become unreachable


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Speaking of Stallman, not a moment after the Internet Archive attack just ended, the sex-obsessed wreckers are at it again trying to cancel an old man with cancer. They have revived the old smear pieces from 2021, this time with a completely anonymous website:

Expect to see this boosted on many Gates-funded media sites soon.


The false association fallacy trick will not work.

Many great philosophers were atrocious people (Althouser beat his wife for example) and many geniuses were fucked up weirdos. Go read up on the personal escapades of Isaac Newton, or the strange proclivities of Nikola Tesla, Pythagoras was a cultist. It had no effect on the transmission of their brilliant ideas.

Technically minded people have highly segmented minds and really hate it if you mix categories. Software licenses are not about sex. You will really annoy techies if you try to make an argument that FOSS is bad because Stallman said something objectionable unrelated to FOSS. You will set off a little distressed Mind-Spock that screams ILLOGICAL ! ILLOGICAL ! ILLOGICAL ! and then you'll get filed in the same box as the people who go to the beach to step on sand-castles on purpose or bite into tomatos like eating an apple, which is a worse box than the one used for serial killers or people who litter.


Looks like Stallman's secret admirer this time has been unmasked through some clever DNS record sleuthing. It's Drew DeVault.


So what's your take ?
Is this Devault guy just a nut-case or is there something more behind it ?


Whats really fucked up is that people ationalise it.

"Thats the price you gotta pay for greatness."

Yet they will go full menstrual over generic people doing the same shit.


>Whats really fucked up is that people ationalise it.
>"Thats the price you gotta pay for greatness."
To some extend it's true tho, the time and effort expended on learning how to act "normal" isn't available for obsessing about philosophy, science and technology.

There are other factors.

Science for example has always been opposed by something like religion applying the label of bad person to anybody who believed things that contradict holy doctrine. Theocracy has been defeated, and scientific discovery doesn't lead to people being burned to death or drowned for sorcery. But there still are powerful forces leaning against scientific discovery. Not giving a shit what others think is very helpful in overcoming that, but it also comes with the downside that you're more likely to act like an asshole.

Stallman was able to endure all the abuse he was subjected to because he cared about being correct a lot more than how others viewed him. The flip-side of that is he also would go on stage and do things like remove his socks to clip his toenails while he waited for his turn to give a speech, because he couldn't give a shit.

FOSS is still being attacked by the monopoly-mafia that wants to suffocate all technological innovation with patents and so called copy"rights". FOSS is necessary to maintain a technology stack that is open and accessible in order to prevent total technological stagnation. Otherwise you get the situation where you can't build a machine without having to wait for a 1000 IP-lawyers to bless your design. In that situation you can't build new stuff because by the time you have overcome all the IP-obstacles, it's obsolete tech that was rendered too expensive by IP-overhead costs, to be worthwhile anymore.

Unless we have political progress that liberates people from the reign of terror that is copy"right", patents and so on, we're going to need callous assholes that can build a FOSS technology stack while not giving a shit about all the crap that gets hurled at them.

Eventually copy-right will mean the right to make copies, instead of the current reality-inversion-speak where copy-"right" means you do not have the right to copy. (should've called it copy-prohibition). And when that time arrives "generic people" will no longer be put at such a disadvantage.

Also the mechanically minded rigid thinking patterns of techies that will not tolerate illogical arguments, that might be a virtue in disguise. Debates would be a lot more pleasant if that was the norm. So don't be too harsh on them.


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Drew is a scheming bastard that wants Stallman and most of the FSF gone so him and his friends can install themselves. You don't want people like Drew leading FSF because these scheming ambitious types don't give a shit about ideals or principles and will 100% sell out.

Drew already has a bad track record. He used to be a huge fascist then suddenly flipped to being a progressive trans ally. Not a trustworthy man.

Also he's a huge hypocrite accusing Stallman of being a pedophile while being an avid browser of /u/ and /c/.


I wonder if this is one of those cases where an accusation is a confession. The most self-righteous always seem to have skeletons in their closet.


I do not care about attention seekers with nothing interesting to say.

I do not care about hating on them. I do not care about their opinions.


>he bookmarked /c/
>1 of the 200 threads on /c/ is a loli thread
This is just as retarded and dishonest as the attacks on RMS you're complaining about.


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, fucktard.

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