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I know I am a little bit late to the party with this but some "anonymous" group tried to cancel rms and the FSF as well: archive.md/Pt37W (stallman-report.org). It's the usual shit: whining about Stallman's comments on Epstein, supposed "sexual harassment" etc. Basically, the author calls for Stallman to step down from the FSF and/or for FSF members to take him down.

It is already known who wrote this "report": Drew DeVault, a developer who worked (or still works?) on Wayland. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41859793


>tourmalinetaco 5 days ago

>It’s not a double standard to take the context of a writer’s desires in with their work, especially when they are actively trying to depose someone as important as RMS, and especially when the information is not accurate. What is a double standard though, based off of accurate in-context information, is that Drew DeVault is accusing RMS of pedophilia while he has a history of looking at and collecting drawings of bikini-clad prepubescent girls[0] and having VERY suspicious opinions disregarding minor female body autonomy[1].

>[0] = https://web.archive.org/web/20131007121950/http://www.reddit.com/user/sircmpwn (specifically “Kaname [Madoka] in her swimsuit”. I assume the rules regarding linking to what is legally considered drawn CSAM is rather harsh, so for those who need proof of said claims Pixiv utilizes an ID string on every URL, and the “Sauce” hyperlink will direct you to it.

>[1] “I'm of the opinion that 14 year old girls should be required to have an IUD installed. Ten years of contraception that requires a visit to the doctor to remove prematurely.” - https://web.archive.org/web/20130523180641/http://www.reddit.com/user/sircmpwn

>bringen 5 days ago

>Your second link is worth reading again, seems it has had some rather concerning updates in the past day or two.

>A post from that thread, linked below, is currently highlighted on that site's front page with the title "An open letter libeling Richard Stallman as a pedophile was probably written by Drew DeVault, a progressive open-source developer who has 10 years of history posting lolicon on reddit":


>It describes various of Drew's online habits over the years, including sharing artwork of prepubescent children in swimsuits. Perhaps there is a perfectly reasonable non-pedophilic reason for this, and I do hope Drew will return to the comments here once more to explain.

>Either way, with this in mind, it places this section of Drew's report in a rather different context:


So the bourgs are so certain in their power position th@ they pushed a notorious bullet-asking pedofaggot scumfuck to frame Stallman as a pedo, just 2 flex on everybody.


We've been discussing it here:

Thankfully the culprit was exposed quickly and isn't garnering a lot of sympathy. It looks like this is going to fizzle out more quickly this time, especially after the controversy just ignited over the US attacking worldwide free software collaboration.

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