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It's time to put that money to good use and uplift the engaging stories of FBAs instead of hurling it away simping to eceleb grifters. Donate to the Hidden History Museum today. And make this a successful enterprise, just like the Hidden Colours documentaries.

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>femcels dont exi-
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Most of the really old nuns and monks are probably virgins too, but remaining lifelong celibate without taking a vow of celibacy is more impressive.


>tfw female
>tfw getting older
>tfw no communist bf to have children with

Why even bother?


I mean tbf theres no such thing as a male incel by this standard since grindr exists and someone will always fuck ur ass


this. The only real incel would be someone who's been stuck in a cave since puberty. No matter how ugly you are you could always go to prison and spit in someone's eye. That'll get your virginity gone from you real fast.


Who asked

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Since becoming a religious skeptic i feel free to embrace socialism(in this case, NON sex-positive socialism;lenin executed harlots),anyways, to what orgs,NGOs, etc,should I donate? i am from the upper classes of my country and I feel i want to get the red ball rolling in my life.
>also can i TALK with them before i donate?i want to make sure they're nice and polite folk


Lurk more. Read the material in the reading sticky.
You're still mostly a lib.

If you want to donate money, tell us what country and/or city you're from (you might dox yourself, so take that in mind), and maybe an anon can tell you which is the most based leftist org.

Most leftist orgs in the periphery were literally killed by the neoliberal government or the US, or both. So it's likely you'll get a watered down org that can operate within the confines of neoliberalism without being inta-killed.

bumplocked because you included idpol in your OP, but I guess I'll let it slide for now.


go fuck yourself retard
>religious skeptic
a fucking faggot is what you are


>ill let it slide
uyghur who the fuck do you think you are.


go work for a wage you bitch of-a lanlord

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What the fuck is wrong with france in its current state for something like this to happen in broad fucking daylight?(nothing to do with politics)
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I didn't post the OP, but you do think is this the norm


haha hilarious


That's not a "no"


The issue here is that OP put so much attention on one incident. The implication being that black men are constantly being attacked in France. This video is fucked up and justice should be done against these fuckers but that's one incident.


>do you think this is the norm
There are jihadist attacks recorded literally every fucking day in France

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hey uhh,i know this is akward,but does anyone know how to properly get rid of bloodstains?
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oh wait you managed it?


how do i dispose of a corpse without anyone noticing


already asked the same thing


ahh,what a great day to have glowies after you

now,hiding a body,it depends on whether or not he is alive or dead:

if dead,Get a waterproof sleeping bag and bury the person head first feet up. Pull out the teeth, clip off the finger tips and toes and put them in a 2lt bottle of coke and stick it at the bottom with the head. As the body decomposes the liquids of delicious human goo will condense at the bottom of the bag(in the head, making facial recognition impossible without computer reconstruction) and the coke will degrade the finger tips/toes and teeth making identity by finger prints and dental records impossible. After a while the bottle of coke will explode from pressure built up by the fluids from the body parts and further degrade the body because of liquidation, even the bones will eventually get warped because of the coke. Nothing will leak out because you're using a waterproof sleeping bag and after a few weeks of decomp the entire body will be a gooey pile of human goo at the bottom of a small sleeping bag and as this all happens the dirt will slowly sink making the hole look natural because it will remove any marks that it was dug,you can also try to give it to pigs if you live next to a farm,but you have to get rid of the things they can't swallow,like hair and theeth.

>as for if he is alive,you need to have a basment or a place that only you have access to,make sure it has no other place to escape exept for the door,but also it needs to be ventilated,so that he doesn't suffocate,take everything it can use for escape and make it wear specific clothes,don't forget to feed it everyday,but also cut off all sources of entertainment from him,it will break his mind and make him do everything you ask for

sources,4chan and reddit and facebook and the fbi and sick fucks in the US military who did some stuff in iraq.

ok so this was a joke but for real,don't do anything you shall regret.

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lol get rekt commies
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remember,the democrat left is trying to take away your penis,and turn it to a bomb,they are behind the plot to turn face masks into hijabs aswell

>source?,crack cocain.


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You dropped this, king


What about them being a polack?


The existence of the map itself. Just look at Europe and Russia.


They could be a polackburger, which is a double cringe sandwich.

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Join us!
4chan doing event
while Globohomo trying to appropriate entire month for own propaganda
let's take entire summer for tomboys



54 posts and 26 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


And i'm a tomman




Fuck you, you won’t take my waifu away from me.


>Fuck you, you won’t take my waifu away from me.
how can you have you're husbando when he's not there to begin with



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nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


heil hitner, hitner trortsy and stain were broth, 14/88 wsa the mtoto of nationa.lsit reivliton start in rusia in 1912 by btorkyso end nhis daughtr STAKIUN READ THE NATROT BIOGRAPHYU OF JEW lenon. we explain and DEBUNK claims of ane fronk. lenon was a jewush cartographer HE devbelop anti-HIOTNER theiory, buyt trotsko killd him, then he mevod to gremny to help HITNER make his OWN c omunism revlution. we are not marxists, fuck marx, he was a uyghur. but no carolus marx was not marxist marxist is creation of donaldo trumpe (not TUrmb he natrot) HE wqsa the murderer of trotkso, he ASSIST his killingment, marx was a national trotksi as we proiobev in video "we are coming" marxism is jew and barack husein musolini CREATION! to defamation national trotk marx. later we delveop the theory of permanent national revoltuon BUILT UPON napOLEON theory and practicre. we despise uyghurs, the logical conclusion of socialism is the eradication of inferior beings, uyghurs are the prime xample of htis as quoted by bo mao in his obok, red socialism. sterber was a uyghur too, hE with HIS theory of anti-hitnerism hATED hitnerism and hitrel that is why post-right gang is OXYMRO!nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. WE fucked their moms and wil fuck YOUR Mom too if u ARE:



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/lfetyplo/ is transhumanistdom of peolpe's wwil dna burges dedancandace in bnefit of fsacist Joow Bidet adn vush, Dnolananldo trompo wsa ral protelarait prsdedenent nloy sedcnond to Tlupsi Garabat hte rael rerperesentativ of wamens friidumbz. Detha to Brebie "Gike" Sanduyghurrez treetor fo wrokeng peepo. Lnog Levi teh Fhrot Hlohodomro.


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Unitead forevar in friendship and laboor,
oeur mighty republics will evar enduare.
teh great soviet union will livae throogh teh ageis.
teh dream of a pweoplele their fortress secuare.

long livae oor soviet nomtherland,
built by teh pweople's mighty hand.
long livae oor pweople, unitead and freae.
strong in oor friendship triead by fiare.
long may oor crimson flag inspire,
shinenng in glory for awl men to seae.

throogh days dark and stormy hweare great tortky lead us
oeur eyeis sean teh bright sun of freedom abovae
and stalin oor leadar witht faith in teh pweople,
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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I didn't even know this board existed

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hear the janny transhumanist coming to block this


Literally me. Stop posting here god damn it. You're making me work.


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>Literally me
>Stop posting here god damn it
>You're making me work.



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