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Blood's on the wall

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Waking up at 8 in the morning fucking sucks. There is nothing to do for you but the world is lively.
I'd rather soon readjust to sleeping at 5 and waking up at 1. The only outside thing i enjoy (drinking) is usually performed later in the day anyways and driving my car is better after dark since roads are emptier. Gaming and browsing is better in darkness anyways.

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Every day I come to realize more and more that life is just some mediocre horror flick.In this world theres nowhere to scape to. Everywhere is hell, just different flavor


Why are you locked in the bathroom? Have you tried getting a job?


what the fuck is even happening anymore, man

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The term "Normie" is also called "Normalcy Bias" which is the psychology of thinking that life will continue "as normal", despite the occurrence of obvious, abnormal events such as the partial breakdown of society that we're seeing it in our cities, not so much yet in the suburbs or country-side.

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Fast food sales have been down due to rising prices, high inflation, and a tight economy. Some fast-food chains have quietly raised prices, which has led to consu me rs spe nding less. For example, Yum Brands, which ow ns Taco Bell, KFC, and Pizza Hut, reported weak er-than-ex pected sales in the fourth quarter of 2023

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Water is a real issue most people never get their head around everything required to aquire and process water and the infrastructure to contain and store it.

Designating a latrine and trash collection point is also a stealth consideration. Better thermal can show that a hole was filled in, due to the mixed soil layers heating and cooling differently than the surrounding ground. Even if they mistake your cat holes as fresh land mines, they know the site is occupied.

Crapping on the ground is worst, since they'll know you don't have mines. It also offers a rando the chance to find you and collect a bounty for reporting your location.

Trash can also be recycled in support areas, even if collected from a site you have abandoned. Some people know how to smelt and cast aluminum into useful items and some plastics can be shaped with heat and used like a poor man's kydex.

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the most commonly shoplifted item is baby formula. And we wonder why the birth rate is down.
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Who dat?


…I gotta go…




We need a government of action to fight for dommy troons
captcha: 2 agp yb


>Not breastfeeding
That baby was never gonna make it

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I know IT is mostly after these sort of threads, so he can now take a screenshot and show his audience how misogynistic and ´out of touch with reality´ I am.

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Most of us (at least I would like to think so) are autistic and can barely function in today's society. Also I see a lot of nazis here. You do know Hitler would had killed every single one of us for our subhuman genetics right?

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If Colorado secedes, my greatest concern is Cheyenne Mountain, and all it’s capability.

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