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Reminder that its ok to misgender Chris Chan because its done heinous shit.

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i am never going to use linux. all of the conventions of unix annoy me. the fundamental philosophy of unix annoys me. the only half-decent unix-related system is Mac OS and that's because Steve Jobs was a massive cunt who correctly insisted that every single unix related thing about it should be papered over so that nobody is aware that a good chunk of the system is actually shit.

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Soviets were workers councils historically formed after the 1905 revolution in Russia, but they were also formed in Ireland during the Irish civil war. It's kind of like the inversion of going on strike. When a union goes on strike for better pay, better work conditions, etc, they stage a walkout and make their demands. Soviets however are an armed occupation of the workplace, with the declared intention of taking over the workplace and owning it, and the workers taking all the profit. Due to financialization it's practically impossible to pull off these days. If a bunch of workers took over a factory and kept working inside of it, and selling the products, and managing it like a co op, the profits would still go to the capitalist in the form of digital deposits of money. At least in the early 20th century when workers took over a factory they could actually sell the commodities produced there for physical cash and, barring the armed intervention of the police or military, the capitalist could do nothing about it.

These days I think it is more important to form labor unions, tenant unions, workers cooperatives, militias, mutual aid groups, and political parties separately to meet the modular needs of a revolutionary movement, and then to get these organizations to cooperate based on a democratic centralist plan, where they argue, vote, and then exercise discipline in carrying out the plan without self-sabotaging even if some people didn't get what they wanted in the vote. Although this is all fantasy and we're really just getting capitalism and climate change and endless war until tech bros finally automate enough stuff to kill off 90% of humanity due to "redundancy"

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I think whats interesting is the class politics of conservatives overshadowing racial politics, where you can be a "based black guy" small business owner or academic (like thomas sowell) and be part of the "american" national identity against the underclass and communist china. Even in the underclass is the culture of "hustling" for money and the ambition of "black excellence" in some circles; but a general culture of "self-improvement" and entrepeneurial spirit that seeks to reignite the middle class.
Theres a right wing youtuber called "academic agency" who predicts this trend of subverting the "woke" for "fresh prince" civic politics in the coming years in the same vain. Where increasing representation of black suburbia and so on will dominate our consciousness.
To me this seems likely even in britain where a growing contingency of "based brown guys" are increasing in right wing media, dressed in suits, with perfect british accents and so on.
Ive noticed that there is definitely a white-latino alliance in america, and a similar white-indian one in the UK. To me this is drawing the lines of class interests in a proxy segregationism as nationalist feelings sprout up across the west. A lot of western politicians and thinkers right now are "based immigrants", especially canadian-americans ive noticed.
and ofc in all this is universal homophobia and transphobia as the last ditch effort of "common sense" unity against the woke mind virus


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OP is copy pasted from a post on .org


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all of the conventions of unix annoy me. the fundamental philosophy of unix annoys me. the only half-decent unix-related system is Mac OS and that's because Steve Jobs was a massive cunt who correctly insisted that every single unix related thing about it should be papered over so that nobody is aware that a good chunk of the system is actually shit.

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i'm just saying

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the US should send troops into Mexico to stop the cartels

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China will invade taiwan because it is inevitable that it be invaded. It's hegelian dialectics, not chinese imperialism. Whether china "invades" in 2030 to roaring fanfare from the locals after the kuomintang builds the first taiwan-mainland bridge, or america succeeds in its plan to worry china so much about encirclement that it lashes out and invades early, is the real question.

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Trump is largely just a culture warrior imo. He's not a "socialist" by any proportion. Or even slightly intellectual. And ever since he's been out of office he seems to have turned back on his isolationist reputation by all this chivalry around russia and israel.

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no troll shit I've only read the lenin article the defeat of ones own government so there's a good chance a missing a huge chunk of the picture here but iirc I thought that was specific term for not supporting your country in an imperialist war not just doing anything to bring down your country in general.

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