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the history of the United $$nakes and its culture. the US only exists off the stolen land of millions of indigenous peoples who were genocided, in many cases by essentially normal civilians (i.e. non-military combatants) who were given free reign to engage in settler colonialism against millions of people whose backs were up against the Pacific Ocean and, thanks to the Monroe Doctrine, with not even the hope of other European countries getting into competition with the US. this combined with the US starting off as a colony itself that broke off from Britain after a bourgeois counter-revolution of slaveowner aristocrats created a relatively unique situation of a country that came into existence out of nothing with no culture or history, whose founders were essentially arch-reactionary bourgeois having a tantrum at the fucking British Empire because they wanted to pull out of North America after the Haitian Revolution and various slave uprisings had started to convince them that it simply didn't make sense for the good of the Empire to continue the practice of slavery.

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customs of the Jews are base and abominab customs of the Jews are base and abominab customs of the Jews are base and abominab customs of the Jews are base and abominab customs of the Jews are base and abominab customs of the Jews are base and abominab

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I had a class called Sociology of Minorities that was very interesting.

One point was that Americans initially loved Chinese people because they were such hard workers. In California papers they were praised as awesome new Americans!!

Then, it was discovered the the Chinese were sending all of their money to china. When they were done, they would move back to China. So, they became hated because back then money was "real" in that it was based on gold, and so they were taking money out of circulation, and insulting the country by leaving.

As I always say, show me a hated group and I will show you the reason why.


The "jew" thing is a form of "virtue" signaling to other jews, that's why it's in articles. It also says to non jews "I am untouchable" and is a low level form of terrorism.

I wish the Chinese would take over already and get rid of this nonsense.




Actually they were hated for the same reason every other immigrant wave is hated: they were outcompeting other workers for low-wage jobs.


>As I always say, show me a hated group and I will show you the reason why.
The reason usually is just the ruling class making said group a scape-goat. You already made this thread. why did you remake it ?


foreigner workers are scabs
radlib meme

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I had a class called Sociology of Minorities that was very interesting.

One point was that Americans initially loved Chinese people because they were such hard workers. In California papers they were praised as awesome new Americans!!

Then, it was discovered the the Chinese were sending all of their money to china. When they were done, they would move back to China. So, they became hated because back then money was "real" in that it was based on gold, and so they were taking money out of circulation, and insulting the country by leaving.

As I always say, show me a hated group and I will show you the reason why.


The "jew" thing is a form of "virtue" signaling to other jews, that's why it's in articles. It also says to non jews "I am untouchable" and is a low level form of terrorism.

I wish the Chinese would take over already and get rid of this nonsense.




Actually they were hated for the same reason every other immigrant wave is hated: they were outcompeting other workers for low-wage jobs.


>As I always say, show me a hated group and I will show you the reason why.
The reason usually is just the ruling class making said group a scape-goat. You already made this thread. why did you remake it ?


foreigner workers are scabs
radlib meme


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lmaooooo. I thought that was movie thing. I guess it made sense back in patriarchal times but still doing that shit in 2024 when women are the privileged class is cucked beyond belief

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every revolution in history was participated in by 4% of the population or less. Hunger is a phenomenal motivator, because it's so instinctive and basic,but simultaneously not at all debilitating. A hungry man will be just as fast and strong as a full one, but he'll be angry and want food, NOW, no matter what. Governments subsidize food to keep revolts from happening.

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——eifj9ew8jf9 clean this up j a n n ys 9wjef98jwe908jf09we
When will dorky millenial online activists and state sanctioned leftist influencers (i.e., teachers with twink tok accounts) realize they are making the right seem cool?

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is when my beloved nation tl;dr
Back to the mines nazoid.
>went from an underdeveloped feudal monarchy to an industrialised superpower
By exploiting underdeveloped nations & keeping them in the same colonial status like with Cuba, which couldn't scramble the sugar production precisely because of the policies of the US SU, which sparked constant bitterness in relations between the sides. What a thing to celebrate, nigs!
>despite its achievements it still fell
*Because of its achievements in capitalist development it could be radically restructured by the party elite into a new set of entities where they could gain even more power over production relations by reforming the internal policy, even if that would result in the destruction of a union agreement.
What a thing to celebrate, fags!

It's like your shitty marxism instantly evaporates whenever there is talk about your sacred nazi cows, huh! Very marxist of you indeed, cucks. Keep working for your nazoid dindu shitholes further, faggots, only then you will finally have your real true actual (we even have to constantly remind you of this) socialism for one nation

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is is exactly the kind of shit that's holding the left back.

>I don't think we can expect <minority> to team up with a bigot…

Actually that's exactly what communists must demand. And we must demand the reverse of this too: bigots must team up with minorities they claim to

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Canadian glowuyghur is also a pedophile. This is important news -appreciation for the theory that upholds our political ideologies: As such, we have decided to revive the reading sticky! This thread will be dedicated to the sharing, discussing, and general banter about various leftist thinkers, theories, and political outlooks.

But, other than that, we believe there are other important reads that must be addressed, especially, for beginners and those just now getting into le

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