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Redpill me on the Mcdonalds 6 piece chicken Mcnuggets. What did they mean by this? What is Mcdonalds doing behind the scenes?

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I can't function properly because I hate people. I don't want to interact with them, see them, hear them, smell them, be with them or be like them. To such an extent that even watching or consuming media and reading makes me feel disgust. Anything that a human has crafted or has had any relation to is despicable to me. I hate waking up and experiencing another day with you. I'm struggling just writing this post to you because I'm certain I will only get responses that align with the fact that you're subhuman.


Why are comics expensive?

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Russia has still failed to defeat Ukraine. This is like if America invaded Mexico and got bogged down 50 miles from the border, the green berets and navy seals slaughtered en masse by regular mexican army, the US forced to rely on boomer militias and convicts to hold the line, and ultimately Mexico counter attacking and taking over a third of Texas.

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they cal me haitian p diddy the way i eat that kitty

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How should a late 20s year old in their first relationship act?
I don't feel anything strong for her. She seems perfectly fine. I just don't feel anything in principle.

Yes I want a "normal" life, a wife and children. Not intensely. But it seems like a good idea.

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it talks about premature puberty not attractive girls

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The octopus image is typically a covert indication of international Jewish influence.

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>"just get a STEM degree bro"
>"it'll fix our society bro"
>"you'll earn millions bro"

>gets a STEM degree

>like everyone else
>no jobs available
>hundreds of thousands of dollars in student debt
>ends up working as a menial server

>"lmao you should have gotten into trades bro"

>"that's where all the real money is bro"
>"apprentice for 2 years and start earning big bucks early bro

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What if we established underground communist communes and simply outlived all the capitalists?

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This, unfortunate what has happened with all the looksmaxxing brainrot uyghurs incapable of being sentient, that's just how it is, I block them, don't give them upvotes and hope they go away. The other day I accidentally bumped one of their threads, realized it and deleted it so they don't get dopamine and nobody else has to see their posts. They remind me far too much of the average r9k poster. Pointless demoralizing low quality shit.

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