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It's a good story about how some people become sociopaths, in my opinion.

In the book, he was a super genius trapped in an ugly body.

He didn't know he was ugly at first and had a pleasant mind and wanted to be around people. However, when no one gave him a chance and he kept getting rejected he got angry and vengeful.

that's a comment on how people treat each other.

Then, he wanted a female version and he was going to live in the Amazon away from people. But Dr. Frankenstein wouldn't make the female, and the monster flipped out.

There's never been a good movie version for some weird reason.


94 version was good

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I noticed that all of her veg friends had divorced parents. After awhile when they started preaching, which was always, I would ask, "Are your parents divorced" and they would be stunned because it was always, yes.

Hitler and his crew were vegetarians and he had a broken home.

I believe that hurt and neglected children identify with animals and see the animals as themselves. So, when they are talking about animals, they are really talking about themselves.

So, they do not love animals but rather it's a way for them to lash out and punish people because they didn't have a good life.

I love animals and wish we didn't have to kill them, however, I know it's natural to do so and animals mean nothing to me beyond what they are.

In short, vegans are talking about themselves, not animals.


There's a particular brand of liberal that doesn't give a fuck about any social issues concerning people, at home or abroad, but once some animals are hurt they are all up in arms. Fuck those people.

I do like animals, I wanna get a cat.


Good thread, veganism and other anti-meat movements are anti-human and anti-science.

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Swallowing the Black Pill

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fuck you faggots. you can't stop me

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High school is too late.
Start in middle school.
But irony was, vocational classes were common in American schools until the 1970s/80s becaise of liberals whining about minorites being "discouraged" from higher education.

Fast forward three to five decades and every ethnic minority in West Europe and North America is just a an alternative suburban failson due to their parents signing them over to the liberal order to "give them a better life."

And of course these "failsons" arent lazy. Theyre spiritually castrated by Angloid suburban schooling.

Most postboomer schooling overfocuses on "social skills".

Nowadays, Gen X/Millennial progressives are saying that trades or industrial participation is a waste of youth.

Theyre advocating to raise the starting age of adulthood to mid-twenties/early thirties.

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They oppose climate action, defend fracking, and receive donations from Exxon Mobil.

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>To show vulnerability or to cry in front of a woman is regarded as emasculating or effeminate, sometimes even by women themselves!
That's a misconception. There is a difference between being vulnerable and whining. Women have a problem with the latter.Especially when the guy is whining and not having any solutions. At that point your no different than a kid that wants mom to solve the issue.
>but if a guy talks about how lonely he feels to a woman he might come across as a "loner" or "creep" or in some way "dangerous" to her. It might be that another man understands those feelings better.
You need some context for this scenario. If you are talking to a woman and say "I am lonely" without evening getting to know her comes across as creepy because your basically asking her to fix it somehow. If you actually passed the talking phase you can mentioned it in a productive way. There are also lonely women(albeit for different reason but still the same feeling) and men who find lonely men to be failures and creeps. Another lonely man can understand but it would be up to the person to actually do something about it. Lonely men can spiral into loathing the opposite sex because deep down they have a problem with them.Ignoring women will never solve the problem because heterosexual men find them attractive and when they go out with their brotherhood one member will try and chase a girl and the cycle continues.

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Based! All women are capitalist, therefore their domination is justifiable!

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Reminder that facts come before your feelings and that being right is more important than being nice. Also edgy leftism characterized by the use of slurs, a rejection of liberalism, advocacy of a worldwide revolution and dismissal of socialism in one nation as well as a rejection of woke idpol and the realization that ethical consumption does not exist under capitalism is the only way leftism will ever succeed in our world.

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