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In this post, I would like to talk about Marxism. I would like to express my thoughts on one of the biggest influential ideologies ever to have come to humanity.


What I find interesting about Marxism is its
scientific approach in regard to oppressed peoples and the freedom of those oppressed peoples.

It is interesting to see how "capital" is one of the biggest exploitive systems.

People work, and get paid little–the lower class people–unable to afford basic necessities on their own.

Can anyone else elaborate their thoughts on the peasantry and their experience with exploitation?

These are just one of my thoughts on the interesting ideology of Marxism.

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How much longer till we can gulag all the christfags? It wont be long until we're all living in a worldwide christian theocracy because we keep letting these freaks have a say.(Reposting content from other websites verbatim may result in a ban.)

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There are four classifications of women that are far more psycho than [the rest]. They are:

1. Woman with a criminal record (number one in the psycho classification)

2. Any woman who uses drugs of any type. Warning, this includes pot.

3. Any woman who works in any capacity in the sex for money industry……prostitute, phone sex, porno, stripper, nude pictures, hooters girl, shot girl, any job selling alcohol where looks are a factor (ie almost any job serving alcohol, except as a bartender/waitress in the most classy establishments).

4. Any woman that has been in a lesbian relationship. By that, I don’t necessarily include bi/curious girls (lol, all women are bi/curious, despite what they may say). No, I mean any woman that has had a woman as sole-sexual partner on a regular basis.


More coal


Im gonns have exclude the corollary on number two.

Also number four is also iffy

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Adulthood is way better than childhood.
The reason why most people think the opposite is because popular culture has fried their brains.

People are weak and immature.
They do not want freedom.
They want someone else to make happiness for them just like their parents did.

Childhood is limiting and castrative especially in the postmodern era.
Adults condemn children for being innocent and idealistic but then freak out when kids develop precocious/worldly instincts.

"Its a shame that kids nowadays are so cyncial."

"I wish they were more naive like I was at that age."

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>Adulthood is way better than childhood.

This is absolute cope


explain then why misopedia is normalised then?
Why do people blame children for any faux pas

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I wanted to express that I would like to find out if there is any way to offer myself for marriage and give a person the possibility of obtaining European citizenship in exchange for a monetary arrangement with me, thank you.

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I'm thinking about making a website for people to rant about capitalism and certain corporations (name and shame) basically a cross between glassdoor and antiwork. Do you think there's a demand for this?(Reposting content from other websites verbatim may result in a ban.)

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What's the consensus on abortion?
I'm for the right to have an abortion, but I'd never let my own baby be aborted (I'm a man).
Just think about the evil scum who'd be willing to create a life and then take it away like that when it's most vulnerable. They're exactly NOT the kind of people who should be procreating, and especially not if they're going to be raising their offspring themselves. The lesser evil is to let the life be taken early rather than let generations of idiots and psychopaths reproduce themselves and raise their children in living Hell.
Basically my morality is abortions for thee but not for me, which I think is how most people view it.

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Question to black Americans, why it seems black brothers so obsessed with white women?

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it's insane.

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A new study has found that popular smart TVs from Samsung and LG are constantly monitoring users’ screen activity, taking screenshots as often as every 10 milliseconds. This is called Automatic Content Recognition (ACR) and it captures images and audio from your TV to see what’s on the screen and then uses that data for targeted ads.

The study by a research group led by Yash Vekaria from University of California, looked at how ACR works on two of the most used smart TV brands. Their findings on arXiv showed that Samsung smart TVs take screen events every half second and LG takes screenshots every 10 milliseconds. …

The data is then analyzed using AI to compare it to a massive media library to figure out what’s on the screen. Advertisers can then serve ads to users based on their viewing habits. Crucially, the researchers also found that ACR works differently by region; in the UK, TVs didn’t send data during broadcasts, while in the US, data was sent even during HDMI usage.


I had hoped that people would wise up to Samsung TVs after the Vault7 leaks revealed the CIA was using them to spy on people.

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