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Do you?

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War is very important to politics, in many ways. One of the relevant aspects to many /leftypol/ users is the delusion of present-day peace in the Western World since the fall of the USSR (up to the 2021 RF invasion of Ukraine). The idea that invasion only happens in small patches outside of Europe, North America and Oceania, that we're enlightened and were past that.

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My body has been ruined by childhood morbid obesity, I will never look good or be fuckable, and will be killing myself soon.

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Marxism-Leninism and social democracy failed, and they failed for the exact reasons many communists not belonging to either camp said they would fail, that does not mean the proletariat cannot abolish capitalism, only that they haven’t up until now.

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the work of slaughtering pigs

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Right wing races:
Brahmin and Kshatriya Indians

Left wing races:
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those are a minority.
Black people are superstitious so theyre spooked by atheism.


Despite religious beliefs, blacks still have greater revolutionary potential than the other groups listed. They are the most proletarian in character.


Yes. For instance the jews.


? This is some pol-brain rot.


t. has never even met a black person once


This entire conversation is stupid. There is no racial hierarchy of left and right. Get these generalizations out of your head. Black people are neutral, different ones think different things. The question of who the most working-class or revolutionary race is is a fundamentally dumb question.

Poor widdle baby, everyone totally secretly hates you because of your specialboy religion.

That's our resident Hasbarist you're replying to.

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I was reading about hazing and rape initiations in the U$ army. What they do is take away the emotions of anyone joining (if they had any before) and turn them into psychopaths. The rules of war should not be applied to U$, Zionist or UKKK soldiers because they are truly evil. The same probably applies to any standing army of a state that is volunteer based and not conscription based. Torture them, gut them, stick their heads on spikes, there is nothing you can do to a U$ soldier or veteran that isn't acceptable. One less soldier is one less a warrior of the people will have to kill. Guerrilas and people's forces are truly heroic standing against these real life monsters, it brings me to tears thinking about what brave Hamas fighters have to deal with on a daily basis facing the inhuman Zionist genocide machine which screams death from the sky, but they still fight, come up and blast the fuckers out of this earth, using strategy to beat brute force, smoking the zionist pigs. NOTHING they do can come close to the evil these soldiers do on a daily basis. Shoot helicopters down pull the crew out and put them to death. Death to Amerikkka and death to the colonial entity.

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Society is a fucking scam. We traded thinking for institutional indoctrination, those who questioned authority and the mammon ways were deemed renegades , the plebeians elucidated that the patricians knew better and hence they should flagitiously cinch the govt , the financial system , the press and ofcos the manufacturing industries … our education was deemed broad , the fucking muggles were to be tutored on operating machinery, render service than achieving their heart desire , they shouldn’t know how appurtenances work or how it’s built , service and work hand in glove with the machines , the machines got better and neoteric , man didn’t so it was way cheaper to have machines do everything man could do w little to no supervision on part of the chaperoning hue-mans. the true esoteric gnow-ledge was suppressed , we were adumbrated to third world consumers ….they have us stuck to the lower chakras. We’re delaminated in intellectual, social , monetary , economic , religious classes. The Mind of man is never slake , we were stimulated to having things we didn’t need for the fear of being left out through advertising.
I mean … we unction rent on a house we barely live in , the land is never ours so we pay for shit like property tax , take out loans on cars that we don’t own , work a 9-5 that meagerly makes paltry that will last by the end of the month , the money you earn is food 🍱 to mouth 👄 and sometimes , it petrous covers that. You still have to pay 💰 with tax on what was already taxed whilst buying groceries and products that are taxed but have to pay tax on that as well. Our snollygosters are either pedophiles , sodomites, wef ,cfr , bilderberg , freemasonry owned or all 6 of those.

All told this planet is a fucking ghetto. Everything wrong with this planet is solely on hue-manity. We’re doing this shit to ourselves. It’s fucking disgraceful

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Straight males are:

Overwhelmingly reactionary
Responsible for over 90% of every single crime and atrocity you can imagine despite being only 40% of the world's population
Mostly homophobic and mysoginistic
Responsible for every war in human history

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>attack the prisons
>Slaughter psychiatrists
>hang cops on lightpoles
>Burn the churches
>Liberate all animals
>Torture to death conversion therapy experts
>Behead wilderness camp workers
>Feed juvie workers to the inmates
>Did i say murder psychiatrists?
>Politicize the youth
>Instill the spirit of rebellion in a man once enslaved
>Uphold destruction as a cure for cruelty
>Arm the people with small arms and cyanide
>Bury caches of weapons everywhere to make gun control unachievable
>give voluntary arson classes
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Based and redpilled

and frankly I'm getting pissed off at ordinary people for continuing to go to work

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