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I'll go back to school and work a 9-5 when Heroin, meth and Adderall are over the counter like Alcohol and tobacco is. I told the parents that I'm not okay with working and my reason. I said I am going to kill myself if they don't give me monthly $200 to spend on my vices (videogames, Heroin, weed, tobacco). I told them they are the selfish ones for reproducing in a world where Heroin is illegal for recreational use. If that didn't work then I would have just told them I have a small penis (or if I was a female I would have told them I was a rape victim. you get the general idea, just pretend you suffer from anything extremely awful to manipulate them)

when I was 27 I tried threatening suicide for $300 (500 pressed xanax bars) and the parents had called cops and I was sent to the local hospital "holding rooms" for 72 hours. Fine, next time I'm feeling blue I'll just kill myself (no pun intended)

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I spotted this dark web game specially titled "ABOMELOK0408" the creator is apparently some snapchatter that goes by zoeeeeeeeee89 it has been hard trying to find full info about this game can someone analyze it in a VM?

game link: http://bcloudwenjxgcxjh6uheyt72a5isimzgg4kv5u74jb2s22y3hzpwh6id.onion/dl/URI:CHK:57kkwph323dehuofosu372t6qm:hvwwogggspuldbreeubbl6jdm4ym5nrw2muq2hdu2opzqpthr4kq:3:5:77544807/ABOMELOK0408.exe.zip
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>muh true leftist
nice sectarianism


The creators name was zoeeeeeeeeee89 it was 10 e instead of 9 my mistake sorry.


new link because OP's link don't work I tried it analyze this weird shit and tell us what you find!

new link: https://file.io/BHECQI74URP5


If it makes it easier to get in touch with the creator copy and paste this: zoeeeeeeeeee89


OP the game was made by someone from Snapchat and I will provide the links of zoeeeeeeeeee89 admitting it I don't know what it's about tho.

zoeeeeeeeeee89 admitting: https://thebarchive.com/b/thread/912415948

Here you go OP just message zoeeeeeeeeee89 if you want to know what the games about.

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Asian girls confirmed for following monstergirl rules of reproduction.It's almost like stereotypically East Asian traits tend to be genetically dominant, while stereotypically White traits tend to be submissive recessive.

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How do I do it?

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every story and every wise saying from every culture. The fact women love sex is well know and well documented, the obly reason for someone to willing infect themselves with a seed that will make a "parasite" grow inside them changing the way their bidy looks and works forever.

Sex is just THAT good for women, issue is men have always been uncofortable with that so they forced them to repress it, victorian times and all that, but now they are being able to be more free again, but are still in this awkward stage of transition. The whore stigma is still strong dispite the sex positive views.


Its more that young women are pathologised for wanting sex.
Theyre forced to keep the innocent little daughter persona for men.


Female copulatory vocalizations, also called female copulation calls or coital vocalizations are produced by female primates, including human females, and female non-primates. Copulatory vocalizations usually occur during sexual intercourse and are hence related to sexual activity. Vocalizations that occur before intercourse, for the purpose of attracting mates, are known as mating calls.

In primates, copulation calling is typically observed at the end of mating[2] and there are vast variations in between species regarding its occurrence, frequency and form. It is agreed that coital vocalizations fulfill an evolutionary purpose[3] and that they serve as adaptive solutions to problems that the females face, such as infanticide, as well as obtaining high quality sperm.

copulatory calling predominantly occurs before copulation in order to attract mates (mating call).
One of the main purposes of females vocalizing is the induction of mate guarding behavior in males. Conversely, calls may also be used in order to attract high ranking mates who can prevent intercourse with the initial partner.This is done to incite male mate competition.

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Why do people tend to shift right as they gain more life experience?

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i liked the comic where the girl said she's autistic

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only legal ones. In addition, their culture is filled with drugs and murderers, so don't complain when people overreact to Mexicans in the US.

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when the Japanese left the independence movement was mainly communists in Korea, and they transferred power to the people's Republic of Korea. but the US didn't like that the whole Korean Peninsula was turning communist, so they imposed an anti communist puppet state, which became the Republic of Korea (south). it was run by Korean guanos who were living in exile

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