There are four classifications of women that are far more psycho than [the rest]. They are:
1. Woman with a criminal record (number one in the psycho classification)
2. Any woman who uses drugs of any type. Warning, this includes pot.
3. Any woman who works in any capacity in the sex for money industry……prostitute, phone sex, porno, stripper, nude pictures, hooters girl, shot girl, any job selling alcohol where looks are a factor (ie almost any job serving alcohol, except as a bartender/waitress in the most classy establishments).
4. Any woman that has been in a lesbian relationship. By that, I don’t necessarily include bi/curious girls (lol, all women are bi/curious, despite what they may say). No, I mean any woman that has had a woman as sole-sexual partner on a regular basis.
More coal
Im gonns have exclude the corollary on number two.
Also number four is also iffy