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Adulthood is way better than childhood.
The reason why most people think the opposite is because popular culture has fried their brains.

People are weak and immature.
They do not want freedom.
They want someone else to make happiness for them just like their parents did.

Childhood is limiting and castrative especially in the postmodern era.
Adults condemn children for being innocent and idealistic but then freak out when kids develop precocious/worldly instincts.

"Its a shame that kids nowadays are so cyncial."

"I wish they were more naive like I was at that age."

"Its important to have a cringephase in youth otherwise you end up as a toxic person."

These are all real sentiments shared by adults particulary of the Gen X and Millennial breed.

The anti-precocious sentiment that reeks in modern adults is telling of how weak-willed society has become.

Why else do Millennials whine about "adulting"?

Adults whine about how socuety is becoming like 1984, Idiocracy, or Brave New World, yet the way they punish children for expressing autonomy is exactly why society is going that way.

The institutionalisation of adolescence, along with the rationalising it as a legitimate stage of life, and its increasing agespan is paramount to the dumbing down of society.

Generation gaps are caused mainky by adults selfishly projevting their childhood customs onto the newer generations.

Childhood is being forced into a hugbox where the advances of technology, fashion, ethnographics, etc are to be cancelled out.

Vast majority of reforms or regimes are based around "think of the children".

Humans are the only species that actively retards their young.
Most other species goad if not encourage their young to be independent.
When animal babies start walking, the parents take them out hunting and foraging.
When they hit puberty, the parents trach them mating rituals.

When ther babies start walking, they throw them into playpens.
They shoot them up with psych meds to stop them from playing outside.
When they hit puberty, they put them on curfews and religious youth groups.

If you sincerely belive that the only time of happiness in your life is when you couldnt buy anything for yourself, wipe your own ass, nor openly talk about sex, then you dont deserve to complain about oppression.


>Adulthood is way better than childhood.

This is absolute cope


explain then why misopedia is normalised then?
Why do people blame children for any faux pas

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