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I'll go back to school and work a 9-5 when Heroin, meth and Adderall are over the counter like Alcohol and tobacco is. I told the parents that I'm not okay with working and my reason. I said I am going to kill myself if they don't give me monthly $200 to spend on my vices (videogames, Heroin, weed, tobacco). I told them they are the selfish ones for reproducing in a world where Heroin is illegal for recreational use. If that didn't work then I would have just told them I have a small penis (or if I was a female I would have told them I was a rape victim. you get the general idea, just pretend you suffer from anything extremely awful to manipulate them)

when I was 27 I tried threatening suicide for $300 (500 pressed xanax bars) and the parents had called cops and I was sent to the local hospital "holding rooms" for 72 hours. Fine, next time I'm feeling blue I'll just kill myself (no pun intended)

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