For fuck's sake, you morons, the small percentage inside the vol team who are actual /tech/ies are working their butts off every day, yet as a typical end-user, I receive NONE of their glorious achievements as INFO.
As it currently stands is basically split between two specialized groups: /techies/ (who do most of this shit) and non-/techies/ inside the vol group. "Interestingly" the latter group has a rather lax daily work schedule when compared to /techies/ proper.
Is this normal? Moreover, is this how a leftist group, let alone vol-team should function? That 3 bugs a day are being eradicated by the /techies/ and 1 new feature is being added every day, for the non-techie vol is merely something to acknowledge.
For God's sake, lazy ass non-techie vol,
START DOING YOU JOB FOR ONCE!!We are literally in a war with!!!!!
Where is your contribution and how does it mirror the contribution of our techies??
NOWHERE. You are being useless, lazy, and boring, merely making sure that "every day challenges" are being taken care of.
This attitude of yours is COMPLETELY AND VISIBLY pathetic. We wan't none of it, you understand?
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