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Idea: add a random flag to posters that didn't choose one (only on /leftypol/ and /b/).


But why?


That I don't know.



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Can anyone explain to me why literal bigot and sexist shitposting about idpol is allowed despite clearly being against the rules? Or is misandry not idpol?


Doesn't really seems fair that said poster is allowed to shitpost idpol and some others get bannes for similar conducts
24 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


damn my apologies, you really are a special needs child


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>retarded phoneposter v retarded torposter


>he's a phoneposter too
how is that not worse


How is this thread not idpol?
Why is it still up? Kinda hypocritical, janny


These two must be the dumbest motherfuckers on earth. A fake leftcom and a fake feminist.

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Requesting support for Japanese ASCII art / Shift_JIS artwork.

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 γ ⌒ ヽ
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Thoughts on an idpol struggle session thread?

Clearly we haven't spoken about idpol in the past 2(?) years since the site-wide ban.

Maybe we need to revisit it and engage in a struggle session about idpol, not about specific idpol topics. Newfriends probably don't know what anti-idpol means, and people still repeat vulgar marxist takes on idpol.
8 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


nah it was a sorta mid to late 8chan thing, some time before the split v1 occurred, but I can't remember exactly when
the more hardline position we have now is sorta a construction of bunkerchan yes, there was a lot of allowed gender crit or other kinds of racial material analysis threads back on 8chan, but the rule is fairly consistent, just the extents to how it was enforced kinda wasn't.


Tbf it wasn't so much the problem with the thread itself, the problem was that the cancer inside the thread kept leeching out and infecting the rest of the board.


I think periodic penis flattening threads.
Once every two weeks or a month, non-cyclical, only one, and heavily modded against idpol which isn't conducive to discussion.
It was getting pretty bad and the resident idpolers had a place to call home. Their idpol bullshit started spilling on to other threads, derailing random threads on the overboard to discuss their pet issues.


The anti idpol discussion rule? I know that's not true because of the thread I mentioned, made on bunkerchan.


yeah there was usually allowed various degrees of discussion of idpol on 8chan and bunkerchan, its that the rule at its current severity only came about because of bunkerchan (and specifically the whole incel/idpol gulag debacle)

but the rule did exist back during 8chan, if you go back in the archives you can still find mentions of it at various points. it was a lot looser than now granted but it was used to form specific threads as containment for idpol topics, a good example being the old gender-crit containment bunker here

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This isn't even about me, it's about bantz being banned. Cull your fucking modteam right the fuck now assholes.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


>show us examples of posts that were deleted but should not have been
don't waste another day, apply to mensa


Or you could just describe them so we even know what you're talking about you special boy




I don't want to expose your post history, so I'll just say this:
Stop posting about trannies so much and you will be banned less often. Your current and past bans are mostly about posting trans stuff. If you want specific info about your previous bans, or your post history I could provide it.


forgot role signature

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The only understanding I have is that you are pro-censorship; you don't like what I said, but censorship is evil, and you know it, but you, like every fucking leftist tard is enjoying your fucking life while the right of us suffer. How do you come back from this? Fucking GOD, not Christ, just GOD, OK?

You take you fucking fake analysis and fuck off, you fucking kike.


>pro censorship
<Everything I don't like is DA JOOS!!!
Lol okay faggot.


>be schizo moselyfag
>get banned
>dox myself


I really thought you were a bot due to your nonsensical logorrhea and your quick succession of posts but you're just a genuine /pol/ schizo my bad, your thread is still there >>>/b/12576 just moved to /b/ where you can post.

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Ok, there's a few wordfilter I really miss :

IQ->autism level

also if you got new propositions :
navalny->new yeltsin
do11ars->Blaise "do11ars" Compaoré
22 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




Peterson > Benzo Binger


Eugenism > … wait, I need to take my meds…


no wordfilters


gave me a giggle mate
so whats the verdict ?
why no vote on wordfilters ?
I fucking knew not having regular reports of meta discussions and votes on leftypol would lead to complete apathy of the user base toward site features.

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Why does this unrelated pic, posted as part of an OP, trigger jannies so much? are you grooming him to be your next janny or something?


I created that poll - my proxies and I are responsible for the majority of 'yes' votes.
Don't derail.


>my proxies and I are responsible for the majority of 'yes' votes
ok thanks for confirming you're sages butt buddy. im moving back to bunkerchan


>ok thanks for confirming you're sages butt buddy
I've banned him several times and I created that poll because I think he's a faggot. You're under some heavy delusions here.

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What happened with the Bunkerchan split? I tried asking there but clearly that site is totally dead/co-opted.
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


The "official" narrative given by the staff of this site is
>old site had tons of technical issues
>old BO kept promising staff he'd give them access but never did
>staff opted to quietly migrate to a new site
>old BO found out, got pissed and kicked all the "coupers" out, leading to a split
>during the early days of the split someone on the old site's staff nuked all the threads there forcing a restore to a weeks-old backup
>this someone was then invited into this site's staff, making some users unwilling to migrate even though the new site had the most recent versions of the posts, further complicating things
>old site staff is now full of nazbols and probably full-on /pol/tards


>this someone was then invited into this site's staff
Small correction, he was here all along. Dollars was okay, for some reason, with some mods staying behind.


it is worth carving into the official history that d011ars said he'd do anything to keep the community together, but then actively spurned any effort to reconcile the two boards following space_'s departure while censoring any discussion of the matter on Bunkerchan. he should be held up as an example of sheer personal opportunism of the very worst sort.



Bunkerchan was well known for its persistent technical problems for years which lead the site to frequent crashes and outages especially during periods of high volume of posts. These problems couldn't be fixed that quickly, sometimes for DAYS, because the site owner refused to allow the staff to have server access, and also didn't fix the problems quickly on his own either. Also he rubbed people the wrong way by generally being a petty smug asshole. The moderators started to make their own website as a plan of last resort. Once he found out about this he got mad and decided to kick out all the mods that participated in this endeavor. The moderators refused to allow this so the site owner pulled a 'Reagan breaking the traffic controllers union' move and fired them all. They ended up finishing this site, staying here and eventually everyone migrated over.

Also at some point a rogue mod who had mod status on both sites ended up deleting a bunch of posts over there. There was only one mod who remained loyal to the old site owner and after the split, the site owner got depressed because everyone left so he gave ownership of the site to that last mod guy who is the new owner of bunkerchan.net

Now most people have migrated here and the old site is filled with right wing crossposters, spammers, etc.

Maybe its just my biased opinion but the main reason for the fall of bunkerchan was Space_'s egotism and arrogance, not by simply refusing his staff's demands, but also being very cryptic and condescending about the whole thing too, actively mocking and antagonizing them by telling them "its my way or the highway, if you don't like it, leave". Then once they did and he discovered that running the site is actually work, he fucked off and handed it over to someone else.


d0llar’s is a polyp, I’m quite certain of it by now, he has destroyed Bunkerchan and I hope he dies for it

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spoiler OP test case for catalog

generic file OP test case for catalog, will be fixed
Kickstarter workers unionize

deleted OP test case for catalog, works
Posting doesn't work for me


OK, so only the generic file fails.


After the generic file OP test case for catalog is fixed this thread can be deleted. Until then please leave it up, even though the spoiler OP test case for catalog works, because it acts as a regression test.




this is now test thread

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