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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftychan.net)

Discussions, querries, feedback and complaints about the site and its administration.
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Any plans to add image hash filters?


suck my cock bitch, I will change 1 pixel in the image and bypass your hash checker


Sounds like a fitting waste of time for keyboard warriors

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>a picture of a namefag showing his butthole is a banner
This is a new low, even for you
39 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>It is also widely supported.
Quote more than three posts prior to yours supporting that proposal.
This should be easy if it was widely supported.



No prob, it's in the next pull request.


>>7677 >>7677 >>7677 >>7677 >>7677
this ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑
simple as


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It was already made


Now fixed, anchoring.


Perhaps this belongs in /meta/, but I decided to post this on the main board since very few people even browse there and this concerns everyone.

I've been on /leftypol/ since 2017, and lately I've been feeling pretty depressed about the state of the board. Maybe I was looking at things through rose coloured glasses, but before the latest split I felt like we were just starting to recover from the 8chan days, and building a new chan identity and userbase. The board activity and notoriety grew steadily for the whole of 2020, and sustained itself for the most part even after the Burger election.

Sure, there were constant /pol/ raids and that weird attack by the Thai royalists, but that drama also bred interest. le /pol/face mem, or at least the iteration that triggered halfchan to conduct those giga raids, came from us. I remember talking to several newfags from leftist discords and subs that came to us in those days.

The board was also much, much faster. I still don't have a very clear idea of what caused the latest split, since I was away for few months, but I do know that board activity right now is back to the darkest early days of bunkerchan. And still there are people calling for bunkerfags banned from the site.

>but muh board quality

Picrel is a thread from late-era bunkerchan. While the board quality does suffer proportionally as newfags flood the site, we also get good new posters, and oldfags are encouraged to effortpost when there actually is an audience for quality posting. There are very few regular effortposters left, practically no quality shitposters (who are very important for the site, again picrel) and no threads where different quality posters coalesce to create long chains of effort posts I can enjoy while taking a shit at work.

>It's just a chan, get a life

I mostly do other things than lurk /leftypol/. I've got a job, a GF, real passions and budding interest in organizing. But /leftypol/ at it's best has been the absolute best leftist online forum, at times even news source. Everything else out there is pure shit. Even the so called "magazines" are shit. /leftypol/ has occupied an important space in the online Left IMO. I come across memes that originate here in far off and surprising places. This board has always been place that punches above its weight in terms of influence, and has been pretty close to being relevant Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
43 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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>we need effortposters, we need OC makers, we need affiliated video producers and so on. Thank you all for sticking with us for this long.

maybe if you guys weren't such autistic faggots we'd still have those people maybe we need not just quality posts which consist of the same "/pol/ owned and heres five paragraphs why" maybe you guys need to realize that the "audience cultivation" you guys have been doing for the past while has done nothing but alienate the regulars while accommodating the twitter, reddit, discord type crowd which don't need to be accommodated as they all have their subreddits, their twitter communities and their fuckin discord chat things


Make me mod


God will you fags ever shut up?
People left for various reasons and people are still here for various reasons. The board has gone over a ton of changes in the last 5 years or so, so, just shut the fuck up. You whiners are literally the worst. You're like the equivalent of a consumer whore just demanding to coom or you will "call the manager" you are literally the worst faggots on this site.

The truth is no one cares if people come from reddit, facebook, or twitter. No one cares. What we care about is if people act like faggots and you can't expect everyone to be making high quality posts. Either shape up or ship out uyghur.


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don't make him mod
i saw him eating boogers


>why .xyz bunkerchan was so good?

It's easy - Comrade space was a Brezhnevist by heart, which allowed socialist subculture to flourish. Now tell me, by this analogy, which era are we now in? Andropovism?

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>Overboard doesn't let me scroll endlessly anymore


Very upsetting, please return this bug feature immediately


Begone, web 2.0 goblin.


>You're not allowed to have a job and little free time
>You're not allowed to see this site in a compressed and digestible form
>Only neets can be engaged here




This now works again for me.

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Warning jannies, upcoming raid.
New threads must have a minimum of 200 characters.

Adding junk to increase your character count will result in deletion and a possible ban.
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Another thread for raiding us
Granted this one is about a month old.
Please do something to stop these people or at least slow them down.


lol just post good threads and ignore what you dont like.

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So just to be clear, the jannies deleted a thread simply asking Marxists how they know they aren’t wrong and what would they do were they wrong solely because the denizens of leftypol genuinely can’t answer those questions? And the only person who can is Eugene because he’s at least thought to questions these things?

How disappointing
6 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Mate, what was wrong with that person’s questions? I’ve at least been using leftypol since it was still on 8chan, that thread OP looked fine to me, the problem is that everyone memed instead of using a serious rebuttal. For instance, why is it not a fair and good faith criticism to call Marxism neo-Ricardian and promote marginalism? You may not agree with these criticism, but they are still criticisms of theory itself and thus offered in good faith. That’s why I say only Eugene responded seriously, because he rebutted the notion that marginalism is anything other than nonsense. This is my problem, the things OP said were not nonsensical nor impossible to respond to, they were actually debate worthy questions.


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I don’t mean that thread, I was talking about the one by Antifa flag that was asking why the people here are marxists


That thread was clearly spam and the IP's that preceded it where posting more pol spam. It was just bad faith pol spam, anon.


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die in a fire you /r/socialism refugee

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I dont want to connect to a fucking cl*arnet ponnyfag site just for chatting with my international comrades. Do they pay you jannies or something?

Also if you do adding a usermap like Kholchan has (approximate location of course) would be kino


You seem confused, it was never ours.


Check the link to /ref/ in the header (and notice it's hosted on another site)


It's part of GETchan and existed before /leftypol/





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Are we sure the IP counts on the front page are accurately counting the TOTAL number of unique IPs? It seems suspicious that 380~ ips would be only leftypol but double that for the whole site.


I believe there is a known issue that the Total row is just the sum of the other columns, so yes, it's not the total number of unique IPs. That said, IP addresses is a very loose measure anyway (some phoneposters have a new IP almost per post, Tor is counted as a single IP address).
The total row should be removed but there's so many priorities I don't expect it to happen any time soon.

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Anyone else having slow load times for pages? I've been having them for the past few days


bump - still getting the lag on page load


Tor node or plain internet?
Incidentally, the devs have been looking at making a few small changes that may help.


plain internet

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So, we've managed to sustain over 3k for a week now.
Fuck, bros, nothing is in our way. Could the future really be ours? Could we see growth beyond 8ch levels now that nothing is stopping us? Is the future actually looking up for leftypol?


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>over 3k for a week now
No wonder the post quality fuggin dipped


was halfchan down or something?


Post quality hasn't been THAT bad, lol.

Actually yes, but, it was only for a few hours. I heard about it and by the time I went on break at work it was already over. Obviously it was trivial and had little to no effect on us. This is natural growth/people finding us again over time that we lost from the split, imo.

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