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File: 1621645268152.png ( 3.2 KB , 1299x33 , class based idpol.png )


Ok idpol is against the rules. I get it. This is a Marxist board, we are trying to raise class consciousness. So then what is "class based idpol?" How do we invoke class consciousness without being "class based idpol?"
15 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>I feel that discussion of whether the Soviets did or did not commit ethnic cleansing is justified
Also fuck off liberal. You really should be removes from the mod team.


I guess you're right, that thread does have more than a hint of idpol. It probably should have been moved/anchored, but on the other hand 'urban and rural' threads are a staple on this board. Tell you what, you're right, I'll anchor that thread too.

Sorry you feel that way.


Alright fair enough. I think everyone hates hypocrisy more than anything else. There is no way to argue or debate with a hypocrite. I was arguing I guess fascetiously you could say. I know you can't really moderate a popular viewpoint out of existence, but how do we elevate the discussion to actual changes we could make vs. vitriol against landlords and capitalist and crypto investors and whatever?


class based idpol is when you talk about "working class landlords" because the bloated parasite sucking up the money of their victims while contributing less than nothing to the world has a northern accent / is a hick / etc.


Well, I invite you to join the congress if you'd like to have your input on moderation policy.


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Someone makes a shitty thread on /b/ = most probably ironic, thus cool and good
Someone makes a shitty thread on /leftypol/ = unironically bad, thus deserves to get deleted instead of moved to /b/
Do you agree? Yes/Yes


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Can anyone clean up /anime/ please?
And yes, I use the report function.
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


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Sorry for being insistent, I just think it's not worthy of its own thread and e-celeb talk in general is pretty low quality. i.e. that thread stopped talking about whatever point the youtuber was making and instead went on to discuss the person making the point.


Please try to steer the thread back into the initial subject.


Just admit e-celeb threads are inherently going to be low quality lol


Week I was genuinely interested in what you had to say


Sorry I don't want to bump bad threads? I miss when e-celeb shills were universally despised.

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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Imageboard Janitors, I've been involved in numerous raids on rival chans, and I have over 300 confirmed bans. I am trained in moderation techniques and I'm the top rangebanner in the entire moderation team. You are nothing to me but just another alt IP. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on Leftypol, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Jannitors across the CIA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the glow, faggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your IP address. You're fucking banned, summerfag. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can ban you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my keyboard. Not only am I extensively trained in manual moderation, but I have access to the entire arsenal of open-source moderation bots and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of leftypol, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" post was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking banned, newfag.




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>As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Jannitors across the CIA
you fuckin wat?


you have no power here


What is happening? Absolute retard posts made by crypto-reactionaries and essentially no good posts in the meantime. Jannies doing absolutely nothing all day. Fuck you D00lars, you need to be assaulted with a baseballbat.
For real though, why not clean up all this mess, especially when its reported? Vidrel, but replace Biden with Jannies


You could liink some posts here like so




OP is not a troll going by post history. Thread is sincere and not so shitty to merit action. Let another janny disagree if they will.

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Every website needs some money right?

Let's be real, every video we upload takes quite a bit of storage. This storage ain't free. And I never saw any add on this website (good), but I don't see any obvious way to donate either (bad?)

So how do we pay for it? Do we have some good Samaritan? Do you know where the data is stored or do you allocate this to some amazon server or whatever?

How does this thing work?
Vid somehow related.


Every little thing you do is stored attached to a cookie, IP, user agent and timestamp.
Each month this data is processed and sold to marketing agencies.
Source: I work at Google.


Well I perfectly know that, I use TOR and noscript when not. But leftypol has no cookies anyway so you can fuck right off and let someone who knows better answer me.


George Soros finances it


The site was being paid for generously by our former admin Krates and our tech expert Zer0. Now Krates has left for personal reasons so we may have to look into other sources of funding. If we need to do so, we will open up the site for donations.

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>banned for evasion

Do you not know how to count? I was banned 12 hours ago, my ban already ended

Stop being fucking retarded
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Hurry up and fix this shit, retard jannie.

12-12=0, which is why I was not banned when I made those posts. In case you actually do not know how to count.


If someone did that they acted beyond their authority.
Go back to /pol/ or act like a normal person. If you do that you can't be banned cause you aren't visible to a mod. There is no way you could be unbanned after evading 100+ times.


I was told my ban for "evasion" ended on May 13, I made a thread because this shit happened again before because I thought my ban ended on Aril, but apparently i was wrong. An admin, posting with the admin tag told me I could post after May 13 and so I did. I was never told I was permabanned.
Give me a fucking date until I can actually post then.


Nice witchhunting lol. I only go to /pol/ to buttblast /pol/tards


What is this shit, I am not spamming anything, I want to discuss why I am getting banned without an actual reason. Having a heated discussion is not a bannable offense, it does not state so in the rules.


>Give me a fucking date until I can actually post then.
Ok in two weeks on the 30th of May then, if you cooperate and stop evading. I don't know why you bother since you'll just get banned again and again as you can't stop racially abusing people and other quintessential rightoid behavior.
And repeatedly evading to bitch about your ban on /leftypol/ is spam. You found your way here so I know you know where to put this too.


Where the fuck have I racially abused people, the post about colonialism was not racially motivated and I made that clear several times

But whatever see you in June

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The Israeli-Palestinian conflict general gas resulted in an increase of IdPol retards, when are you retards going to adress it?
Here's an example:
>Oh sorry we were too busy eating hotpockets to notice it
Some retard janny already banned a poster there, but apparenlty he forgot that ALL FORMS of IdPol are banned, including retarded liberal IdPol

Do your fucking job correctly and give a handslap to the retarded janny that didn't do his job correctly


I agree there has been an uptick in idpol due to the happenings, but, that anon in particular is kind of being sarcastic don't you think?


>Sectarianism and racism against a certain ethnicity with a coat of red paint just to appear related to leftism
>Lol it's sarcastic

You are well aware that actual racists posts that shit against le ebul whites. The only way to have a quality board is if jannies actually enforce the rules


Let me guess, you have aspergers?

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YO why the adms are not adding new banners? the banner thread is getting new banners for some time now without any being added

What is happening? did we reach the maximum number of banners? if we have already reached the maximum number of banners it's time to expand it
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


>red schwarzenegger upside down added
>mussolini upside down not added
I feel as if there are several users not getting the joke


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Add this as banner plox?


Jannies are busy LARPing about de-radicalization of /pol/yps


Banners have to be 300x100 pixels.


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Another version

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Why are you so fucking useless at the one job you have to do? Fucking stop being mods if you can't do that one thing you do right >>>/leftypol/237011
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


This is the first time anyone has ever complained about that thread


Hey faggots. >>>/leftypol/246257


Do your fucking job


Use the report feature. Mods don't monitor this board for reports as often.


Is it actually that hard to stop shitposting on one thread about a very serious ongoing event? JFC mods, sort your shit out.

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