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I'll keep it as brief as possible.
Note: This is only ONE mod's idea. It does NOT represent any other mod's wishes except my own.

- Geo-political content and happening threads represent a large portion of threads on /leftypol/ (close to half?).
- Lesser known happenings, news, global south happening generals, but specifically non-geo-political leftist discussion topics, sink more quickly.
- First few pages are high value real estate.

- Split /leftypol/ board into two clusters.
- Cluster 1: geo-politics, history, happenings, news, country/region generals, etc.
- Cluster 2: Anything that isn't the above, viz. general leftist discussions, theory, etc.

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22 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>Unless real life keeps killing our devs
did one of our devs die ?


Only figuratively.


>Tentative names for Cluster 1 are
>- /geo/
>- /politics/
>- /world/.
/politics/ is too generic and overlaps with /leftypol/.
/geo/ could be confusing (geography, earth, ecology?).
The benefit of /world/ is that it automatically frames all threads as related to the world-system. Hopefully it will remind people not to view happenings idealistically as atoms in the void and think about how they're related to each other. The same word is also used by media to group together all "world news", so people already have that association.


I don't know, it sounds like cluster 2 would just be a more focused /b/ and cluster 1 is what /leftypol/ is now.


I don't know, it sounds like cluster 2 would just be a more focused /b/ and cluster 1 is what /leftypol/ is now….

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The recent filtering of the word "chu.d" into "FAGGOT" is unnecessarily bigoted and racist towards Baltic and Finnic peoples.

Please take it back and thank you.


kike -> kino


Good. They are all a bunch of uyghurs so they deserve it.


Pls do this mods, so we can detect /pol/ cockraches easily.




"Baltic Finns" would actually be a funny wordfilter for it, unlike the chan culture cringe we're stuck with at the moment.

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These are notable archived threads which were saved on the bunkerchan website itself complete with working files but were unfortunately not transferred over to leftypol.org by the mods.
Bunkerchan is now only available over TOR and will probably go down even from there within this year. Save any files and make any screencaps you need from these threads while you still can. Archive links are also provided in cases where they are available but these only saved the thumbnails.

All links collected from:
Originally bunkerchan.net/archives.js before the redirection

Id: leftypol/8537
Name: For New Anons and Lurkers: FAQ, rules, and reading list
Date: 08/05/2019
Link: http://3uruyn3iu4vqpbo2mx2s2qatourvgtzpadzlvdxo5trxe6zldp5tjcyd.onion/leftypol/res/8537.html
Archive: https://archive.fo/mlrGj

Id: leftypol/8622
Name: OC Thread 4.0
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


1300123 archive: https://archive.fo/Kdkuf
1202251 archive: https://archive.fo/Gbae6
1171034 archive: https://archive.fo/JKl9a
b/12358 archive: https://archive.fo/XKaaa
b/5711 archive: https://archive.fo/K699s
1041002 archive: https://archive.fo/wTVto
984007 archive: https://archive.fo/D2jhw
719970 archive: https://archive.fo/Yh5mG
489257 archive: https://archive.fo/Yqzaj
edu/400 archive: https://archive.fo/xS3xT
gulag/3941 archive: https://archive.fo/aoby9
gulag/2437 archive: https://archive.fo/Al0vX
gulag/1928 archive: https://archive.fo/WIR5B

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Our janitorial team is 60-80% "anglo" (Canadian, UK, USA, AUS, etc.), while our posters are like 60% non-anglo.

How come?

Makes me THUNK really hard.
71 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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>Like has been pointed out already ITT, most agree there were excesses.
Lmao, the usual handwaving away of the issue, typical ML. There were excesses, BUT everything they did was basically right. Fuck off with your hypocritical partyspeak dip.

>That doesn't negate the fact that on average it was way better than the ancap-logic type moderation that was the overreaction and has stayed with us from /leftpol/ -> Bunkerchan -> leftypol.org

First, leftpol had not enough critical mass of posters and was overrun. Leftypol on the other hand has.
Second, nice smearing hands-off approach with ancapistan, typical ML again. Ancap is an economic position, and what we discuss here is politics. Your aversion to all things free is characteristic, especially your position on a degree of actual free speech that we have here.
I say it again, ban spam, cp, guro etc., lock especially cancerous threads or move them, but take it fucking easy and let the userbase battle it out by themselves. We don't NEED your overbearing assistance like a fucking vanguard or whatever. Fuck off with your ML cancerous mentality.


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>I suffered repeated bans from BO
<I was fucked in the ass by a banhammer too and I liked it!
okay buddy, I can see why you have that flag

>took a long time to break from the Anglo mental conditioning

you're stokholming hard


>The Nazis trying to exterminate entire groups of people “whitewashes” their crime
<Obviously the only way to uphold the sacrifice of the Soviets is to deny that the Nazis sought to exterminate all jews rather than acknowledge they sought to exterminate all slavs and roma as well!
Temperature of the universe after Heat Death occurs IQ


there is nothing more cringe then wanting the moderation team to push your personal political ideology.
people take leftypol far too seriously as a political entity and nowhere near seriously enough as a discussion board.

here's a radical idea: if you disagree with someone and they're not a tedious rightoid, argue with them, mock them, have fun with it. you're not the fucking checka, you're not here to protect some revolution. every single user on this board could join the US military tomorrow and the main historical effect would be a chart in stars and stripes magazine being a little bigger than it would otherwise be.

uncritical support for US intervention in Cuba, uncritical support for the balkanization of russia, uncriical support for the invasion of iran, uncritical support for america going back into afghanistan, Liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our times, Taiwan is not china, uncritical support for the overthrow of the Kim dictatorship, uncritical support for an invasion of Venezuela, the Bolivian coup was good, Israel is the only democracy in the middle east, and if there's any other countries you like, i hate them too.
no, not really, idiot. but look outside: look on Russia today, look on pressTV, look on KCNA, look on CNN. what do you see? i said the words and nothing changed. they aren't magical incantations and this isn't a wizards tower. they're just line noise on your internet signal.


You were buck broken lmao
Its okay to say Iran is bad and repressive tyrannical regime that needs human rights. Acknowledging the truth won't cause the sky to fall down. No one will care

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Like seriously what happened several minutes ago? How can some people post gory images such as the one with the islamic terrorist tagline (where Samuel Paty's beheaded head can be seen). And also why is one post praising Kyle Rittenhouse? Like are those posts from /pol/ or is that a collection of /pol/ false flags disguised as antifa discussions?! Or is it just a spammer, posting useless things with a bot?

Are we attacked just now?
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go back faggot


And now you're harassing me? I'm just asking you guys what happened several minutes ago and counting into this exact moment.


> I'm curious what's happening inside their minds.
Lead poisoning. https://www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2018/02/an-updated-lead-crime-roundup-for-2018/
Tetra4Anon seems pretty based from the posts I've seen, let him stay.


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Yo Tetra4Anon, replying to dumb troll posts doesn't help. That person comes around occasionally and responding just gives them attention. They're doing it to get a reaction. That's what's going on in their head.


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This site is being flooded with low quality rightoid bait, then the mods ban any /pol/ack shitposts. The quality of this site has taken an alarming dive.


That fag has been derailing thread after thread for days now.

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No fun allowed mod abusing his power again(USER WAS BANNED FOR SNITCHING ON THEMSELF)



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Remember our times at 8chan about 3 years ago?
Holy fuck it feels like yesterday bros
Well, on those days we had what was called 8ch.pl . Well, not really tbh, dunno who had that website. The thing is that, when you searched for /leftypol/ on google (as many /pol/tards would) they would end up in 8ch.pl/leftypol instead of 8ch.org/leftypol and thus, their raid would fall on a literal desert, instead of our board.
Thus, I shall propose to all of you Operation Jupiter, as a tradition of socialists, we name our operations with the name of planets, and this makes sense since Jupiter protects the earth from asteroids.
In the .com version of leftypol, we should still have some moderation so they don't post cp or some shit, and that's about it. Maybe mirror the threads made on actual leftypol but the posts made on the .com version aren't seen so they fall flat on their message and so on. Also, their threads would be put into the .com version, instead of into the .org version, of course.
Hell, make it obligatory for them to do a "user" to give us their email so it makes it even fucking funnier seeing them give their emails to us, making them sign some contract so they can't protest against us for giving us their email and possibly passwords cause they're jackasses. But this maybe is out of the focus of what Operation Jupiter really is about.


First step is to get banned by google.


Polcel raids are so lame nowadays. Honestly the inner drama among moderation on this website is way more dangerous than any polcel raid


No, it also takes away any newfags



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Should we just start banning pol and ancaps on sight now?


no, taking b8 is a storied leftypol tradition. we should however get rid of threads that devolve into really boring repetitive shit, as nazis and ancaps often cause.


Fucking yes.
This shit policy of moderation where we "be nice" and try to "convert" these full-blown retards is a fucking liberal holdover to the policy of PROPRIETARIAN 8chan admin Hotwheels.
It has no place in our community anymore since we got our own domains.


how about redirect posts to new board where autists who like arguing with them can do it
maybe it should be called /gulag/


It could become a complete cesspol if left untreated, but its an option

If so posts should be deleted after certain amount of time, like every 24h to avoid any culture forming and spreading to the rest of the site
The sort of posts that usually get saged or locked would be moved there along with the retards who post in them. Right now what happens is the moment they get saged that kind of posters spread to every other thread and shit everything up, that way they'd fuck off at least for a while and could even engage in other threads there to never come back. Plus other posters could go there to shitpost and trigger them when we get bored, and d e r a d i c a l i z e like a good /gulag/ we would get some good memes while at it

It's a containment that is needed, I think its a good idea. And thread making should be prohibited but no idea if jannies can do that

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Ive noticed a huge amount of right wing crossposting uptick in the months since the bunkerchan merge. You have tons of conservatives and polyps posting unironically, esp. on /b/

Does anyone else notice this and what is anyone doing about this?


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It is our mission to de-radicalize all reactionaries in the Anglosphere and all over the world. We will fulfill it.

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