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Our janitorial team is 60-80% "anglo" (Canadian, UK, USA, AUS, etc.), while our posters are like 60% non-anglo.

How come?

Makes me THUNK really hard.


Stop, autist.


stfu, already

anglo mods r based


yet you speak in English. Curious!


Non westerners do the jobs that westerners are too spoiled and privileged to do. You are all fucking petite bourgeois. I only respect janny-kun.


You had me in the first part of that, ngl.


Who the fuck cares? Fucking ameriloid and your idpol obsession. I just need the mods to be on for 24/7 to stop raids and that’s it.


>Who the fuck cares?
workers, posters, regular people…

>your idpol obsession

aim this at our vol team, actually

>I just need the mods to be on for 24/7 to stop raids and that’s it.

That's gr8, yet you suck big time.


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>believing in the anglo meme


>workers, posters, regular people…
Huh? By which you mean Americans again.


I'm not aware of any Australian janitors on the team. The mod team are definitely Americentric in their decision making but the vast majority of the time they do their jobs well.

I'm all for them targetting non anglos and especially Eastern Euros & Indian comrades as they tend to be the most based IF/WHEN there is a need to expand the mod team. I'm not in favor of bringing in non Anglos for the sake of diversty like some bourgeois PR dickery especially if it just ends up in some hyper Americanized brahmin/upper class st petersburg shutin narcissists using it as an opportunity power grab and shitting up the board though.


They probably just need to kick Caballo and things will improve.
>counterrevolutionary doomer
Like wtf that literally cannot have good impact mod-wise
idealist revisionist defeatism
My guess is that a lot of crap filters through when someone like that "moderates".

Which brings me to my main gripe: STOP BEING SO CONCILIATORY TO /POL/CUNTS
>but we need to impress these fascists by showing how tolerant (???) we are


Most people who shit on the mod team, never apply for the job whenever there's a recruiting campaign nor are they willing to actually give some of their free time for this community (something that can also be observed in IRL political orgs). Therefore you'll be "stuck" with this modteam for quite a long time I'm afraid.


if i wanted to work with retards i'd be a nurse


Vote for me for moderator comrades!
>non anglo 3rd worlder
>Absolutely opposed to holocaust denialism (If you try to post that shit here you get the ban for being low IQ) it's a good way to filter Nazis.
>Unlimited mobile data plan, can moderate and ban nazis on the go
>Trotskyism and Dengism get the boot too.


Literally "muh iPhone"


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Sounds good, you got my vote!


>Trots get the boot
>Dengists get the boot
>Board dies in a week


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>regular people care about the alleged ethnic composition of the leftypol.org moderation team


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It would be reborn like a fucking phoenix


Does "Dengism" mean "critically supports the modern PRC"? Because if so, everyone except like, 3 people would be banned


If you're a 3rd worlder why do you care about the "holocaust" or it's supposed deniers, which would include the entire former Warsaw pact as they rightfully rejected the historical revisionist Zionist lobby narrative of a "holocaust" specifically targetting Jews and correctly lumped the millions of Jewish victims with the broader victims of fascism.

Even if you take it at face value and separate the millions of Jews from the 30 million+ other victims of Naziism for whom the entire narrative of a "holocaust" serves to whitewash, as a genocide it was absolutely nothing special and pales in comparison to British and French atrocities, ie in India where the death toll from British colonialsm is well over a billion total.

Your fixation on Trotskyists in unusual too if you're not from one of the few TW countries with any kind of Trotskyist movement, ie Sri Lanka or Pakistan. However much I despise the trots your talk of banning them & the dengoids comes across as sus.

You vibes you give off either pin you as a self hating, deeply mentally colonized Hyper-americanized/amercan obsessed pety bourg. I may be totally wrong but based on this post it just sounds like we'd be bringing in another radlib which is absolutely unacceptable.


I'm absolutely critical of this weird idpolly diversty for the sake of it bullshit & whinging about the mod team but this is a pretty retarded response. So if a person doesn't have an excess of free time and energy to spend modding the site then they have no right to criticize policy?

Criticize the whiners for their dumb Americentric idpolly arguments rather than this "Muh Iphone" tier shittery as >>8157 pointed out.


>If you're a 3rd worlder why do you care about the "holocaust" or it's supposed deniers, which would include the entire former Warsaw pact as they rightfully rejected the historical revisionist Zionist lobby narrative of a "holocaust" specifically targetting Jews and correctly lumped the millions of Jewish victims with the broader victims of fascism.

Because the first thing nazis do here is say that the holocaust was fake, saying such stupid BS means that you're low IQ and it's a waste of time to debate with you, that's why you should be banned.

I don't think any actual leftist would deny the holocaust outright.

Reminder that Deng supported the Contras in Nicaragua and the Mujahideen in Afghanistan,if you're so reactionary that you would train actual anti-communist terrorists just because you had a quarrel with your neighbor you're a psycho, that kind of people should be banned.


Mods pretty much represent my views if they have a hands off approach, ban spam, guro, cp, don't have autistic fits, and don't FUCKING SPLIT THE BOARD.


>non anglo 3rd worlder
don't give a fuck
pretty of opportunist cocksuckers everywhere

>Absolutely opposed to holocaust denialism (If you try to post that shit here you get the ban for being low IQ) it's a good way to filter Nazis.

don't care about pol boogeyman

>Unlimited mobile data plan, can moderate and ban nazis on the go

your enthusiasm for banning people is worrying

>Trotskyism and Dengism get the boot too.

yep, another sectarian retard with stick up his arse



>don't care about pol boogeyman
We get /pol/ trolls and nazis literally every hour
There was a thread just some hours ago of some nazi faggot "redpilling" us about some Yandex search results, the mods arrived after 4 hours or so.


Old BO did nothing wrong. Current mods even less so. (Going on actions taken, actions not taken aren't included)


>We get /pol/ trolls and nazis literally every hour
more like we get pol guests every now and there and they get btfo'd if they try to peddle their bullshit
it's fun arguing with them


>I don't think any actual leftist would deny the holocaust outright.

What do you mean by "deny the holocaust"? Do I deny that millions of Jews were either deliberately killed or died as a result of massive neglect in forced labour camps, etc? No, of course not.

I reject the holocaust narrative because it whitewashes nazi crimes and reduces the victims of the hiterlite regime to 6 million people, separated entirely from real, broader figure of closer to 40 million. The persecution of the Jews was in no way separate from the persuction of slavs, communists, Roma, etc, and the entire narrative of a "holocaust" rather than a broad genocide of many ethnic groups of which the Jews was a part is promoted strategically by the west precisely to downplay the massive Soviet sacrifices which won the war & divert sympathy from the overwhelming majority of victims of fascism.

To promote the holocaust narrative, the very idea of a "holocaust" as oppossed to a broad genocide of political adversaries, ethnic & religious minorities which included millions of Jews is a covertly pro fascist, anti soviet/anti communist, pro-Zionist and historical revisionist position.

As to why Nazis cling to it, it's because the official Israel lobby sponsored holocaust narrative is frankly ridiculous & full of blatant mistruths, outright lies and etc. They just need to show off some of the more egregious claims & they can open up the uneducated to the idea that any negative information regarding the Nazi's, their attrocities, etc, cannot be trusted.

Again though, why do you care? Nazis are an almost entirely western phenomona outside of small groups of weird bourgeois larpers in some third world countries. Your obsession with them as the big bad great evil as oppossed to former colonizers & modern neocolonial masters shows your deep subservience to western culture & interests as well detachment to your own people and history. I don't trust you.


It's not about the holocaust per se, I already said that on my 1st post, I care because you can filter nazis that have absolutely no interest in real debate and just came here to troll.

There's a clear difference between "the holocaust was part of a much bigger genocide so we shouldn't focus on jews only" and "The holocaust was a complete fabrication by the jewish media! look at my /pol/ infographs!"

But I think you're too dense for this, you must be real fun at parties.


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>Old BO did nothing wrong.
Literally had an autistic fit about codemonkey restoring the board after mlp and how "codemonkey was ought to get us!", threatened to nuke the board if he doesn't get his way with userbase migrating to bunkerchan even tho people were pointing to space's autism even then and how it would be a bad idea. And this is not even touching on his retarded idea of leftypol's holy mission to spread ML anti-imperialist propaganda or something which resulted in bans on leftcoms and pretty much everyone left of ML orthodoxy.

TLDR: nice try che, but fuck off!


I may have misread your previous post. I thought you were talking about banning me with the implication I was engaging in "holocaust denial", which is why I explained my position.

My bad.


>And this is not even touching on his retarded idea of leftypol's holy mission to spread ML anti-imperialist propaganda or something which resulted in bans on leftcoms and pretty much everyone left
That sounds based ngl.


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Reminder: It's not the moderator's job to remove bait. Literally just don't respond and it will fall off the last page!


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<trying to strongarm your userbase into your personal army and splitting the board in the process, so based!


Giving feedback isn't attempting to split you fucking mong. you fucking brought it up, stfu
That doesn't even fucking makes sense you pretender. OldBO actually had better standards than they do now (which is just a lack of standards, hence letting nazis run amok)
>it's soo fun being in the company of nazis, I just loove nazis, hihihihihi
Then fuck off to /pol/

OldBO is arguably the only one that has enforced moderation like a communist. Everyone else have displayed liberal brainrot in moderation policy, to varying degrees of intensity. That doesn't mean OldBO didn't have excesses. They absolutely had. But at least there was a no-tolerance of reactionaries and little patience for clutter, wrecking and disinfo spreaders.

Again we have furry libs in the fucking mod team and zero vetting process. The situation right now a disaster waiting to happen if one does not counter its development.

Weed out the bad elements and reinforce the governing structure more consciously along socialist lines.


And by extension of my last sentence, this then also of course implies more international selection of mods.


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>that flag
>that post
How's your albania doing mate?


>national quotas in mod team
nonsense radlib cancer


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>Our janitorial team is 60-80% "anglo"
I'm fine as long as they arent shitlib (I remember there was a socdem around there), where else in the world can you be a NEET with that much time in your hands?
>our posters are like 60% non-anglo
KEK sure. Same thing applies to posters really, this site is more anglo and white than 4chan or 8chan probably ever were
Shitposting on the internet is an leech anglo cope that communists in the rest of the world are too exploited to have time to waste on
>muh representation


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Agree 100%
revisionists will seethe at this.


Make an argument any time.
And yes, international representation actually has multiple advantages, not only does it counter American exceptionalist bias in decision making, it also guarantees eyes on the board at hours of the day.
Also, I don't know if you've noticed, living in burger-vision, but the world OUTSIDE of the anglosphere is actually A LOT CLOSER to socialism and communism than you guys are. Some even have SOCIALIST REPUBLICS. I know, crazy to think about letting those people in as mods, right "comrades"?


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I'm Commander Shepard and this is the worst thread on leftypol.


Kys no one cares tbh.


>Make an argument any time.
but I made an argument actually
how is your "ban everything" approach worked for you in albania fag?

>And yes, international representation actually has multiple advantages, not only does it counter American exceptionalist bias in decision making, it also guarantees eyes on the board at hours of the day.

wake the fuck up and pull your head out of your ass, you're on an english speaking board mong!
we're all anglos here, even if you larp as an indigenious suomi or something
as rammstein had put it "we're all living in America!"

>Also, I don't know if you've noticed, living in burger-vision, but the world OUTSIDE of the anglosphere is actually A LOT CLOSER to socialism and communism than you guys are.

Lmao, I don't live in an imperial core, and I don't give a single flying fuck about your larp, I recognize my eurocentrism that I absorbed with my mother's milk. There is nothing to be done about it, it's just the way it is.

Verdict: you're a radlib sperg that larps as some "b-b-but muh indigenous kultur!" kilt hijab wearing le "my granma sucked an indian cock once" blood % latte sipping radlib mong.
Have a nice day.


Also I'm gonna take this time to clarify that comatoast is a based admin, organized IRL, good feature-focused admin style, but that the problem is mostly found in the governance outside/around by very unbased (as in anti-organization, for example) mods.
Just to really underline that I'm not advocating a split by any means, since the "core", admin, is very solid


>Were all anglos here.
You have SEA, Brazil and LatAm threads right here and you come up with this bullshit?
You're a retard, I don't care where you live, go buy a rope and hang yourself.


So many sentences
So little substance


albaniafag is a radlib sperg that argues for more crackdowns on posters
how many times do we need to get burned by these mongs to learn our lesson? I'd say enough is enough.


Maybe I've been here for too long but it seems like mods here sometimes won't notice subtle /pol/ shit. Not saying that the moderation is bad by any measure


Infracel was right all along


your obsession with crying about furries is completely irrelevant and you make anyone, like me, calling out this retard for sucking /pol/ cock 24/7, look bad


Furry mod detected


remember when cloaking reactionary shit as leftist was banned?
good times
now it's not as much cloaking as it is just shit falling out of their mouth while pretending to be "reactionary socialists"
this has been an issue since before the move away from bunker
go eat a big load of cock you faggot and choke on it you drooling retard


>Furry transhumanist Jannie
>Seethes at the drop of a hat
It checks out


>m-muh transhumanist furries though!
go on a long walk into the woods with your only friend, the rope, and don't come back you eternal /pol/ack retarded cunt


btw proving me right about the jannies being huge massive faggots cultivating retarded uyghurs like you


<Calls me "radlib" simply for suggesting to let the mod team for an international communist community to be more international to counter idealist socdem burger exceptionalism on-creep
>His whole argument rests on the most tepid of liberal "both sides" tolerance.




>remember when cloaking reactionary shit as leftist was banned?
you mean "good" times when you got banned for not adhering to "anti-imperialist" orthodox ml party line?

seethe more faggot, retarded mltards were always crying "more censorship! more crackdowns!" and when they got their way it immediately went to shit


you argue for national quotas which is retarded as any kind of quotas
only radlibs argue for quotas, eat a dick


infracel is insanely anglo. He's a typical college radlib, mixed with edgyness, and orthodox western MLism.

still waiting for someone to back up that anglo claim.


I'm not the one labeling proletarian internationalism "quotas"
Eat shit.


What about the gender quota? Half of the userbase is trans by looking at Si/b/eria and /leftypol/, doubt the mod team reflects that.


The jannies are world leading in this regard, 100% transgender rate!


All you dumbasses who campaign for no moderation had your chance with /leftpol/ and we all saw the heap of shit that board ended up as. Your approach is trash.
>retarded mltards were always crying "more censorship! more crackdowns!"
Making shit up I see. Reminder that for most of its existence Old /leftypol/ was dominated by anarchos and leftcoms, yet MLs never cried about it or decided to split the board. Anarchists got buttmad over a word filter and split the community like babies.


whats funny is wordfilters can easily be evaded after you learn what they are but they were too lazy to change a single character of "rojàva"


It wasn't just the filter lol, Che and his cronies were banning anyone who didn't adhere to their retarded mass line


Like has been pointed out already ITT, most agree there were excesses.
That doesn't negate the fact that on average it was way better than the ancap-logic type moderation that was the overreaction and has stayed with us from /leftpol/ -> Bunkerchan -> leftypol.org


Actually this was good.
I suffered repeated bans from BO back when xir still ran the board because my critique of certain countries (ex. Iran) went against xir's anti imperialist line and it took a long time to break from the Anglo mental conditioning. Having seen Anarkiddies and Trots make the same mistake I did made me realize the MLs are right in being so harsh against a falsely sincere "both sides" talking points that parrot US State Department lines.


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>Like has been pointed out already ITT, most agree there were excesses.
Lmao, the usual handwaving away of the issue, typical ML. There were excesses, BUT everything they did was basically right. Fuck off with your hypocritical partyspeak dip.

>That doesn't negate the fact that on average it was way better than the ancap-logic type moderation that was the overreaction and has stayed with us from /leftpol/ -> Bunkerchan -> leftypol.org

First, leftpol had not enough critical mass of posters and was overrun. Leftypol on the other hand has.
Second, nice smearing hands-off approach with ancapistan, typical ML again. Ancap is an economic position, and what we discuss here is politics. Your aversion to all things free is characteristic, especially your position on a degree of actual free speech that we have here.
I say it again, ban spam, cp, guro etc., lock especially cancerous threads or move them, but take it fucking easy and let the userbase battle it out by themselves. We don't NEED your overbearing assistance like a fucking vanguard or whatever. Fuck off with your ML cancerous mentality.


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>I suffered repeated bans from BO
<I was fucked in the ass by a banhammer too and I liked it!
okay buddy, I can see why you have that flag

>took a long time to break from the Anglo mental conditioning

you're stokholming hard


>The Nazis trying to exterminate entire groups of people “whitewashes” their crime
<Obviously the only way to uphold the sacrifice of the Soviets is to deny that the Nazis sought to exterminate all jews rather than acknowledge they sought to exterminate all slavs and roma as well!
Temperature of the universe after Heat Death occurs IQ


there is nothing more cringe then wanting the moderation team to push your personal political ideology.
people take leftypol far too seriously as a political entity and nowhere near seriously enough as a discussion board.

here's a radical idea: if you disagree with someone and they're not a tedious rightoid, argue with them, mock them, have fun with it. you're not the fucking checka, you're not here to protect some revolution. every single user on this board could join the US military tomorrow and the main historical effect would be a chart in stars and stripes magazine being a little bigger than it would otherwise be.

uncritical support for US intervention in Cuba, uncritical support for the balkanization of russia, uncriical support for the invasion of iran, uncritical support for america going back into afghanistan, Liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our times, Taiwan is not china, uncritical support for the overthrow of the Kim dictatorship, uncritical support for an invasion of Venezuela, the Bolivian coup was good, Israel is the only democracy in the middle east, and if there's any other countries you like, i hate them too.
no, not really, idiot. but look outside: look on Russia today, look on pressTV, look on KCNA, look on CNN. what do you see? i said the words and nothing changed. they aren't magical incantations and this isn't a wizards tower. they're just line noise on your internet signal.


You were buck broken lmao
Its okay to say Iran is bad and repressive tyrannical regime that needs human rights. Acknowledging the truth won't cause the sky to fall down. No one will care

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