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I'll keep it as brief as possible.
Note: This is only ONE mod's idea. It does NOT represent any other mod's wishes except my own.

- Geo-political content and happening threads represent a large portion of threads on /leftypol/ (close to half?).
- Lesser known happenings, news, global south happening generals, but specifically non-geo-political leftist discussion topics, sink more quickly.
- First few pages are high value real estate.

- Split /leftypol/ board into two clusters.
- Cluster 1: geo-politics, history, happenings, news, country/region generals, etc.
- Cluster 2: Anything that isn't the above, viz. general leftist discussions, theory, etc.

- Run a two week experiment: a new board to hold Cluster 1 threads.
- See if we like it or not, and if it has a positive influence on the board (see: Intended goals)

Tentative names for Cluster 1 are
- /geo/
- /politics/
- /world/.
Cluster 2 would probably remain named /leftypol/.

Potential issues:
- People might not use the overboard/overboard catalog, and switching between boards might not fall into their usage style.
- People might use one board over the other, which might cause activity to fall in general.
- People might be strongly opposed to the experiment once it starts running.
- It might make each individual board slower.
- 2 weeks might be too little time for the effects to be noticeable and/or for people to acclimate to the change.

Intended goals:
- People will find more threads that interest them and post more actively on them.
- Theory threads will have a renaissance. inshallah
- Slower happening threads will have more activity, especially generals which are less active now (Hispa, Africa, MENA/ME, etc.).

Pictures show how the board catalogs would look if we did it right now. It's not a perfect sort, but I wanted to get the idea across.

Concluding thoughts
Please share your feedback and thoughts on this proposed experiment.


As much as I would love a za /world/o board, another split is insanity. I fail to find the last separation a success, and the excuse that it being "slow" leading to good discussion has failed to stand as a argument from observing the state of the boards.
Maybe you guys should just make a /leftypol/ app or somthn, I've been hanging out in the matrix server and it's a blast to be on pc and take it with me on the go.


Interesting. I've had this idea too, due to the growth/success of the country/subcontinent generals that are so numerous.
Like our own unique form of /int/


>>7371 (cont.)
>- Cluster 2: Anything that isn't the above, viz. general leftist discussions, theory, etc.
But to also air caution: this does hypothetically clash somewhat with /edu/.


Are you aware of the Android app? https://github.com/PietroCarrara/Clover/releases/latest
As for your concerns, this isn't about splitting the site. This is about making a board with the specific focus of geo-politics, regional threads, and happenings.

yes! I think it could lead to interesting results, hopefully positive.
true. Originally, /edu/'s intent was to host discussions on history, science, math, languages, etc, not just leftist theory.

My hopes is that something like this might end up reviving interest in theory. And, /edu/ is used a lot by the /read/ communities. I think there's still value in slow boards, since the threads don't slide off as easily.

also, thanks for the feedback to both




>Are you aware of the Android app? https://github.com/PietroCarrara/Clover/releases/latest
No I wasn't aware since I run an iphone. This app should be pushed more.

>As for your concerns, this isn't about splitting the site. This is about making a board with the specific focus of geo-politics, regional threads, and happenings.

That's what /anime/, /games/, and /music/ have been created for that reason.


i already use the overboard because the site is already quite slow as it is. splitting the boards further will either divide and limit posters' attention further if people don't use the overboard, or they will switch to using the overboard which defeats the purpose of individual boards in the first place.

therefore i vote NO


>>7377 (me)
also lots of threads get derailed, so that "cluster 1" thread turns into "cluster 2" thread, or vice versa. right now that's perfectly legitimate and i don't have anything against it, in many cases it leads unexpected but productive discussions that nobody had an idea to start a new thread with.

after the proposed split such discussions could be stopped by mods and the posters sent to the other board, but rarely will one of these posters be willing to open a whole new thread in another board to continue the same discussion out of context, with no guarantee that the other interlocutors will engage with the new thread.

i can understand the split between hobby and leftypol. but "cluster 1" and "cluster 2" are much more intertwined as can be seen in how threads flow from one cluster to the other on /leftypol/.

furthermore, there's already a neglected /edu/. turn that into /theory/ for those who want to have pure "cluster 2" discussions. i would actually support that.


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The intent of the split is not to prohibit discussion of cluster 1 topics in culster 2 board and vice versa. Mods might get anal about the division of topics, and that would be a true loss since it's not super important.

I called them "clusters" because there's no clear boundary, and it is more the case that the /world/ board is a subset of topics from /leftypol/ that have a vaguely similar theme.

I don't know what to do to revive the /edu/ board, besides this idea. If you have any idea, I'd love to hear it, even if it's a far fetched idea. The goal here is to make less popular topics accessible to those who are more interested in that than in geopolitics. The first pages of a board are prized real estate, and the intent here is to double it, basically. It's obviously not that simple.

Also, in general, I'm very in favor of temporary experiments (like this two week one I'm proposing now), which I know for a fact many are not. Personally, I think we (as in the whole community) are too rigid and could do with making things more dynamic and changing constantly as situations change through experimentation of rules and moderation.

Thanks for the feedback. It's true that the overboard basically makes board distinctions kinda useless.


It's an idea that I'm not opposed to


I only really visit for specific threads in certain clusters, if this depresses the users of those threads then I'll probably use them less. This is obviously a problem if a large enough number of posters feel the same way and it depresses the numbers just enough to start making others leave. I mostly use the overboard though, so it's mainly a problem caused by the grug population who manually browse each individual board like some kind of lunatic.
>after the proposed split such discussions could be stopped by mods and the posters sent to the other board, but rarely will one of these posters be willing to open a whole new thread in another board to continue the same discussion out of context, with no guarantee that the other interlocutors will engage with the new thread.
I can absolutely see this happening.


We need a board with flags but we already have /ref/ tho nobody uses it
The simplest thing will be to make getchan visible form the verboard.


That's not a possibility in the short or mid term.
We could enable optional geo-flags on /world/ like we had back on /ref/ I guess.


While we're at it: Please bring back SFW overboard
I want the option of not having to "update" myself on what the knuckledragging coomers on /b/ are shitposting every second of every hour. I go to leftypol for communism and news. If I wanted porn, incel whine-blogs and 2D spam I'd go to 4chan (and I haven't for a decade).


That would require coding and coding was only required when the board was competing with bunkerchan.


In practice that's pretty much all existing boards except /b/ where all the shitposting is concentrated.


Wouldn't it just be an identical button that excludes posts from /b/? It seems trivially easy to implement.


It's already been coded, the finishing review before approval has been done. Unless real life keeps killing our devs, it should be here within the week.


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Great news! Very much needed


I don't understand why to split boards with under 100 users. This just causes to use overboard and post in /anime/ or /edu/ as if it were /b/.


I think cluster 1 is a great idea. And a further improvement on the rest could be if it was emphasized more / mildly restructured so as to make /leftypol/, like mentioned >>7373,
>/edu/'s intent was to host discussions on history, science, math, languages, etc, not just leftist theory
more focused on far-left politics and theory, while having academics in general, etc., on /edu/. Right now that doesn't seem clear to people. Also a further point: to either turn /b/ partially into a social chitchat and random board OR to add a leftytrash to /leftypol/ as a neutral "DMZ" type zone. It could help facilitate more comraderie and rational type disagreement forming, instead of, like in the warzone of /leftypol/, only faciliate mutual hatred and a mode of constant attack/infighting. At least that is how leftytrash was proven to have worked every time I used it in the past (mostly on 8ch/leftypol/).
Good luck with this!


>Unless real life keeps killing our devs
did one of our devs die ?


Only figuratively.


>Tentative names for Cluster 1 are
>- /geo/
>- /politics/
>- /world/.
/politics/ is too generic and overlaps with /leftypol/.
/geo/ could be confusing (geography, earth, ecology?).
The benefit of /world/ is that it automatically frames all threads as related to the world-system. Hopefully it will remind people not to view happenings idealistically as atoms in the void and think about how they're related to each other. The same word is also used by media to group together all "world news", so people already have that association.


I don't know, it sounds like cluster 2 would just be a more focused /b/ and cluster 1 is what /leftypol/ is now.


I don't know, it sounds like cluster 2 would just be a more focused /b/ and cluster 1 is what /leftypol/ is now….

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