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 No.3374[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Posting this in /meta/ as to not shit up the /leftypol/ catalog

There's been a huge drop in post quality after the split, and while I tried writing a few effortposts they mostly seemed to go nowhere. At least in the earlier days of /leftypol/ there was at a very least prolific production of funny memes despite sectarian shitflinging, but now, both new memes and effortposts are dwindling.

This "infrared" bullshit is the last straw, I create a thread about podcast suggestions and it was INSTANTLY shitted up by hazbros shilling their youtuber. Despite my efforts to debate in good faith they mostly just responded with the same sort of posturing bullshit that Vaush fans would do. I tried hiding the infrared post and just ignoring it but unfortunately those guys don't seem content to stay in their containment thread and spill out into literally everything. I have also requested the jannies to give the ability to at least hide single replies in threads (in tech feedback thread) but that doesn't seem to be on the menu either anytime soon.

I think I'm (unironically) going to reddit. The whole point of choosing leftypol over reddit was to escape the bullshit tone policing, but unfortunately we have gotten to the schizo saturation point where the weirdos outnumber the actual good people. Frankly, I'd rather deal with IDPOL and tone policing bullshit than whatever the fuck this has become. It would be one thing for a clique of autists to stan whatever eceleb there is (happens from time to time) but now you have literal jannies posting with their mod tags in threads supporting them and retweeting their shit from official accounts.

At least something like /r/communism has effortposts, blogs, and links to actually good resources from a ML perspective (and there are other sites/subreddits for other tendencies). I'd rather engage with thoughtful and edifying content thats slightly too identity centric than deal with this nonsense.

I don't want to debate or frankly even listen to debates. I'm tired. And old. My time is limited outside work and I don't have time to be watching some unhinged posturing sociopath stream for 6 hours, I would rather sleep or at least listen to/watch something funny, if not educational for 30 minutes to an hour.

leftypol was the best thing that ever happened to the internet left and I'll miss the mid 2010s "golden era" of leftypol with its memes and actually funny shitposts, but at least leftisPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
115 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Nothing of value was lost.


>he posted it again
they will never recover


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i dont even know what the fuck's going on anymore


looks like OP was vindicated seeing as haz/inf have been totally banned from the platform now


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Wait what platform? Is their discord down?

Not worth thinking about if you can avoid it.

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Workaround is typing /meta/ instead of /meta


I thought it would be a five minute thing but I couldn't fix it!


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Due to the massive amount of pedophilia coming from /GET/ and the backlash in si/b/eria. Along with the Haz drama already putting the board on thin ice. It seems appropriate to create a discussion deleting the /GET/ link.

14 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


/GET/ is our brother chan, and besides, they deleted the thread anyway. We are not going to take any rash actions over one thread. Thanks for your concern however.








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Free speech kicks ass looser. Cope.
Fuck your thought policing.

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Why was
> kontranshumanisti
filtered into "kontranshumanisti"?
6 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Amazing, this is some expert programming shit. Does it fuck up every unicode character or just uygha




The vichan docs don't mention that you have to specifically instruct the filters that multibyte characters should be treated as multibyte characters. Otherwise, by default certain accents falsely look like other letters to the PHP regex function. There are many false matches, but not all of them, as you've noticed.
This issue has been successfully fixed on our testing server and will be fixed here soon.


Is it coming with fixes like the shitty alignment of short messages next to single images?


I can, but I unironically couldn't find or create a post to replicated the issue in order to make sure I fixed it.
Can you link a post?

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>effortposts are buried under dozens of generic memey one-liners
i hate having to dig through shit to strike gold
4 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


That applies to high effort replies too.


why are you on an imageboard then ?


>ALL imageboards must fit this arbitrary preconceived notion I have of them


What is SNLT?


Socially necessary labour time

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hello can we use iso8601 for the dates
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


And fix the "Show relative time" checkbox.
Workaround for now:
localStorage.setItem("show_relative_time", "true")




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Yes please! Going middle->smallest->largest is just weird.




Remove the spaces at the sides of the day of the week for that old school look.

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how the fuck do I appeal bans after I get banned? I can't post in the meta threads over this issue and the mods here are pretty ban happy for the stupidest shit sometimes (even though I kind of get it in a way)


Evade your ban to post on /meta/.


I actually waited mine out to post just because I honestly did think I was posting too much.


>>6907 (OP)
There have been complaints about that previously >>6335 >>6412 Mods are somewhat autonomous so it can be difficult to adhere to standards. Solution is what >>6908 said, evade if necessary to clear up the problem.


Global bans should still let you post on /meta/ unless you have a /meta/-only ban.

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Remove secure tripcodes. Tripcodes are supposed to be a disposable ID for times when it's relevant, not a permanent registration system on an otherwise anonymous platform.

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There isn't a bug report thread so

>Incorrect string value: '\xEF\xBDuygh' for column `lainchan`.`posts_b`.`body_nomarkup` at row 1

I tried posting this picture on /b/ with full-width text as the body.


It would have been the full-width text ("body" refers to this main text part of a post). As you can tell, your image worked fine.
We've seen a few cases where unusual characters (including some foreign-language copypastas) have caused similar-looking errors.
I'll ask the devs but I think it's an issue that stalled due to priorities and devs doing IRL stuff.


> lainchan
You have to go back.


Where do you think you are?


I got a similar error message when making a post that contained Japanese characters.


Looking at the error, I think I know what it is and it should now be fixed.
<these next two points are technical, interesting but TL;DRable
>in the beginning there were ASCII character encoding, where the values 0 - 127 that's 2^7 (7 bits), minus 1 because programmers start counting at 0 not 1 represent each character ('A' = 41, 'B' = 42, … )
>naturally 127 values isn't enough even for Europe so everyone told America to fuck off and now we use UTF-8 encoding (Unicode), where a single character can be represented by an amount multiple bytes long ('A' = 41, '☭' = 14850221, '日' = 15112101, 'a' = 15711617, '💩' = 4036989609), and in order to remain compatable with ASCII you can basically have a signal (first bit of byte=1) for ''and also include the next byte after this". A value under 256 (2^8) requires one byte, 65536 (2^16) is two, 16777216 is three, 4294967296 is four.
>however, by default, PHP's function for the filter parsing language (regex) doesn't treat messages as multi-byte by default, despite UTF-8 being used almost everywhere if you aren't anglo. So it would break the 日 (3 bytes) into three weird bits and treat each of those weird bits as letters when looking for a phrase.
>if the stars aligned and if 'found' a filtered phrase, it replaced it. Even if it was the 3rd byte of 日 and the 3 bytes of 本. It would have just ripped out the last third of 日 and replaced it with 'uygh'.
>when that string of characters (your post) gets processed later after running the filter, the broken character caused an error because by chance it's an impossible letter so it refuses to post.

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hello, i've heard the complaints about the new flags being too big and ugly. The number one reason for this is likely that the way of creating them has remained the same even as the size has increased along with screen resolutions.

I've set about trying to come up with some new design standards for flags. These are slightly smaller and use a different method than the old /int/ style flags. Perhaps this is too big of a change to be wanted. Give feedback.

Here are some I have done so far, trying not to do them all at once only to find out people hate them.


imo: if you're going to make the flags bigger, make all of them bigger at the same time.


I'm think they look nice! although I think the bright highlight are a bit too intense, especially for darker flags. Maybe halve it?


It's a bug. We are working on it. There's a lot to work with though, so.


Return to tradition and make the font size 1em/16px.

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