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File: 1621645268152.png ( 3.2 KB , 1299x33 , class based idpol.png )


Ok idpol is against the rules. I get it. This is a Marxist board, we are trying to raise class consciousness. So then what is "class based idpol?" How do we invoke class consciousness without being "class based idpol?"


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By not turning class into an identity through essentialism when it's nothing more than a relation to the means of production which is to be abolished. In that thread you reified the fact that a theorist may or may not have worked as a hallmark of merit of their theories. It's basically the difference between young and mature Marx in his analysis.


Stupid waste of internet space


Given that there are quotes around the word, I don't think the mods are literally saying that the topic related to actual class discussion, but rather the topic was class essentialist and/or workerist, making analysis that of class itself, but of the superficial qualities of those in a class, or that of certain theorists inherently being bunk because of being of a certain class or not having been proles.


> It's basically the difference between young and mature Marx in his analysis.
You're saying I'm a young Marx? Not bad.

It was still a thread made purely for discussion. Still can't see how the rules could justify an anchor.

>Stupid waste of internet space
Thanks for contributing and elevating the discourse.

>Given that there are quotes around the word, I don't think the mods are literally saying that the topic related to actual class discussion, but rather the topic was class essentialist and/or workerist, making analysis that of class itself, but of the superficial qualities of those in a class, or that of certain theorists inherently being bunk because of being of a certain class or not having been proles.
Then why not elaborate on that in the rules? Also how cowardly. Why not just argue that in that thread than anchor it within five minutes of it being posted? You know 100% this isn't the way any other fucking ridiculous thread about colored people and IQs ad all sorts of bullshit goes.


People who can't even lurk for 5 minutes and realize there's a /metra/ deserve to be banned.


>People who can't even lurk for 5 minutes and realize there's a /metra/ deserve to be banned.
Where's metra?


They got it

I don't see every thread the second it goes up.


>I don't see every thread the second it goes up.
Shut up faggot. I see the threads that are at the top of the catalogue for days on end.


For example:
Why is this at the top of the catalogue?


Also this:


Some threads we mods have disagreement about, or we might feel a thread has decent discussion despite the shit OP.

I feel that discussion of whether the Soviets did or did not commit ethnic cleansing is justified. I agree that thread is bordering on a line, but I don't know.


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Look, would you prefer I move the thread to /b/? That is also an option.


No, you felt my thread insulted your hero Marx and those threads didn't and therefore they didn't merit an anchor. You can't argue that those aren't 100% idpol threads more than any discussion of class could ever be.


This was already explained to you. Your topic was, to me, 'class essentialist' and/or treating class as an identity and unlikely to lead to any productive discussion.


How is geography essentialism in the terms of urban vs rural any less idpol? Explain in detail because I'm legitimately confused.


>I feel that discussion of whether the Soviets did or did not commit ethnic cleansing is justified
Also fuck off liberal. You really should be removes from the mod team.


I guess you're right, that thread does have more than a hint of idpol. It probably should have been moved/anchored, but on the other hand 'urban and rural' threads are a staple on this board. Tell you what, you're right, I'll anchor that thread too.

Sorry you feel that way.


Alright fair enough. I think everyone hates hypocrisy more than anything else. There is no way to argue or debate with a hypocrite. I was arguing I guess fascetiously you could say. I know you can't really moderate a popular viewpoint out of existence, but how do we elevate the discussion to actual changes we could make vs. vitriol against landlords and capitalist and crypto investors and whatever?


class based idpol is when you talk about "working class landlords" because the bloated parasite sucking up the money of their victims while contributing less than nothing to the world has a northern accent / is a hick / etc.


Well, I invite you to join the congress if you'd like to have your input on moderation policy.


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