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File: 1621130952228.jpg ( 97.52 KB , 930x712 , 1621124501331.jpg )


Can anyone clean up /anime/ please?
And yes, I use the report function.


What do you want removed exactly?


Why do we have a whole thread gossiping about some irrelevant who when there's already an e-celeb thread on /anime/ and ITG as well?


It's one topic about an anime related Youtuber, I don't really see the problem. There are also topics on edu about history Youtubers and so on. If more people complain I will remove it though.


File: 1621301919101.jpg ( 656.06 KB , 828x821 , twitter.jpg )

Sorry for being insistent, I just think it's not worthy of its own thread and e-celeb talk in general is pretty low quality. i.e. that thread stopped talking about whatever point the youtuber was making and instead went on to discuss the person making the point.


Please try to steer the thread back into the initial subject.


Just admit e-celeb threads are inherently going to be low quality lol


Week I was genuinely interested in what you had to say


Sorry I don't want to bump bad threads? I miss when e-celeb shills were universally despised.

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