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File: 1609469711931.jpg ( 35.78 KB , 640x480 , i-am-the-bone-of-my-bait.jpg )

 No.1819[View All]

Bunkerchan containment thread. Keep all tranny posts and things to be noticed in here.
701 posts and 141 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


It's cope


Yet, you keep posting here.


it takes two to make a split. arguing over who was at fault is of limited value.

do they even have that many new mods?


they apparrently have 8 mods,but it's probably impossible to know even by the other mods,like they can't check post histories,or can't anchor threads.


i like your style


>reunite with scabs who were proven wrong


Autism. Some of you really think posting online is an extension of the class war huh.


>There are two people in this world those who own and those who do not own.

Facts is facts.


larping is larping


Scabs aren't leftists. Everything is part of the class war. What happened on bunkerchan was an coup against a democratic centralist mod team to put in it's place an incompetent mod. The reason this could happen, and what happened afterwards is directly related to our mode of production and our class relations.


ngl it's very frustrating watching nobody give an answer to "why couldn't space just keep the domain name but redirect it to a server owned by the jannies, rather than asking them to dox themselves to protect himself from illegal activity"
i mean it's a good question.


I'm having fun being a chaos agent.


>why couldn't space just keep the domain name but redirect it to a server owned by the jannies, rather than asking them to dox themselves to protect himself from illegal activity
I wonder why….


lol. What are you up to?


Playing both sides, confusing the hell out of everyone, killing brain cells, the works.


>democratic centralist mod team
That group got nothing to do with what democratic centralism is. The mods weren't elected, meaning it can't be a democratic centralist system. Calling it that shows you either have no idea what democratic centralism is or that you are dishonest. And I'm not proposing that mods should be elected. This doesn't work here because user accounts are not tightly coupled with real-world persons, so the whole democratic centralist idea is not applicable.


You have no idea what democratic centralism is either.


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business idea: undemocratic decentralism


>le master agent of chaos
you don't fool anyone lol


You have no basis for that claim.


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>I trust the dumb phoneposter.


not enough scorn is being poured on d0llars for turning bunkerchan's corpse into his own jonestown rather than just merging and being done with it. .


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bunkerbros… we got too cocky!!!


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>The mods weren't elected, meaning it can't be a democratic centralist system.
pic rel


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This got a kek out of me (they did, in fact, delete)


imagine the kind of person who'd donate to the bunkerchan patreon lmao


I'd bet good money only one or two of the people saying they'll donate actually will.


No one actually would except maybe some glowies


Nah, some people are definitely dumb enough to do it. I bet they'd even justify it by saying it's for the working class.


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No fucking way bro, can you imagine the type of degenerate


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Suck my diddly ding dong


heh, if someone has not kept up with the drama and doesnt know about here, they might fall for it because having a place to shitpost is important


SCREAMING at double space guy


anyone calling leftypol "democratic centralist" is a LARPing faggot


>muh scabs
Who fucking cares?? It's not about the jannies, it's about the users, the community, you dumb fucking niggerfaggot.


please kill yourself.


okay, i know i specifically advocated against appeals to Stakhanovite attempts to get people to post more, but i'm bored so here's a proposal anyway:
Undertake the commitment to make a specific number of posts per hour under a specific flag. Because of the flag, you will be aware whether or not you are keeping pace with that number of posts, rather than simply making an empty appeal to completely anonymous people to post more, with the result that nobody feels like they own a target. Also, it will hopefully lead to a wider tendency of using flags to indicate your political leanings, which is always an underappreciated bit of context you can provide to any given post. (A Trotskyite saying a Stalinist purge was based is very different to a ML saying it, for example.)

I suppose this is less of an appeal and more a little thought downstream of the multiplicative effect of such a specific goal when things are moving slowly: 10 people committing to make 5 posts per hour (not a huge ask when that can be as simple as linking a wikipedia article in /ITG/) is +50 PPH, a not-insignificant addition.


How about you create interesting threads and see what happens from there?


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>A Trotskyite saying a Stalinist purge was based is very different to a ML saying it, for example.
Pic related. Debate the argument, not the user.


Interesting threads require some degree of assurance of getting a response.
Nevertheless I may experiment with making certain types of threads.

it's not about "debate", it's about context. lots of posts don't make an argument, but they can prompt development.
i.e. even if the hypothetical trotskyist says "based", by saying he's a trotskyist he increases the odds someone replies asking them to develop on why they agree with the purge, and even if they just say "oh, well because they were guilty" that's still a brief conversation that wouldn't otherwise have occurred.

the accusation of being sect-brained is entertaining considering that i've stated several times that part of why i use the flag i do is to filter people who can't read the argument without being distracted by the flag.


I will respond to all of them, I promise. But you have to start them.



>filter people who can't read the argument without being distracted by the flag.

>A Trotskyite saying a Stalinist purge was based is very different to a ML saying it, for example.



File: 1610428859765.png ( 1.35 MB , 3267x1935 , absolute state of bunkerch….PNG )

so uuuuhhhhh…… is Space not paying the bills or is that spam really this bad?


There's a world of difference between
"Interesting, you're a Trotskyite but you support this Stalinist purge. How come?"
Opinion discarded."

All the flag does is convey additional background information. In many cases, the kind of user who makes the second response will scour your post for similar shibboleths anyway - so instead of getting angry about your flag, he'll pick out a certain unfashionable phrase (such as "problematic" in the very literal sense of "causes practical problems") or other and use that to make the same kind of inane replies.


I think the OP images weren't backed up even though the threads were, so when threads beyond a certain age were restored they were brought back without images.


You can help by starting some too.


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what happens when people stop posting in the "so even though space has fucked off we're keeping the split because fuck it i wanna be a king" thread


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Things are looking very good to me!


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I think it’s pretty safe to say bunker is now a rightoid website.

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