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 No.2865[View All]

This thread will be dedicated to hosting and advertising anti-bunkerchan agitprop. This thread will also be for discussing the current state of affairs at bunkerchan and discussing methods for convincing the people still trapped on flunker.
491 posts and 181 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


lol you faggots are so easily triggered by words, just like the red fascists.


are you an anti-german?
whats your stance on israel?


>same old stale memes the pentagon shill used from back then
how nostalgic, reminds me of when you cuddled up on leftpol with space_, the incels and his nazbol friends


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>are you an anti-german?
no, but if you're german I just might be
>whats your stance on israel?
fuck israel


>reminds me of when you cuddled up on leftpol with space_, the incels and his nazbol friends
space was given /leftpol/ long after the split, newfag. and he let it go to shit to force a migration back to /leftypol/ and then to bunkerchan. sound familiar?


Since you are still playing retarded.
>>[OldBO] banned anyone posting about Rojava
An obvious lie.
>>Marxism-Leninism blogs you read as "theory" told you fucking Saddam Hussein and Bashar Al-Assad were real 21st century Marxists.
I haven't seen a single ML claim that Assad or Hussein are Marxists. (Proof that you still don't care to actually understand the opposing side's actual arguments.)
>>the Kurds were actually CIA agents
Well they did receive CIA training, weapons, military bases, so…?
>>their hundreds of years of national liberation struggle
The creation of a new nation state is not a "national liberation struggle," lmao, just like Catalan independence movements aren't "national liberation struggles." You don't understand the terms you are using.
>>[the kurds] were all [just] a CIA psyop
And literally nobody ever said this, because we aren't morons. It's just that you can't justify your position without attacking stupid strawmen.
>muh wordfilter
Wordfilters aren't "bans" nor "censorship" and you know it.

Sage, because you are mentally ill.


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>using the term red fascist


>and he let it go to shit to force a migration
Is there any actual proof of this?
I always thought that he let it happen because he was an incompetent buffoon.


>Well they did receive CIA training, weapons, military bases, so…?
Your arguments have been debunked: receiving material aid from another country does not make you a puppet of that country. For example, Soviet Union and every other country that received help from SU; or are you agreeing with right-wing characterisations that every ML country in history was a puppet set up by SU? Your arguments fall on their face and all you have left is "but the CIA trained them" or "they're building a nation-state!" both of which have been debunked back on /leftypol/. Which is why OldBO had to resort to banning and wordfilters to control the conversation, because that's what MLs do (see: r/communism and every other ML space on the internet).
>The creation of a new nation state is not a "national liberation struggle,"
They're explicitly NOT building a nation-state.
<And in Northern Syria, a region the Kurds refer to as Rojava (Western Kurdistan), a non-statist/stateless form of autonomy called the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria (DFNS) continues to be practiced under the Social Contract of Rojava5 since January 2014, where the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) and allied groups declared autonomous administrations, applying ‘democratic confederalism’ model of the imprisoned leader of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), Abdullah Öcalan. However, like the KRG in Iraq, the DFNS also lacks regional and international backing.6 Although People’s Protection Units (YPG) and Women’s Protection Units (YPJ) have successfully fought against the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) with the support of western powers like the United States and France, this was a military support rather than a political one. As a result, the DFNS and the model it is applying in Northern Syria has been, and still is, a fragile model that has no international recognition. Furthermore, as Matin rightly underlines, Rojava is a product of a ‘complex international conjuncture’ with the interference of global powers (e.g., the USA, Russia) and regional players (e.g., Turkey,7 Iran, Israel) and remains as an ongoing warzone where both the Rojava experience and people are in an existential struggle.8
>>[the kurds] were all [just] a CIA psyop
>And literally nobody ever said this, because we aren't morons.
you said it in the same fucking post you MORON.
>Well they did receive CIA training, weapons, military bases, so…?
<inb4 the Kurds aren't a psyop, but their struggle is


Your whole error boils down to this. In your mental illness you can't differentiate between "I was convinced that x" and between "it was proven that x".

Just one example
>muh totally not nation state
They have in their own constitution guaranteeing private property. Their union documents are completely class collaborationist, letting capitalists buy into supposedly "worker owned" enterprises. They have local millionaire mayors. Even you yourself call it a "national liberation struggle," you absolute moron.

Wake up, you've been had.

Sage, cuz off topic.


dumb question but where's this site's posting stats? Usually it would be on the homepage.


>and he let it go to shit to force a migration back to /leftypol/ and then to bunkerchan. sound familiar?
Haha that's some high level cope.


>They have in their own constitution guaranteeing private property.
As does Syria.
>Their union documents are completely class collaborationist, letting capitalists buy into supposedly "worker owned" enterprises. They have local millionaire mayors.
Look at their material conditions, and ask yourself "can they survive, grow and fight a war by exploiting the resources that they have on the territory they control with the machinery and labour force they have available?" if the answer is "no", then they have to seek foreign investment. We are living in a capitalist world, and to think that you can fucking not only run a country, but fight a war, without doing a bit of capitalism is pure idealism and I wonder what you say when people say Soviet Union was state-capitalist or how Lenin fucking consciously instituted capitalism through the NEP because it was necessary.
>The New Economic Policy means substituting a tax for the requisitioning of food; it means reverting to capitalism to a considerable extent —to what extent we do not know. Concessions to foreign capitalists (true, only very few have been accepted, especially when compared with the number we have offered) and leasing enterprises to private capitalists definitely mean restoring capitalism, and this is part and parcel of the New Economic Policy ; for the abolition of the surplus-food appropriation system means allowing the peasants to trade freely in their surplus agricultural produce, in whatever is left over after the tax is collected—and the tax~ takes only a small share of that produce. The peasants constitute a huge section of our population and of our entire economy, and that is why capitalism must grow out of this soil of free trading.
>Even you yourself call it a "national liberation struggle," you absolute moron.
I used that term so that you'd understand me better, so we don't have to spend a few posts arguing about semantics. But you still found a way, because to you word games are gotchas, "haha you called them a nation, therefore they are a nation" like a fucking child. Read a fucking book and stop repeating memes as knowledge.


base oldBO kys


Both the homepage and the stat counters are still being worked on by the tech team.


Le vaushite face


>and he let it go to shit to force a migration back to /leftypol/ and then to bunkerchan

I'm no fan of Space but no, it's cause he was lazy and couldn't be bothered with it. Like what happened to bunkerchan pretty much.

You adding Hoochie to the mod team is when I knew you truly wanted to destroy leftypol, but with incel mods like Berxgia maybe it will be a positive thing for her to be in the team, perhaps they will achieve radfem/incel synthesis.


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>people itt actually simping for oldBO's purges

Like fuck I'm no great Rojava stan or whatever, but when you're banning people for speaking positively of the Tudeh's under the pretext of "anti-imperialism" then you've probably gone off the deep end.


There's actually a very simple solution for that, but I don't want to say because the walls have eyes.


What was good about that ban was it selectively filtered out retarded storeshitters


anon there have always been people here who liked Old BO and their actions.


Tankies need their safe spaces, having the entirety of twitter and multiple overmoderated subreddits just isn't enough


>Syria guarantees private property
Sure, but it doesn't pretend to me communist/Marxist/whatever radleft.
>I wonder what you say when people say Soviet Union was state-capitalist or how Lenin fucking consciously instituted capitalism through the NEP because it was necessary.
The obvious difference is that the Bolsheviks were completely open about the NEP being a necessary and temporal setback. Meanwhile, the propaganda coming out from Rojava doesn't mention that this is merely a temporal solution and advertise it as "muh direct democracy achieved" and Western droolers gobble it up uncritically. Also: the NEP didn't have capitalist mayors like Rojava does, or options for capitalists (internal or external) to buy into the MoP. It is clear for anyone to see that what is in Rojava is not-even-a-NEP. They have fucking landlords and housing is done via the market.
>word games
Way to evade the issue. The Catalan independence movement is a secessionist movement aimed at creating a separate nation state, so is Rojava which is looked at by the kurds in surrounding countries as the first step for achieving Greater Kurdistan. Neither is a "national liberation struggle" – a term you clearly don't understand.

>nooo, people liked the highest quality posting period in leftypol history!!!! how can they?!
I remember the hysteria that followed when OldBO asked /marx/ to come over and post over /leftypol/ and how hysterics interpreted this as an "ML takeover."


>having the entirety of twitter
This is some top tier retardation.


>I remember the hysteria that followed when OldBO asked /marx/ to come over and post over /leftypol/ and how hysterics interpreted this as an "ML takeover."
actually, /leftypol/ was overwhelmingly for it. posters respected Ismail, /marx/ for in-depth answers and books. Ismail just told OldBO to fuck off cause he saw what a retard he was. when 8ch went down bunkerchan asked ismail to come but he decided to just do it on his eregime forum. looks like history absolved Ismail.


I was personally banned by old bo for rojava posting.


Rojava posting always causes a shit storm. Glad I never got involved.


because you don't have convictions. sad!


Does anybody else get a notification for the certificate for "FindMyMobile" if you open bunkerchan on an Android? Did somebody implemented a literal tracking function? What the fuck


>sleeping 8/leftypol/ mod called currency becomes owner of bunkerchan
>suddenly oldBO and hoochie come out of the woodwork
>nazbols and incels flood bunkerchan
>tracking software
oh nonononono


Post screenshot so we can laugh


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damn we were are the more active site now.

bunkerchan moving to .net unironically killed their site


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Orange Bad


wawa weewah!!


>$ turns out to be a glowie.


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oy vey


good.. good…


we are in burger hours, mind you


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4got pic


Just one-tenth of what once was. Man, oh man.


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Didn't post a screenshot of it so far because it didn't happen to me again, but just now it did. Here you go.




Fuck you ex-dictator tranny, I'm glad you're not the man in charge anymore, you can't ban me now.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


Why is the layout/design of this site so shit?


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