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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftychan.net)

Discussions, querries, feedback and complaints about the site and its administration.
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 No.2865[Last 50 Posts]

This thread will be dedicated to hosting and advertising anti-bunkerchan agitprop. This thread will also be for discussing the current state of affairs at bunkerchan and discussing methods for convincing the people still trapped on flunker.


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This thread will be dedicated to hosting and advertising anti-bunkerchan agitprop. This thread will also be for discussing the current state of affairs at bunkerchan and discussing methods for convincing the people still trapped on flunker.


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大海航行靠舵手,free /leftypol/ 万物生长靠太阳。 The Internal Bunkerchan Conflicts of 2020 雨露滋润禾苗壮, The Bunkerchan Purge of 2020 干革命靠的是毛泽东思想。 The Anti-Space_ Struggle 鱼儿离不开水呀, Pyongyang-Bkeys Clique 瓜儿离不开秧。 /cute girl/ 革命群众离不开共产党。 Anon Rights 毛泽东思想是不落的太阳。 Modocracy 没有共产党就没有新中国 New Features 共产党辛劳为民族 Improved Software 共产党他一心救中国 National Bolshevism 他指给了人民解放的道路 Google Ads 他领导中国走向光明 leftypol.org 他坚持了抗战八年多 /GET/ 他改善了人民生活 Comatoast 他建设了敌后根据地 Bunkerchan Manifesto 他实行了民主好处多 The GETChan Cirnoist Autonomous Boards 没有共产党就没有新中国 GETChan Order of Solidarity 東方紅,太陽升。 Comrade King 毛主席,爱人民,他是我们的带路人,为了建设新中国,呼尔嗨哟,领导我们向前进! 共产党,像太阳,照到哪里哪里亮。哪里有了共产党,呼尔嗨哟,哪里人民得解放! 社会主义好,社会主义好! 社会主义国家人民地位高。反动派被打倒,帝国主义夹着尾巴逃跑了。 全国人民大团结,掀起了社会主义建设高潮,建设高潮。 Spaceist Junta 跟着毛主席跟着党,闪闪的红星传万代。


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Several things:
1. agitprop
2. countering lies on what happened
3. bullying do11ars for his continued betrayal of leftypol


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Wait, this one was changed by a bunkerchan wordfilter
>大海航行靠舵手,free /leftypol/ 万物生长靠太阳。 The Internal Bunkerchan Conflicts of 2020 雨露滋润禾苗壮, The Bunkerchan Purge of 2020 干革命靠的是毛泽东思想。 The Anti-Space_ Struggle 鱼儿离不开水呀, Pyongyang-Bkeys Clique 瓜儿离不开秧。 /troon/ 革命群众离不开共产党。 Anon Rights 毛泽东思想是不落的太阳。 Modocracy 没有共产党就没有新中国 New Features 共产党辛劳为民族 Improved Software 共产党他一心救中国 National Bolshevism 他指给了人民解放的道路 Google Ads 他领导中国走向光明 leftypol.org 他坚持了抗战八年多 /GET/ 他改善了人民生活 Comatoast 他建设了敌后根据地 Bunkerchan Manifesto 他实行了民主好处多 The GETChan Cirnoist Autonomous Boards 没有共产党就没有新中国 GETChan Order of Solidarity 東方紅,太陽升。 Comrade King 毛主席,爱人民,他是我们的带路人,为了建设新中国,呼尔嗨哟,领导我们向前进! 共产党,像太阳,照到哪里哪里亮。哪里有了共产党,呼尔嗨哟,哪里人民得解放! 社会主义好,社会主义好! 社会主义国家人民地位高。反动派被打倒,帝国主义夹着尾巴逃跑了。 全国人民大团结,掀起了社会主义建设高潮,建设高潮。 Spaceist Junta 跟着毛主席跟着党,闪闪的红星传万代。




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S[he] Be[lie]ve[d]


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I've also been posting STOP THE SPLIT. It gets deleted and you get banned. So only do it with VPNs.


>Imagine unironically creating your own site just to incessantly bitch about the site you left


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I think that we can raise serious hell by pointing out all the threads that keep getting deleted by the mods.
If it wasn't as big a deal as they say then they wouldn't feel so threatened they wanted to delete the threads in the first place.

Facts: d0llars and his cronies shut down tor at the slightest sign of things heading south

Facts: The deleted their onion service due to d0llars inability to properly manage anything, well, at all.

Fact: StephanLynx isn't even a leftist. He's a borderline reactionary liberal who hangs around the flunkerchan irc. He's now involved there along with the old admin of 6chan. The only reason he is helping now is because space_ is so fucking stupid he has literally tarnished the reputation of lynxchan for ever.

Are these really the people people at bunkerchan want running their lives?
Only a fool would say so.

Look at them: They are on the edge and they are giving us their best poker face: https://bunkerchan.xyz/leftypol/res/1295711.html#q1295740

Also, reminder we have an .onion address and they don't, again.
Imagine wanting people



.t d011ars

They are spamming us. Go back faggot or shut up. There's still people posting on that shit hole and they need to be reeducated, kek.


this was the case with both /leftpol/ and the old .org
they're only continuing the tradition


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the damage space, but much more, do11ars has done to this community is nothing short of devastating.

They deserve to be put on trial.


It really wouldn't be that big a deal if they weren't trying to get the site shut down when they open up there new site, but, now it's war.


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New bunkerchan just dropped!


Disregard that I suck cocks.


sorry I just woke up, what happened when I was asleep?


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Spam bot and DDOS right before they open up the new bunker.


We've been getting mysterious spam. It seems spammers think this is the legitimate continuation to the leftypol community, since they're spamming here.

It could be that scabchan is coordinating the attack too.


post dick


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Imagine getting your pussy this hurt over being made fun of on an imageboard, kek. Go back to reddit.

But since you want to talk about censorship:


Kek, is this real?




>t. Retard who spends his free time responding to people who spend their free time raiding a fucking imageboard

prepotent doesn't mean the same in english than in spanish.


>They are spamming us
t. Schizo
Anyone can see you’re clearly spamming the bunker
Why not get a fucking life maybe?


Why are you guys even doing this?
You're not going to convince anyone there and you're even giving them something to scream at.
If you guys didn't post there it would currently have less than 10 pph which if you ask me is somewhat more desirable.


There may be people from here posting on the bunker, but there's no botnet spamming bunkerchan like there is here.


We're getting hammered by a botnet spammer that's posting /pol/ shit. It's hard to tell who it is. If it's the bunkerchan moderation, that's really pathetic. I doubt it because they lack technical staff (well, staff in general. CURRENCY doesn't have enough money to pay them all).

It's more likely that it's someone from /pol/ who unfortunately also considers us the legitimate continuation of the leftypol community, and has therefore chosen us as the target.


Question: why was watermelon made a mod again?


Because the nukes were fucking BASED.


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The Bunker will surely be defeated for their crimes. Burying the Bunker should be a higher calling for /leftypol/ as a political, ideological and even spiritual duty – and all anons can contribute to burying it. So there is no compromise or middle way in this. What is at stake is the homeland and there is a huge conspiracy. We are not seeking battles. The /leftypol/ anons are a peaceful people, a loving people, but we have never hesitated in defending our causes, interests and principles, and if we are forced into a battle, so be it.


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>types out - I am a leftist developer please racemix muh chink - cxIbYnBgbq
>yeah that will get em


>The Bunker will surely be defeated for their crimes. Burying the Bunker should be a higher calling for /leftypol/ as a political, ideological and even spiritual duty – and all anons can contribute to burying it. So there is no compromise or middle way in this. What is at stake is the homeland and there is a huge conspiracy. We are not seeking battles. The /leftypol/ anons are a peaceful people, a loving people, but we have never hesitated in defending our causes, interests and principles, and if we are forced into a battle, so be it.


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Hey everyone, please help blow the bot to dollars's shithole.


Posting before the mods delete everything on this board because they're assmad.


>Imagine having this much autism


what type of high dimensional cope is this?
Why would they do such a thing? Are the burgers waking up?


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Down with SnaKKKe_, d011ar$$$, and the bureacratic fascist Pyongyang clique! Long live Initiate Armed Shitposting 2020 (IAS-20)! Nothing and no one will stop us! Long live the Protracted Postertariats Shitposting War!


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Their mods deleted everything because they were mad and they think it could happen to us. Projection as usual.


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Full retreat from the bunker now that 4chan is shut down. Don't make any new posts about us. With any luck they will stuck with a huge migratin of reactionaries and fall apart while we can all remain unaffected here.


But 4chan works for me?


Yeah it works for me too, but it seems to not be working for most.


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Reading is lame now.


I try to use both sites, but ever since the split, bunkerchan gives me a shitload of connection errors, 500 internal server failures, most of the pictures are gone, and now it's supposedly locked for maintenance? What the fuck happened?


I wonder how bad it will go


bets on whether or not he actually stands the site up


Apparently he is working hand and hand with sycophant lynx right now


> Error 502 :Bad gateway
is it happening?


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the current state of bunkerchan


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>d011ars redirect the site
>the spammer returns
strange, isn't it?


welp there goes bunkerchan





>close down .xyz
>their alternative site doesn't work
Did anyone else honestly think this wouldn't go exactly like this, lmao?


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I got permabanned for posting this image


here or on bunker?


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I wouldnt get so smug

The site might be eventually stood up with Stephen lynx's help.


Of course. But maybe they should've fixed it before redirecting.




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I can post on .xyz


>fuck up first transition attempt


anyone wants to post on bunker britpol?


>anyone wanna be a scab with me?


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I'm only doing it because I'm not supposed to
https://bunkerchan.xyz/leftypol/ still directs to .net


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>meanwhile at bunkerchan…


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same thing happened here, the site took several days to stand up


That happened because space_ kicked out the whole team suddenly and were forced to make due with what they had. Dollars doesn't have any excuse for a non smooth transition.


why does it matter, bunkerchan has like 30 active users now?

most people have come here

I mean its fun to cheer on their death but at the end of the day who cares


You're right but that has nothing to do with what we're talking about.


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tbh, he should have waited to drop the bomb until all of the catalog was replaced with /pol/ spam



Why do you even care?

The bunker is filled with trash, and you want to bury a field of diamonds with the rough?

We have quality, we have the vanguard, they are doomed and will come here or fade away. If we are doing agit prop, why waste our time on a ship of fools, why not apply our time to the actual struggles.

Let us rise above this pseudo conflict, if leftypol is to grow it will be through the notoriety of our actions, through the power of our works, not the result of internecine conflict which squanders our vitality through sectarian civil war. Let us aim our agit prop at our true enemies, in order to win over our true friends.

If the point of this board is to soothe the alienated via participation in meaningless fights, and meaningless arguments then this board died long ago and we should let it burn with the bunker.


The abysmal timing confirms that it was done for the lulz.


this. who gives a fuck, do something better with your time


nah, I did it as soon as i got everything together to do it and became convinced it would be effective at forcing a migration.


Oh. In that case you are a total incompetent.


>go to bunkerchan.xyz
<MongoError: Topology was destroyed
like old times


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Good, fuck that topology


the ride just doesn't end for them




You're a cunt, just hope you know that. xoxo


>Oh no, my 2 sentence response got destroyed by the nuke
It's 100% on you for backing do11ars and space_
You have no one to blame but yourself.


>MongoError: Topology was destroyed


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>topology destroyed




Holy shit, multiplayer with rockets was an insanely fun experience.


We truly live in the best timeline.


How totally unexpected. I am sure they've got their best brains on the case.


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Bunkerchan still works fine for me


why is nobody coming here??


Everyone's already here, lmao.




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大海航行靠舵手,free /leftypol/ 万物生长靠太阳。 The Internal Bunkerchan Conflicts of 2020 雨露滋润禾苗壮, The Bunkerchan Purge of 2020 干革命靠的是毛泽东思想。 The Anti-Space_ Struggle 鱼儿离不开水呀, Pyongyang-Bkeys Clique 瓜儿离不开秧。 /cute girl/ 革命群众离不开共产党。 Anon Rights 毛泽东思想是不落的太阳。 Modocracy 没有共产党就没有新中国 New Features 共产党辛劳为民族 Improved Software 共产党他一心救中国 National Bolshevism 他指给了人民解放的道路 Google Ads 他领导中国走向光明 leftypol.org 他坚持了抗战八年多 /GET/ 他改善了人民生活 Comatoast 他建设了敌后根据地 Bunkerchan Manifesto 他实行了民主好处多 The GETChan Cirnoist Autonomous Boards 没有共产党就没有新中国 GETChan Order of Solidarity 東方紅,太陽升。 Comrade King 毛主席,爱人民,他是我们的带路人,为了建设新中国,呼尔嗨哟,领导我们向前进! 共产党,像太阳,照到哪里哪里亮。哪里有了共产党,呼尔嗨哟,哪里人民得解放! 社会主义好,社会主义好! 社会主义国家人民地位高。反动派被打倒,帝国主义夹着尾巴逃跑了。 全国人民大团结,掀起了社会主义建设高潮,建设高潮。 Spaceist Junta 跟着毛主席跟着党,闪闪的红星传万代。


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Several things:
1. agitprop
2. countering lies on what happened
3. bullying do11ars for his continued betrayal of leftypol


File: 1610870719839.jpg ( 30.59 KB , 256x256 , 3b0563922a71b49d8ef2e8aff6….jpg )

Wait, this one was changed by a bunkerchan wordfilter
>大海航行靠舵手,free /leftypol/ 万物生长靠太阳。 The Internal Bunkerchan Conflicts of 2020 雨露滋润禾苗壮, The Bunkerchan Purge of 2020 干革命靠的是毛泽东思想。 The Anti-Space_ Struggle 鱼儿离不开水呀, Pyongyang-Bkeys Clique 瓜儿离不开秧。 /troon/ 革命群众离不开共产党。 Anon Rights 毛泽东思想是不落的太阳。 Modocracy 没有共产党就没有新中国 New Features 共产党辛劳为民族 Improved Software 共产党他一心救中国 National Bolshevism 他指给了人民解放的道路 Google Ads 他领导中国走向光明 leftypol.org 他坚持了抗战八年多 /GET/ 他改善了人民生活 Comatoast 他建设了敌后根据地 Bunkerchan Manifesto 他实行了民主好处多 The GETChan Cirnoist Autonomous Boards 没有共产党就没有新中国 GETChan Order of Solidarity 東方紅,太陽升。 Comrade King 毛主席,爱人民,他是我们的带路人,为了建设新中国,呼尔嗨哟,领导我们向前进! 共产党,像太阳,照到哪里哪里亮。哪里有了共产党,呼尔嗨哟,哪里人民得解放! 社会主义好,社会主义好! 社会主义国家人民地位高。反动派被打倒,帝国主义夹着尾巴逃跑了。 全国人民大团结,掀起了社会主义建设高潮,建设高潮。 Spaceist Junta 跟着毛主席跟着党,闪闪的红星传万代。




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S[he] Be[lie]ve[d]


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I've also been posting STOP THE SPLIT. It gets deleted and you get banned. So only do it with VPNs.


>Imagine unironically creating your own site just to incessantly bitch about the site you left


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I think that we can raise serious hell by pointing out all the threads that keep getting deleted by the mods.
If it wasn't as big a deal as they say then they wouldn't feel so threatened they wanted to delete the threads in the first place.

Facts: d0llars and his cronies shut down tor at the slightest sign of things heading south

Facts: The deleted their onion service due to d0llars inability to properly manage anything, well, at all.

Fact: StephanLynx isn't even a leftist. He's a borderline reactionary liberal who hangs around the flunkerchan irc. He's now involved there along with the old admin of 6chan. The only reason he is helping now is because space_ is so fucking stupid he has literally tarnished the reputation of lynxchan for ever.

Are these really the people people at bunkerchan want running their lives?
Only a fool would say so.

Look at them: They are on the edge and they are giving us their best poker face: https://bunkerchan.xyz/leftypol/res/1295711.html#q1295740

Also, reminder we have an .onion address and they don't, again.
Imagine wanting people



.t d011ars

They are spamming us. Go back faggot or shut up. There's still people posting on that shit hole and they need to be reeducated, kek.


this was the case with both /leftpol/ and the old .org
they're only continuing the tradition


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the damage space, but much more, do11ars has done to this community is nothing short of devastating.

They deserve to be put on trial.


It really wouldn't be that big a deal if they weren't trying to get the site shut down when they open up there new site, but, now it's war.


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New bunkerchan just dropped!


Disregard that I suck cocks.


sorry I just woke up, what happened when I was asleep?


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Spam bot and DDOS right before they open up the new bunker.


We've been getting mysterious spam. It seems spammers think this is the legitimate continuation to the leftypol community, since they're spamming here.

It could be that scabchan is coordinating the attack too.


post dick


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Imagine getting your pussy this hurt over being made fun of on an imageboard, kek. Go back to reddit.

But since you want to talk about censorship:


Kek, is this real?




>t. Retard who spends his free time responding to people who spend their free time raiding a fucking imageboard

prepotent doesn't mean the same in english than in spanish.


>They are spamming us
t. Schizo
Anyone can see you’re clearly spamming the bunker
Why not get a fucking life maybe?


Why are you guys even doing this?
You're not going to convince anyone there and you're even giving them something to scream at.
If you guys didn't post there it would currently have less than 10 pph which if you ask me is somewhat more desirable.


There may be people from here posting on the bunker, but there's no botnet spamming bunkerchan like there is here.


We're getting hammered by a botnet spammer that's posting /pol/ shit. It's hard to tell who it is. If it's the bunkerchan moderation, that's really pathetic. I doubt it because they lack technical staff (well, staff in general. CURRENCY doesn't have enough money to pay them all).

It's more likely that it's someone from /pol/ who unfortunately also considers us the legitimate continuation of the leftypol community, and has therefore chosen us as the target.


Question: why was watermelon made a mod again?


Because the nukes were fucking BASED.


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The Bunker will surely be defeated for their crimes. Burying the Bunker should be a higher calling for /leftypol/ as a political, ideological and even spiritual duty – and all anons can contribute to burying it. So there is no compromise or middle way in this. What is at stake is the homeland and there is a huge conspiracy. We are not seeking battles. The /leftypol/ anons are a peaceful people, a loving people, but we have never hesitated in defending our causes, interests and principles, and if we are forced into a battle, so be it.


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>types out - I am a leftist developer please racemix muh chink - cxIbYnBgbq
>yeah that will get em


>The Bunker will surely be defeated for their crimes. Burying the Bunker should be a higher calling for /leftypol/ as a political, ideological and even spiritual duty – and all anons can contribute to burying it. So there is no compromise or middle way in this. What is at stake is the homeland and there is a huge conspiracy. We are not seeking battles. The /leftypol/ anons are a peaceful people, a loving people, but we have never hesitated in defending our causes, interests and principles, and if we are forced into a battle, so be it.


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Hey everyone, please help blow the bot to dollars's shithole.


Posting before the mods delete everything on this board because they're assmad.


>Imagine having this much autism


what type of high dimensional cope is this?
Why would they do such a thing? Are the burgers waking up?


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Down with SnaKKKe_, d011ar$$$, and the bureacratic fascist Pyongyang clique! Long live Initiate Armed Shitposting 2020 (IAS-20)! Nothing and no one will stop us! Long live the Protracted Postertariats Shitposting War!


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Their mods deleted everything because they were mad and they think it could happen to us. Projection as usual.


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Full retreat from the bunker now that 4chan is shut down. Don't make any new posts about us. With any luck they will stuck with a huge migratin of reactionaries and fall apart while we can all remain unaffected here.


But 4chan works for me?


Yeah it works for me too, but it seems to not be working for most.


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Reading is lame now.


I try to use both sites, but ever since the split, bunkerchan gives me a shitload of connection errors, 500 internal server failures, most of the pictures are gone, and now it's supposedly locked for maintenance? What the fuck happened?


I wonder how bad it will go


bets on whether or not he actually stands the site up


Apparently he is working hand and hand with sycophant lynx right now


> Error 502 :Bad gateway
is it happening?


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the current state of bunkerchan


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>d011ars redirect the site
>the spammer returns
strange, isn't it?


welp there goes bunkerchan





>close down .xyz
>their alternative site doesn't work
Did anyone else honestly think this wouldn't go exactly like this, lmao?


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I got permabanned for posting this image


here or on bunker?


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I wouldnt get so smug

The site might be eventually stood up with Stephen lynx's help.


Of course. But maybe they should've fixed it before redirecting.




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I can post on .xyz


>fuck up first transition attempt


anyone wants to post on bunker britpol?


>anyone wanna be a scab with me?


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I'm only doing it because I'm not supposed to
https://bunkerchan.xyz/leftypol/ still directs to .net


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>meanwhile at bunkerchan…


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same thing happened here, the site took several days to stand up


That happened because space_ kicked out the whole team suddenly and were forced to make due with what they had. Dollars doesn't have any excuse for a non smooth transition.


why does it matter, bunkerchan has like 30 active users now?

most people have come here

I mean its fun to cheer on their death but at the end of the day who cares


You're right but that has nothing to do with what we're talking about.


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tbh, he should have waited to drop the bomb until all of the catalog was replaced with /pol/ spam



Why do you even care?

The bunker is filled with trash, and you want to bury a field of diamonds with the rough?

We have quality, we have the vanguard, they are doomed and will come here or fade away. If we are doing agit prop, why waste our time on a ship of fools, why not apply our time to the actual struggles.

Let us rise above this pseudo conflict, if leftypol is to grow it will be through the notoriety of our actions, through the power of our works, not the result of internecine conflict which squanders our vitality through sectarian civil war. Let us aim our agit prop at our true enemies, in order to win over our true friends.

If the point of this board is to soothe the alienated via participation in meaningless fights, and meaningless arguments then this board died long ago and we should let it burn with the bunker.


The abysmal timing confirms that it was done for the lulz.


this. who gives a fuck, do something better with your time


nah, I did it as soon as i got everything together to do it and became convinced it would be effective at forcing a migration.


Oh. In that case you are a total incompetent.


>go to bunkerchan.xyz
<MongoError: Topology was destroyed
like old times


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Good, fuck that topology


the ride just doesn't end for them




You're a cunt, just hope you know that. xoxo


>Oh no, my 2 sentence response got destroyed by the nuke
It's 100% on you for backing do11ars and space_
You have no one to blame but yourself.


>MongoError: Topology was destroyed


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>topology destroyed




Holy shit, multiplayer with rockets was an insanely fun experience.


We truly live in the best timeline.


How totally unexpected. I am sure they've got their best brains on the case.


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Bunkerchan still works fine for me


why is nobody coming here??


Everyone's already here, lmao.




File: 1610933079308.webm ( Spoiler Image, 2.77 MB , 1920x1080 , 1610849363962.webm )

try posting lewds




can you post?




RIP, but thanks for the material


imma need a sauce for that


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Imagine thinking stephanlynx is anything but an incompetent egotist just like the rest of them.


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Madre santa de Dios.
picrel. imagine asking for evidence of things that allegedly happened. btw, got banned for this and my posts deleted.


Got banned for asking for proof, I mean.


Pretty sure he wanted the sauce for the porn, dude.


lel imagine, they are going to have to revert to the last backup space_ had
that was created during december 15th, before the split
and even then, they can only revert when they finally are able to reach space_
imagine being these people. imagine being so mad at the jannies not letting you say the no-no words that you constantly get cucked by a fucking anime pfp nerd who spends all his days not making albums and failing to work on his own site.
god that post is such amazing cope.


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>yet another bunkerchan error


I haven't follow the whole affair, why is there a new site in the first place? What was wrong with Bunkerchan? I love bunkers btw.


Honestly, it's not worth digging into. Just use the site you like the most.


Unfortunately we dont have many bunkers here. If you remove your hat though, we will give headpats


If you like bunkers just use this address : http://bunkerchan.red/leftypol/catalog.html and use the bunkerlike theme available in the options (top right).


Bunkerchan was the backup site for 8ch's /leftypol/ board. After the shutdown of 8chan, the /leftypol/ team was willing to treat Bunkerchan as their permanent residence. However the owner of Bunkerchan, Space_, was uncooperative in allowing the team to manage things at a level that were affecting the board. Software errors and server blackouts were a common occurrence that the /leftypol/ team were forced to wait for Space_ to fix due to lack of access. Multiple attempts were made over the year to remedy this problem, including offering to pay for upkeep costs and buying the site outright. The team was already working on a backup site due to the outages at Bunkerchan, and eventually moving to this other site came to be seen as the only way to escape the limits imposed by Space_.

Close to finishing the backup site, someone on the mod team leaked the information to Space_. Dishonestly, some speculations about forcing a migration came to be seen as already agreed upon plans. Space_ demanded anyone involved in such speculations be removed, and when the rest of the team refused, he purged them all. This is the moment when /leftypol/ was split, not by the mod team, but by Space_ removing the board owner and the rest of the staff(who themselves are also posters) and giving over control of the board to his own agent.

After that people migrated here as the bunker continued to break down


I will use the site with the biggest community so I think I will stay here, I don't see a lot of differences, anyway.


I see, it's a conflict between an admin and mods, from what you said the mods seems to be right in this story, so the existence of leftypol.org seems justified.


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Did /mu/ anon make it over?


so is bunkerchan up or nah?


still seems kill to me


Seems like there was an issue migrating the database. Hence 500 topology destroyed. They will probably have to revert to the save state they did when the first nuke went off. Looks like they nuked themselves. That's why I don't give a fuck about that pos shit.


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Where does Comrade MongoDB live so we can send them a medal of service.


Some retard is spam-bumping threads with gibberish, suspect it might have something to do with the drama. Mods pls


based and redpilled


They've managed to devolve the site. It's not even funny, it's pathetic.


>The admins were actually retarded enough to nuke their own site
Holy shit never in all my years of board surfing have I ever seen such a sight. What a time to be alive.


this is advanced site ownership


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Which one do you guys like the most?
Personally I prefer the topology one because it reminds me of that time someone managed to break bunkerchan with a gay porn dump in /GET/


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500 Topology is a true classic.


kek'd and basedpilled.


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I know, I know I've let you down
I've been a fool to myself
I thought that I could
Live for no one else

But now through all the hurt and pain
Its time for me to respect
The ones you love
Mean more than anything

So with sadness in my heart
I feel the best thing I could do
Is end it all
And leave forever
Whats done is done, it feels so bad
What once was happy now is sad
I'll never love again
My world is ending

I wish that I could turn back time
'cause now the guilt is all mine
Can't live without the trust from those you love
I know we can't forget the past
You can't forget love and pride
Because of that it's killing me inside

It all returns to nothing, it all comes
Tumbling down, tumbling down
Tumbling down
It all returns to nothing, I just keep
Letting me down, letting me down
Letting me down
In my heart of hearts
I know that I could never love again
I've lost everything
Everything, everything
That matters to me
Matters in this world

I wish that I could turn back time
'cause now all the guilt is mine
Can't live without
The trust from those you love
I know we can't forget the past
We can't forget love and pride
Because of that, its killing me inside

It all returns to nothing, it all comes
Tumbling down, tumbling down
Tumbling down
It all returns to nothing, I just keep
Letting me down, letting me down
Letting me down
It all returns to nothing, it all comes
Tumbling down, tumbling down
Tumbling down
It all returns to nothing, I just keep
Letting me down, letting me down
Letting me down


Okay, guys, you win.


Is that really you, d011ars?


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Are you going to kill yourself finally?


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File: 1610959547768.png ( 2.12 KB , 61x507 , 1.png )

fucking ridiculous


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Works on my machine


Has the site been down ALL fucking day or something? I checked USApol over there just now and there has only been literally one post made from when I last checked it almost 8 hours ago


It just came back up. has been down for over 8 hours. .net still down and now even more shit is missing, kek.




File: 1610960321368.png ( 1.32 MB , 1400x1045 , 1.png )

made a d011ars edit




stop posting on their site, idiots.
Let's keep PPH down for today.


At this point I would be surprised if anyone is actually posting there.


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You mean the guy who voted yes?


>le excuses for the terror
>we have none!!!! xD lolololololol


>noooo not my posterinooos
Everyone tried to warn you about scabchan. It was your choice to stay and you did. Your mistake. Welcome back home.




I hate to tell you but d0llars has fucked the site up more than watermelon ever did lmao


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I'm not talking about the posts, kid. I'm talking about the action of destroying a leftist site. whoever the culprits are, they have proven they cannot be trusted. what if one of them throws another hissy fit in a few months and deletes this site? what will your reaction be then? besides, the deletion wasn't even necessary, because they managed to fuck up bunkerchan on their own. you could have let dialectics take its course, but in true ML fashion you went ahead and wrecked it. just like Stalin did not understand that it isn't enough to just destroy counter-revolutionary elements, but you have to build up the revolutionary ones. enjoy your degenerated /leftypol/
>missing the forest for the trees
exactly my point, so why delete bunkerchan, scare away 50% of the posters for good and make half of the remaining 50% hate you for what you did? this is what "democratic centralism" does, dilutes responsibility and justifies horrific actions by using "democracy" as a shield.


>what if one of them throws another hissy fit in a few months and deletes this site?
We're not space_, we make daily backups.
>because they managed to fuck up bunkerchan on their own
It was running off of rat's work, but the reset fucked it up. So hail watermelon.


>everyone moved over except for /usapol/
are we finally free from the eternal burger?


exactly my point, so why delete bunkerchan, scare away 50% of the posters for good and make half of the remaining 50% hate you for what you did? this is what "democratic centralism" does, dilutes responsibility and justifies horrific actions by using "democracy" as a shield.

the deletion was not done by the mod team, it was by one mod, who was put in there by dollars
the fuck are you talking about?
and your pseudo 50 50 math makes no sense, is not backed by any evidence but just your hurt feelings


>scare away 50% of the posters for good and make half of the remaining 50% hate you for what you did
the former half would probably do the same now and the latter half hates us because of the moderation team by default, and there is no reason to lean towards accepting any of their demands when we can see the obvious outcome of their line of thought because of people like d0llars and co. being empowered by them. hell, the entire reason watermelon ever had the position they did to begin with was because he was appointed by space_ and dollars.

the real question is for the people that realized the ship was sinking a bit earlier because of watermelon, would they have fallen into the previous categories if he hadn't have done that? I don't think its really a question that can be answered definitively but I understand the logic, and the downsides are minimal considering most of the people that would hate us already did.
>this is what "democratic centralism" does, dilutes responsibility and justifies horrific actions by using "democracy" as a shield.
dilutes responsibility for what? d0llars and space_ appointed watermelon, watermelon nuked the site, and the democratic mandate of /leftypol/'s moderation approved of and modded watermelon because they were already a decent enough mod and because of their defection. the line of blame for each facet is pretty clear, if you disagree with the vote then your grievance is with the wider mod voting base.


>We're not space_, we make daily backups.
good to hear.
are you mods? the only information we have is random answers to questions in threads like these. where do you get all this inside info from? are you just making shit up?
>it wasn't us
>it wasn't us, it was a mod appointed by space_
>it wasn't us, it was a mod appointed by space_ who then defected here
>it was one of us, but he acted on his own
>it was one of us, but we did not stop him or remove him as a mod


>the only information we have is random answers to questions in threads like these
I just went into the matrix and asked lmao. that and I was there when it happened.
from what I understood watermelon was a mod prior to the split, was removed like everyone, then was re-appointed with one of their retarded pseudo-anonymous names given to them by d0llars to be a mod on bunkerchan (I think they were "black"?). So them being an "ex-janny infiltrater" isn't really correct, d0llars knew who they were ahead of time and accepted them anyways, and as watermelon got more dissatisfied with the state of bunkerchan he just went nuclear of his own initiative.

also quit your schitzo-greentexting. how much watermelon is or isn't one of us is stupid because this is a fucking community split. while some of us chose to associate exclusively with one or the other, a lot of people just posted in both and associated in both because they weren't concerned about the split, and watermelon was one of those. its just that over time he saw bunkerchan for what it was and just defected over here.


>how much watermelon is or isn't one of us is stupid because this is a fucking community split.
>one of us
so you're a mod, why not be honest about it? "I went and asked", bullshit.
>community split
"the community" didn't nuke their own site. or are we now at the "it was done because that's what the posters wanted" stage already? you've been going too quick through the stages of misinformation, it is way too soon to start painting yourselves as the good guys. gotta wait for the new "generation" of posters, who did not live through this before you can start writing an alternative history.


>so you're a mod
no you moron, "one of us" as in a fucking member of /leftypol/ as a general community. or are you too atomized to even consider such an idea? were you really using "us" as some kind of janny conspiracy? do you think everyone who supports the actions of watermelon is a mod?
>"the community" didn't nuke their own site
no, the site was nuked as an ongoing component of a split which was basically started by space_ as part of a wider battle for the community between two factions. and now again because d0llars is incompetent lmao.
>or are we now at the "it was done because that's what the posters wanted" stage already
it's not a question of what the community wanted because if that were the case then the split would never happen, and space_ was unwilling to live up to his promises to the moderators, which meant they in turn couldn't live up to their promises and obligations to the userbase.
>more schitzo bullshit
if you hate us so much then why not go back to your perpetually failing forum administered by morons who can't do with 3 weeks of preparation what the moderation team did overnight with no formal notice?

at the end of the day, 99% of posters don't care about this battle of who nuked who or whatever. they care about which site runs properly and lets them post. watermelon targetted those people by showing not only that what he did could be done, not only that d0llars was incompetent enough to give him global admin powers without oversight, not only that space_ was so inattentive that the last backup was from before the split even happened, not only that d0llars is so retarded he couldn't get the backup reinstated properly so the board only half-worked from that point on, and not even fucking only that there were increasingly less people willing to do the work that needed done on bunkerchan urgently, but that most of all there is an entire contingent of posters on bunkerchan who are so ideologically driven by their hatred of moderation that they will literally pay some grifter money to have an oppositional force against people that have basically done nothing but make their own site better because they want the best community experience. this site was made literally from scratch and in a single month it has surpassed bunkerchan, which is a 5 year old piece of software, on almost every level.


>and space_ was unwilling to live up to his promises to the moderators, which meant they in turn couldn't live up to their promises and obligations to the userbase.
*but space_ was


and, I should point out, if d0llars was always this incompetent then the site slowly losing functionality was an inevitability. code inevitably breaks, things just stop working, exploits are found, ect. all that watermelon really did was expedite that process in such a way that it was evident rather than a frog in a boiling pot situation of mounting site failures.


>no you moron, "one of us" as in a fucking member of /leftypol/ as a general community. do you think everyone who supports the actions of watermelon is a mod?
I was talking about the vote: >>3021 autist.
>no, the site was nuked as an ongoing component of a split which was basically started by space_
but you said
>and as watermelon got more dissatisfied with the state of bunkerchan he just went nuclear of his own initiative.
does that mean watermelon was a third faction who then united with .org?
>it's not a question of what the community wanted because if that were the case then the split would never happen
<it's not a question of what the community wanted because if that were the case then the split would never happen
>if you hate us so much then why not go back
>you hate us :'(
stop being such a fucking baby. I haven't posted on bunkerchan since "the split". this better not be a trend where you're gonna deflect all criticism by accusing the critics of being "fans of bunkerchan and haters of leftypol", although it probably will be. you're unable to take responsibility for your actions, just deflect forever.
>at the end of the day, 99% of posters don't care about this battle of who nuked who or whatever. they care about which site runs properly and lets them post.
then where the fuck are they?

>I should point out, if d0llars was always this incompetent then the site slowly losing functionality was an inevitability. code inevitably breaks, things just stop working, exploits are found, ect. all that watermelon really did was expedite that process in such a way
I've already addressed that here >>3028. You're not even reading my posts, just answering with your narrative, like a bot or someone working off of a script.

I brought attention to the issue, nothing more for me to say. "The community" will be the judge.


obviously the community didn't want a split, including the vols. Space_ is the one that kicked the whole team out and forced it to happen. Don't think anyone has ever advocated for a split so i don't know what you think you're uncovering here


point is the community should have been involved from the start. if space_ was absent, why not let the community know publicly, lay out all the problems like you've laid it out for me, propose a plan and have the community decide. this "forcing" was not good.

I have nothing against this site, and I couldn't give a fuck about space or money, it's just the way this whole thing was handled. yes, leftypol.org is a way better site than bunkerchan, but for a lot of people that won't matter. a public apology/explanation would have been a better way to handle it than this damage control.


Anyone could just ping space_ on twitter and tell him what's going on.


dream on, half the userbase is still BURGER


>just let people know
i knew all that shit and was not even involved
anyone paying attention knew
just because you are retarded and only now screech after things already happened as a consequence doesn't mean there was no way of seeing it coming


>I was talking about the vote
then why preface it about the entire idea of insider information?
>does that mean watermelon was a third faction who then united with .org?
yes its called being your own person lmao
watermelon moderated on bunkerchan but still posted on both sites, and just over time he was just won over to leftypol.org. how hard is that to understand?
are you retarded? we'd all rather have space_ be irrelevant and the jan-jans have their root access but alas, space_ had to be a moron so the jannies had to do what they did. I support the jannies because it is the most realistic option for a better /leftypol/ long-term and thus most likely option to bounce back from the split enforced on us. that and the morons on bunkerchan have made the place barely even leftist anymore, and we could probably do without them if I am going to be honest.
>stop being such a fucking baby
only a handful of people keep coming in here to whine about the nuking
you know what would happen if this place got nuked?
they would restore a backup from the day before and the mods would sort out any issues over the next hour and the site would be perfectly functional.
the fact that the nuke was so serious speaks more to the general ineptitude of bunkerchan staff than to the severity of watermelon's actions. if watermelon did the same to this site we'd be laughing and calling him a retard for such a pitiful attack.
>you're unable to take responsibility for your actions,
baby boy my name ain't space_, d0llars, or watermelon so I had no part in this other than having a few keks.
>then where the fuck are they?
here. some are lost to attrition but may return. some might never come back. its something we can only really sort out once the split ends and we've resettled as a wider community. then we look towards rebuilding with whatever is left, as we have done before.
>I've already addressed that here
<destroying a leftist site
again, this speaks more to the inadequacy of the mods of bunkerchan more than to the severity of watermelon's actions. we would easily recover and laugh it off on this site because its fucking easy for a competently managed site to do so.
>just answering with your narrative, like a bot or someone working off of a script.
Says the man accusing everyone of being a mod when they disagree lel
>I brought attention to the issue, nothing more for me to say. "The community" will be the judge.
They will, largely, not care. Beyond laughing at bunkerchan not working very often the name watermelon is mostly not known or as a champion of basedness.
>if space_ was absent, why not let the community know publicly, lay out all the problems like you've laid it out for me, propose a plan and have the community decide
because then space_ would just do what he ended up doing sooner. they rightly judged him to be an ass-clown.
>this "forcing" was not good.
take it up with space_ sunshine


At this point more retarded fags have come in shidding their pampers than there are users of bunkerchan, really makes me think.


ignore them and move on, the bunker is dead and they're here now whether they like it or not.

lets move on


>the deletion wasn't even necessary, because they managed to fuck up bunkerchan on their own
This is one argument that kinda makes sense but just because anyone with some sense knew they would fuck their own shit up that doesn't mean you could know just how hard and fast they would do that. They are really speedrunning that shit.



do you have any more nukes?


It's been spammed, can't tell if serious


took two for Japan to surrender


File: 1610981577138.png ( 80.16 KB , 932x283 , ClipboardImage.png )



heh wish spammers cared about this place =/


They did spam this place, we've had mods on all-nighters to deal with it. Now our protection has been upped.


>5 seconds passes…



>>3054 (me)
They spammed this place for two days before they went to bunkerchan. It seemed to have something to do with 4chan being down.


File: 1610981965133.png ( 239.82 KB , 1024x1024 , 1608528759086.png )

They did spam this place and the mod team was too competent so he left and aimed his cannons at flunkerchan and we are witnessing the results. Seriously, we can obviously tell who is better equipt, in real time, for these situations.


File: 1610982871441.png ( 61.29 KB , 497x600 , 1.png )

.net is up, let's see if d011ars manages to fuck this even more up


>Error 502
>Bad gateway
Down again?


I just came by to say that the spammer is a fashy discord user
t. Inside source


fake news

Based, keep pointing him at bunkerchan.


File: 1610983561888.png ( 137.98 KB , 1303x853 , 1.png )

> it's up
none of the files transfered


File: 1610983783617-0.png ( 679.97 KB , 1742x813 , 2.png )

File: 1610983783617-1.png ( 96.78 KB , 1078x646 , 3.png )

the catalog seems fine. but if you enter the thread you realise that there are no images


that's a backup that is several days old. "Last thread before the dread" had over 80 posts yesterday iirc


>Can't post cause captchas are broken.



even if you can get past the captcha you'll get
>Error: queryA EBADNAME …


File: 1610985783710.png ( 94.48 KB , 1400x633 , 1.png )

>868 pph
peck it up guys, time to return to the bunker


Based spammer redemption arch.


File: 1610986174995.png ( 385.29 KB , 896x903 , 1.png )

fucking lol
no way bunkercan recovers from this shit


The jannies over there are gonna take forever to clean that up


then why is no one here? the threads on the catalog are barely moving and the other boards are dead


can't they just delete all posts that match that filename?


File: 1610986531959.jpeg ( 6.03 KB , 151x151 , 45346534.jpeg )

This is pure fucking copium, kek.


Yes, or based on the text. Usually when people spam they're smarter about and add random gibberish to make it harder to filter. But in this case it shouldn't be difficult.


Everyone is waiting for everyone else to post or some shit


File: 1610986638929-0.webm ( 1.55 MB , 1613x832 , easytrick.webm )

File: 1610986638929-1.png ( 38.31 KB , 1887x160 , lastpostaccordingtooverboa….png )

I think something is wrong here. There's literally no new posts I can see on the bunker since pic related. How are you getting those spam posts?
also >1.png. hmmmmm…..


Are you blind?




ok got it after a few refreshes and a 500 server error. Damn that looks ugly


File: 1610987378116-0.png ( 40.02 KB , 583x427 , ClipboardImage.png )

File: 1610987378116-1.jpg ( 38.66 KB , 500x500 , screaming.jpg )



Stop spamming retard.


So the migration failed? What happened to the new lynxchan 2.5? The new domain?


File: 1610987464499.png ( 210.62 KB , 327x316 , 3c2fc270fb1d890b34a56a0c29….png )



jesus christ what a mess lol


lmao pathetic


we're not the one spamming, fag


You guys are really mean. I feel bad for them now.


>i'm trying
>still trying
>still can't deal with it
A completely viable alternative to leftypol.org!


They could simply move here and they wouldn't have to deal with the spam


File: 1610987642708.gif ( 616.78 KB , 500x375 , 7e8ff5bdb0282b9279605dcfce….gif )

they cant do it - not surprising, since they have no tech people (maybe 1-2?)

d0llars needs to throw in the towel and realize that its ogre.

Space_ has checked out, not sure if he gave control of the bunkerchan.xyz domain to d0llars or not

The old jannies have essentially won. Space_ got too cocky and thought he could tell them to fuck off, well they did and now, he's crying in a corner, even said on twitter that hes no longer gonna tweet under the space_ persona


>We have successfully moved from bunkerchan.xyz to bunkerchan.net
eat shit haters


Hello is the new site GDPR compliant with the transfer of the database?


File: 1610987984402.png ( 335.21 KB , 1919x1054 , huh.png )

I'm aware of most of this. I'm only asking about dollars plan to migrate. What happened to it? Why is there two sites? bunkerchan.net (running lynx 2.5.2) and bunkerchan.xyz (running lynx 2.3.2).

I thought he only talked like an emokid in the memes….


give it up d0llars


dunno, maybe he can answer you himself because hes apparently lurking


>site ran by Space_
>site ran by d011ars
Enjoy your time as the new god emperor of the bunker


File: 1610988196070.png ( 759.34 KB , 4380x2468 , 16f48d696ddc44b1938553cc66….png )

We will rise and thrive. Leave d011ars alone, you filthy splitter!


Yeah I didn't see an increase in unique IPs when he replied so he posted here before.

>t. d011ars


>is named d011ars
>starts a patreon to pay an adult to code
What did he mean by this?


the grift is getting meta


oh no, this is so threatening. I just peed, cummed and shitted all in my pants


File: 1610988489811.png ( 11.89 KB , 1611x186 , 500.png )

Pathetic. Your incompetence is hurting the community, you moron. Are you actually hoping to make a profit off of this shit? Because I don't see why you'd keep on damaging everyone else like so unlike you literally plan to make dollars from this.


File: 1610988507120-0.png ( 83.4 KB , 1073x387 , ClipboardImage.png )

File: 1610988507120-1.jpg ( 29.58 KB , 500x500 , 1551822062803.jpg )

.net looking good


File: 1610988523286.png ( 40.02 KB , 583x427 , 1610987378116-0.png )

>We will rise and thrive


Try .red then


>already being spammed again

why isn't $CURRENCY re-enabling captcha?




They'll be using the transformative forces of capital


File: 1610988742168.jpg ( 39.08 KB , 600x631 , 5a8821df44078d7efe390d1245….jpg )

Why on earth would someone PAY d0llars to make a site, when space_ literally fired the jannies because he wouldn't let them DUZ IT FOR FREE

What the fuck does d0llars get out of this other than trying to become the new space_ ?

He doesn't even have the excuse of not splitting because now he's redirecting to his own site?

I actually don't get why he doesn't just come here.

This whole episode shows that his "staying with space_ to prevent splitting" was absolute bullshit from the start. It was never about preventing the split, if it was, he would just throw in the towel and come here.

Can anyone tell me wtf is even his reason for doing this? Space_ surrendered and gave up, is he literally going to ask people to donate pateron bux to make a new site just out of SPITE?


File: 1610988834041.png ( 8.26 KB , 378x79 , ClipboardImage.png )

Is it supposed to look like that?


>, is he literally going to ask people to donate pateron bux to make a new site just out of SPITE?
yeah because of the nukes


it actually is on lol




File: 1610989003348.png ( 763.39 KB , 682x1025 , 1610969660397-1.png )

I can't wait till you kill yourself.


If you mangle the term successful beyond recognition maybe.


pretty immature IMO. If he actually cared about the community he would get over the butthurt and end the split, especially since 85%+ of the community is here now


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>We have successfully moved from >bunkerchan.xyz to bunkerchan.net

>eat shit haters


where? this place is slow af


>is he literally going to ask people to donate pateron bux to make a new site just out of SPITE?
That seems to be the whole plan.
I mean, I think this site is vastly better yet I still wouldn't pay a cent for it, let alone for the one that goes down every hour.


bunkerchan is even slower, and it also doesn't work. burgers make up 50% of the community so i have a feeling the after-work hours in burgerland are when peak posting happens.



Could you be anymore obvious with your astroturfing campaign d0llars?


We had 120 posts in the last hour (>>50513 was an hour ago) and it's not even peak hours, that looks pretty good to me.


Don't be mean to d011ars. It's already a pain for me to type his name. He's at least doing something. The last server admin bunker had didn't do shit.

I don't mind him running his site tbh. Don't expect me to buy your album

One of if not all bunker vols actually lurk here and took the advise of a post above to open bunkerchan.xyz in incognito mode. >>3104. Hello there bunker vols and mods.


maybe he means its slow compared to 4chan, which it is, but definitely not flunkerchan. its comparable to a slightly below average day on flunkerchan pre-split


Yeah well bunkerchan has had over a thousand posts in the last hour. It's never been faster!


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I'm surprised the engine didn't collapse yet.


In addition to spite, I would suggest a naked power grab.
Ask: If you were vain and had the chance to seize control of west-/leftypol/ basically dropped into your hands, would you let that slide in the communities interest?
personally I would negotiate a merger, but mostly because I'm too lazy to run a website and aware enough that being so lazy would break the website. much better to negotiate a merger in exchange for a "hero of the soviet union" vanity capcode and no moderation responsibilities.


d0llars welcomes you, Anonymous, my old friend. But to this place where destiny is made. Why have you 500 errored?


I hope the spammer pays some third worlders to solve the hundreds of captchas for him, that would be poggers.


File: 1610994748920.png ( 6.39 KB , 230x126 , 4.png )

Bunkerchan.net already feels like home. Why aren't you guys coming over. we even got the classic 502: bad gateway error


File: 1610994876363.png ( 130.86 KB , 809x686 , 677675576.png )



I prefer the classic 500


File: 1610994898992.jpg ( 11.49 KB , 236x206 , salad laughing.jpg )



>You guys are really mean. I feel bad for them now.
What they did is frankly unforgivable. The damage they have done to this community will take a lot of time to repair. Reminder do11ars said he'd do everything in his power to prevent a split. This is him doing "everything in his power" to keep flunkerchan afloat.
>Site is now owned by d011ars
You are a terrible person. I hope you one day realize this.


Shut up dollars you faggot, maybe you should spend less time whining like a bitch here and more time learning how run a website.


This drama was honestly really fucking stupid yet it was so fucking entertaining, I can't even remember the last time that I witnessed something this funny


what makes me a terrible person? baiting and trolling anons on an imageboard? lurk moar newfag
>muh politically incorrect


Being a mod this month sure has been something else. Never imagined moderating a Taiwanese cactus growing forum could be this political.


>implying I believed it
bro. you were supposed to be a cathartic figure. why did you have to go and ruin it. Unless you are actually dollars and you ruined that too. AAAAAAH FUCK YOU DOLLARS.


>I was just pretending
Nice try.


nu-mods are doing some real psyop shit. They don't let you post fucking chat screenshots or anything that goes against their narrative.

Bunkerchanites have a wrong version of history, and it is a bannable offense to try and set the record straight with fucking evidence. nu-vols should go to gulag for their crimes against the community.


They are acting like incompetent feds if that's the case lol


File: 1610998433256.jpg ( 461.36 KB , 1063x1363 , Screenshot_20210115-194118….jpg )

some trolling topics


Ah yes, new bunkerchan


>if i call it materialism enough my retarded takes will become socialist for sure


File: 1610998581398.png ( 114.39 KB , 825x589 , 76575754654.png )

t. pyongynag


Ima prob stick to the bunker, but as an old fag since 8ch lets hope dumb shit like this never happens again. Good vibes to all.


>Board Volunteer
Official party line hahahahahaha
bexgia, we know it is you


t. d0llars


File: 1610998852828.png ( 68.52 KB , 159x189 , aaa3fea527085a260716294dd5….png )



File: 1610998986184.jpg ( 100.66 KB , 514x536 , d97c03da85f902be64d519f15d….jpg )

>they made an incelposter a mod


WTF is a bexgia? And no I'm not Pesos. Damn, brahs I was just trying to be friends.




Stay here friend. The other place is collapsing under its blatant contradictions.


bexgia is one of the nu-jannies and arguably the worst one.
look at this for example >>3145


>Ima prob stick to the bunker


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Requesting an error 500 theme for .org


File: 1611000262475.png ( 109.91 KB , 320x179 , dollars.png )

>We have successfully moved from bunkerchan.xyz to bunkerchan.net


>a woman cant have sex on her period
buddy, I have news for you


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File: 1611001548541.jpeg ( 19.11 KB , 474x266 , 2345678.jpeg )

Mighty fine keks if I do say so myself.


File: 1611001756188.jpg ( 13.91 KB , 235x255 , feelsgoodman.jpg )

i like having sex on her period because its the only time she didnt make me use a condom.


File: 1611001906647.jpg ( 714.46 KB , 1536x2048 , 1606638022152.jpg )

i'm a virgen what does vagene feel like


File: 1611002001078.jpg ( 81.5 KB , 960x719 , nintchdbpict000294802313.jpg )



put a towel down beforehands you dope
feels good man


never felt worth it, but it was better than being alone.


Is this pyonyang?


File: 1611002666278.png ( 5.26 KB , 583x203 , 1.png )

nah, that guy didn't even know how to show his mod tag until a few days ago. If I had to guess he's probably some random incel


That's way too much blood.
Also there's no need to have sex while she's still bleeding. Wait one day after it stops, she'll still be infertile for a little while before she produces a new egg. But you gotta be careful with your timing still because semen can survive in the womb for up to 5 days. Your best bet is probably to have sex in the last (and by far the least messy) days of her period.

>women are the ones that cheat
<men are horny all the time, while women aren't and sometimes can't physically have sex
>b-but women are still driven to cheat unlike men, and solely because of wealth inequality
based retard

Having vaginal sex is not as good as it sounds for either partner. It's way overhyped. Oral sex is where it's at.


>Oral sex is where it's at.
never liked getting blown, maybe my dick is too big or something but alot of girls scrape their teeth on it


handjob, boobjob, intercrural, armpit sex, feetjob there's a dozen other things you two can do with your dick


oh way to humblebrag champ

personally I've always found the foreplay to be the most fun. building up the mood and all that, being nice and intimate about your respective fetishes, its all nice and fun. the sex part is more of a kinda fun obligation you have to do as a consequence of making each other very horny earlier.


>maybe my dick is too big or something
y-yeah mine too


>alot of girls scrape their teeth on it
I swear some girls are fucking retarded. How do you even do this? I sucked a big dick once and didn't do it.


maybe they're not too sure about sucking dick and so they won't open their mouths more out of embarrassment? It's never happened to me either.

>the sex part is more of a kinda fun obligation you have to do as a consequence of making each other very horny earlier.
the couple of times I had sex were really meh in the moment, but the fantasy of doing it, and the memory of having actually done it never fail to make me cum when fapping. Sadly I can't find out what went wrong at the time because I'm single and I can't even go out.


Anyone know if theres a way to see how many IPs are on the domain? I'm curious if bunkerchan or lefypol has more users.


File: 1611007660066.jpg ( 34.59 KB , 1000x667 , index(52).jpg )

>mfw bunkerchan is at 68 pph and over a dozen active threads, while your most active one is the bunkerchan general that has derailed into talking about sex


there is no differende between bunker and /pol/, making a distinction of which one of the two is attacking is meaningless


thread derailments are a leftypol tradition

I'm just amazed it hasn't collapsed into incel bullshit


And yet here you are, those threads must be really good.


have you tried checking out the overboard?


like bags of sand




>go check 500chan
>all talk about ecelebs and idpol
Yeah I'd rather discuss putting bigs dicks in my mouth tbqh


This just isn't true though, lol


now subtract all the bot posts :^)


Actually because of cloudflare kicking in they don't even need the captcha to stop the spam anymore. Quite ingenious.


File: 1611008509669.png ( 690.31 KB , 540x960 , 9c92237f65eff79e9498c973ad….png )

And in the real world…


is that why you need to do a captcha to enter lel


Kek yeah it does that sometimes.




>Also there's no need to have sex while she's still bleeding.
women get insanely horny on their periods. the need is greater than ever. Just wear a condom and lay down a towel or dog pad. period sex is fine, a bit messier than usual but also wetter lmao


>Oral sex is where it's at.
People say this as cope when their dick technique isn't good enough.


I don't have a dick though, but I suppose it's still a cope.
And if you still don't want wear a condom just make sure you're both clean if you don't want a 100% chance of getting herpes for the rest of your life.


>muh technique
Financial security is really what gets wahmen off. That's why the rate of female orgasm was double(60%) in East Germany than in the West (30%).


> Oral sex is where it's at.
All cultured people. Even cumming is not important when you are doing it right.
How thick is your dick? I have never had problems, but I've also haven't sucked one of those gigantic dicks.
Stop projecting your insecurities to others. You only embarrass yourself.
Go to sleep.


File: 1611019137645.jpg ( 13.96 KB , 225x224 , db94191550e4ca21db5bf388c0….jpg )

>monogamy will have to be maintained
Holy shit the absolute state of nu-jannies


File: 1611019347657.gif ( 431.67 KB , 348x512 , 9c80c0450477330cc18819f537….gif )

>"You had to be interesting"
Holy shit maybe the feminists were right about men.


Fucking disgusting, i can't believe they made an incel a mod


File: 1611021869336.png ( 375.21 KB , 1390x1658 , 1553061189457.png )

I think we lost.

Despite their horrible start bunkerchan.net has way more posters than here. It's over.


File: 1611022307360.jpg ( 115.63 KB , 1380x1044 , farscape05.jpg )

Are you crazy? Do you see how many (you)s I have?
leftypol: 1
nazpol: 0


File: 1611022371314.png ( 1.08 KB , 60x68 , 1.png )



File: 1611023263945-0.jpg ( Spoiler Image, 112.42 KB , 1080x356 , Screenshot_20210118-182320….jpg )

File: 1611023263945-1.jpg ( Spoiler Image, 66.8 KB , 1080x1510 , Screenshot_20210118-182409….jpg )

It's going great

They made a new USApol thread earlier today and it has averaged almost less than one post an hour. I saw it around 2PM and it's now almost 7PM and it's only has had 4 additional replies, one of which was CURRENCY himself


So, basically, nothing has changed there and it was all a big show? Everything still looks exactly the same. What even was the point? If space stepped down why did he remove the mods anyways? Why did he give d0llrs perms when that is all the mods wanted in the first place? That shit does not make sense.


Ignore the astroturf.




because after the split d0llars gave up and became depressed and just washed his hands of the whole thing. bunkerchan is d0llar's site now.
No it doesn't. It has like 30 active users, and 900 buttmad /pol/ spammers. Most of the actual users are here


File: 1611023628236.png ( 2.66 KB , 335x48 , div.png )

little clap


Whatever they did today broke dashchan support so I guess I'm here now


File: 1611023959000.png ( 5.48 MB , 2560x1440 , 1608941579886.png )

Welcome comrade


good taste anon


can the jannies bumplock this thread? we should stop talking about flunkerchan, i dont give a fuck what happens to it now, since we now have the majority of users and it will die a slow death of neglect on its own due to lack of maintenance, and crypto-pol shitposting turning it into another version of /b/ or /v/


What is dashchan?
What the fuck is this?


Space stepped down, I'm assuming, because the site required a lot attention and he was reviewing a lot of hate from the userbase. Two things he's allergic to. He also felt betrayed by the mods so that's why he kicked them out in the first place. Dollars is a sycophant and an opportunist. That should explain his entire behavior since the beginning.

He was part of the 8ch mod team and knew space from then. He became inactive after the migration to 8ch. He was actually given admin status, but since he literally never even logged in, it was never relevant.

That's why he wasn't invited to the conspiracy. That's also why he was not only not expelled, he was given the site entirely. Dollars justified it because he said he cared so much about the community, he would do everything in his power to prevent a split. He then hilariously claimed to "have done so much for the community, and this is how [the mods treat him]", after dedicating literally 0 time to moderate the site for the previous 2 years.

After all of this, dollars has been very silent, only communicating on a one to one basis with his mods (of which bexnigga is the only actually active one and also an incel and a retard on top of it). He communicates with sage apparently.

The new site has been worked on with the help of stephen lynx the main author of lynx Chan and space. A guy named fool's, previous owner of 6chan was somehow involved, but he stated he was reluctant to work on the site because dollars wanted to make it "his thing". Again dollars opportunism, egocentrism, and sycophantism shooting him in the face.


sry, but laughing at for-profit scab vols is praxis


Oh I am the unknown poster who, died in Mod War 2, didn't want to fight, it was the only thing to do, I was the victim of a mod that went insane, will you show me that I didn't die in vain

remember me when the bunker is a glowin', remember me when the stupidpolers come around, remember me when the tides of board peace are a turnin, remember me and please don't let me down


It is time to forget about bunker, not learn the lessons and have the mods continue to make the same mistakes, which is having created /idpol/ under new name, /b/, and giving socially retarded incels, anti-lgbt and racists their breeding ground, to repeat the cycle of them shitting up the place, pushing their agenda, undermining moderation thanks to the mods idiotic complacency and appeasment and eventually creating another drama and split.
Nothing learned since pyongfag.


>he was reviewing a lot of hate from the userbase
Do you know how I can tell you are a former mod? Let go.


this would be a bad idea
we're in the position of strength, having a place where people who want to use both sites can freely post what a shithole bunkerchan is can only be to our advantage.


>A guy named fool's
fooly, hes a js/python dev afaik


Mobile app to read chans
Using kuroba for this site. It's the superior experience


is he really paying them to vol? i think they still duz it for free because otherwise hed be able to hire better people than incels and nazbols


bunker will always be crippled without mod communications, because d0llars is afraid of another coup


File: 1611030339496.gif ( 1013.9 KB , 200x200 , previewfile_1149550226.gif )

>bunker will always be crippled without mod communications, because d0llars is afraid of another coup
I find this funny because that is basically how the 8ch vol team was run under me. We tried setting up some communication channels and I didn't make any rules against vols communicating, but I was against using platforms that would log our info or lead to any personally-identifying info coming out. Hopefully Matrix is safe enough for the current jannie team and the people who have to use their bank accounts to pay for the server are in a safe position.

I do think a lack of communication is a bad idea and will certainly make things more difficult for Dollars. Lack of consensus makes rogue mods more likely, not less. Also, I emailed Hoochie and she told me she has managed to infiltrate the bunkerchan vol team.


Newfag here. I've heard about you, but who's Hoochie?


God I hope she is the 2nd watermelon.


>Unique recent IPs: 1104

Fuck guys we can't just let bunkerniggers win


File: 1611039720967.png ( 208.85 KB , 1276x566 , message from hoochie.PNG )

Hoochie Minh, Vietnamese anfem namefag on 8ch /leftypol/


Tbh. Too much focusing on Bunkerchan.

We have a wonderful ecosystem here. We've done enough. Watermelon proved that space and dollars are trash and have no clue what they are doing.

It's time to focus on ourselves and continue with our community's fresh start. We are safe here and we have staff that loves and truly cares about our image board. They are also easy to reach out to.

Eventually, people will find their way here. It's time to move on and continue doing our best.


Just curious, which chan has more IPs right now?


Now subtract the spam IPs


Fuck Hoochie.
And fuck you too. Crawling out of your whole to come here with your "OldBO" trip like it means something. You're a fucking retard and you destroyed /leftypol/. At one point it had over 1000 unique IPs on 8chan and was competing with /pol/ when it came to PPH. But you had to go ruin it, because by your own fucking admission "you started reading theory", and then all of a sudden you started purging "revisionists" and "imperialists". You banned anyone posting about Rojava, because the fucking Marxism-Leninism blogs you read as "theory" told you fucking Saddam Hussein and Bashar Al-Assad were real 21st century Marxists, while the Kurds were actually CIA agents and their hundreds of years of national liberation struggle were all a CIA psyop.

You're a fucking retard tripfag loser and nobody likes you. Fuck off and never come back.


speak for yourself, some of us supported old BO's purges, while it did get rid of alot of the memers/shitposters, it also increased post quality alot


File: 1611057936705.png ( 276.44 KB , 600x342 , 936.png )

>I emailed Hoochie and she told me she has managed to infiltrate the bunkerchan vol team.


>You banned anyone posting about Rojava, because the fucking Marxism-Leninism blogs you read as "theory" told you fucking Saddam Hussein and Bashar Al-Assad were real 21st century Marxists, while the Kurds were actually CIA agents and their hundreds of years of national liberation struggle were all a CIA psyop.
This is why I never could take seriously the /leftpol/ crowd. Obvious lies & strawmen.


fuck you, the wordfilter for "Rojava" on 8/leftypol/ was "over a dozen US military bases in Syria". I actually remember, newfag.


This, pls i need to know


>the wordfilter for "Rojava" on 8/leftypol/ was "over a dozen US military bases in Syria
And quite the accurate filter it was.


pph is very easy to calculate, see >>>/b/9156


if you can't take criticism of your purehearted true revolutionary kurds and have to strawman about it and prefer incels as mods like space_ ran leftpol and bunker, you know where to find the dollar club


>when you measure success in number of posters and US military bases


>Also, I emailed Hoochie and she told me she has managed to infiltrate the bunkerchan vol team.
A new challenger appears.


>if you can't take criticism
>banning permanently anyone who says anything positive about Rojava
>filtering the name to disrupt conversations about it
the biggest "anti-imperialists" are self-hating burgers who cannot reconcile their fetish of the third world with living in the country that is actively destroying those places, so they overcompensate by being anti-imperialist warriors on twitter and reddit, while at the same time materially helping imperialism by being a worker in the US.
>your options are incels or islamic fascists
fuck off disingenuous fuck


>islamic fascists
okay pentagon shill


>those silly antiimperialists are so obnoxious with their antiimperialism because they live in imperialist nations
>unlike me, i live in an imperialist nation and can guilt free promote pentagon propaganda
how brave.


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>those silly antiimperialists are so obnoxious with their antiimperialism because they live in imperialist nations
>unlike me, i live in an imperialist nation and know that my "support" on a north korean wood whittling forum means jack shit materially for the people engaged in anti-imperialist struggle
fixed that for you


are you anti-german by any chance?
whats your stance on israel?


lol you faggots are so easily triggered by words, just like the red fascists.


are you an anti-german?
whats your stance on israel?


>same old stale memes the pentagon shill used from back then
how nostalgic, reminds me of when you cuddled up on leftpol with space_, the incels and his nazbol friends


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>are you an anti-german?
no, but if you're german I just might be
>whats your stance on israel?
fuck israel


>reminds me of when you cuddled up on leftpol with space_, the incels and his nazbol friends
space was given /leftpol/ long after the split, newfag. and he let it go to shit to force a migration back to /leftypol/ and then to bunkerchan. sound familiar?


Since you are still playing retarded.
>>[OldBO] banned anyone posting about Rojava
An obvious lie.
>>Marxism-Leninism blogs you read as "theory" told you fucking Saddam Hussein and Bashar Al-Assad were real 21st century Marxists.
I haven't seen a single ML claim that Assad or Hussein are Marxists. (Proof that you still don't care to actually understand the opposing side's actual arguments.)
>>the Kurds were actually CIA agents
Well they did receive CIA training, weapons, military bases, so…?
>>their hundreds of years of national liberation struggle
The creation of a new nation state is not a "national liberation struggle," lmao, just like Catalan independence movements aren't "national liberation struggles." You don't understand the terms you are using.
>>[the kurds] were all [just] a CIA psyop
And literally nobody ever said this, because we aren't morons. It's just that you can't justify your position without attacking stupid strawmen.
>muh wordfilter
Wordfilters aren't "bans" nor "censorship" and you know it.

Sage, because you are mentally ill.


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>using the term red fascist


>and he let it go to shit to force a migration
Is there any actual proof of this?
I always thought that he let it happen because he was an incompetent buffoon.


>Well they did receive CIA training, weapons, military bases, so…?
Your arguments have been debunked: receiving material aid from another country does not make you a puppet of that country. For example, Soviet Union and every other country that received help from SU; or are you agreeing with right-wing characterisations that every ML country in history was a puppet set up by SU? Your arguments fall on their face and all you have left is "but the CIA trained them" or "they're building a nation-state!" both of which have been debunked back on /leftypol/. Which is why OldBO had to resort to banning and wordfilters to control the conversation, because that's what MLs do (see: r/communism and every other ML space on the internet).
>The creation of a new nation state is not a "national liberation struggle,"
They're explicitly NOT building a nation-state.
<And in Northern Syria, a region the Kurds refer to as Rojava (Western Kurdistan), a non-statist/stateless form of autonomy called the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria (DFNS) continues to be practiced under the Social Contract of Rojava5 since January 2014, where the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) and allied groups declared autonomous administrations, applying ‘democratic confederalism’ model of the imprisoned leader of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), Abdullah Öcalan. However, like the KRG in Iraq, the DFNS also lacks regional and international backing.6 Although People’s Protection Units (YPG) and Women’s Protection Units (YPJ) have successfully fought against the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) with the support of western powers like the United States and France, this was a military support rather than a political one. As a result, the DFNS and the model it is applying in Northern Syria has been, and still is, a fragile model that has no international recognition. Furthermore, as Matin rightly underlines, Rojava is a product of a ‘complex international conjuncture’ with the interference of global powers (e.g., the USA, Russia) and regional players (e.g., Turkey,7 Iran, Israel) and remains as an ongoing warzone where both the Rojava experience and people are in an existential struggle.8
>>[the kurds] were all [just] a CIA psyop
>And literally nobody ever said this, because we aren't morons.
you said it in the same fucking post you MORON.
>Well they did receive CIA training, weapons, military bases, so…?
<inb4 the Kurds aren't a psyop, but their struggle is


Your whole error boils down to this. In your mental illness you can't differentiate between "I was convinced that x" and between "it was proven that x".

Just one example
>muh totally not nation state
They have in their own constitution guaranteeing private property. Their union documents are completely class collaborationist, letting capitalists buy into supposedly "worker owned" enterprises. They have local millionaire mayors. Even you yourself call it a "national liberation struggle," you absolute moron.

Wake up, you've been had.

Sage, cuz off topic.


dumb question but where's this site's posting stats? Usually it would be on the homepage.


>and he let it go to shit to force a migration back to /leftypol/ and then to bunkerchan. sound familiar?
Haha that's some high level cope.


>They have in their own constitution guaranteeing private property.
As does Syria.
>Their union documents are completely class collaborationist, letting capitalists buy into supposedly "worker owned" enterprises. They have local millionaire mayors.
Look at their material conditions, and ask yourself "can they survive, grow and fight a war by exploiting the resources that they have on the territory they control with the machinery and labour force they have available?" if the answer is "no", then they have to seek foreign investment. We are living in a capitalist world, and to think that you can fucking not only run a country, but fight a war, without doing a bit of capitalism is pure idealism and I wonder what you say when people say Soviet Union was state-capitalist or how Lenin fucking consciously instituted capitalism through the NEP because it was necessary.
>The New Economic Policy means substituting a tax for the requisitioning of food; it means reverting to capitalism to a considerable extent —to what extent we do not know. Concessions to foreign capitalists (true, only very few have been accepted, especially when compared with the number we have offered) and leasing enterprises to private capitalists definitely mean restoring capitalism, and this is part and parcel of the New Economic Policy ; for the abolition of the surplus-food appropriation system means allowing the peasants to trade freely in their surplus agricultural produce, in whatever is left over after the tax is collected—and the tax~ takes only a small share of that produce. The peasants constitute a huge section of our population and of our entire economy, and that is why capitalism must grow out of this soil of free trading.
>Even you yourself call it a "national liberation struggle," you absolute moron.
I used that term so that you'd understand me better, so we don't have to spend a few posts arguing about semantics. But you still found a way, because to you word games are gotchas, "haha you called them a nation, therefore they are a nation" like a fucking child. Read a fucking book and stop repeating memes as knowledge.


base oldBO kys


Both the homepage and the stat counters are still being worked on by the tech team.


Le vaushite face


>and he let it go to shit to force a migration back to /leftypol/ and then to bunkerchan

I'm no fan of Space but no, it's cause he was lazy and couldn't be bothered with it. Like what happened to bunkerchan pretty much.

You adding Hoochie to the mod team is when I knew you truly wanted to destroy leftypol, but with incel mods like Berxgia maybe it will be a positive thing for her to be in the team, perhaps they will achieve radfem/incel synthesis.


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>people itt actually simping for oldBO's purges

Like fuck I'm no great Rojava stan or whatever, but when you're banning people for speaking positively of the Tudeh's under the pretext of "anti-imperialism" then you've probably gone off the deep end.


There's actually a very simple solution for that, but I don't want to say because the walls have eyes.


What was good about that ban was it selectively filtered out retarded storeshitters


anon there have always been people here who liked Old BO and their actions.


Tankies need their safe spaces, having the entirety of twitter and multiple overmoderated subreddits just isn't enough


>Syria guarantees private property
Sure, but it doesn't pretend to me communist/Marxist/whatever radleft.
>I wonder what you say when people say Soviet Union was state-capitalist or how Lenin fucking consciously instituted capitalism through the NEP because it was necessary.
The obvious difference is that the Bolsheviks were completely open about the NEP being a necessary and temporal setback. Meanwhile, the propaganda coming out from Rojava doesn't mention that this is merely a temporal solution and advertise it as "muh direct democracy achieved" and Western droolers gobble it up uncritically. Also: the NEP didn't have capitalist mayors like Rojava does, or options for capitalists (internal or external) to buy into the MoP. It is clear for anyone to see that what is in Rojava is not-even-a-NEP. They have fucking landlords and housing is done via the market.
>word games
Way to evade the issue. The Catalan independence movement is a secessionist movement aimed at creating a separate nation state, so is Rojava which is looked at by the kurds in surrounding countries as the first step for achieving Greater Kurdistan. Neither is a "national liberation struggle" – a term you clearly don't understand.

>nooo, people liked the highest quality posting period in leftypol history!!!! how can they?!
I remember the hysteria that followed when OldBO asked /marx/ to come over and post over /leftypol/ and how hysterics interpreted this as an "ML takeover."


>having the entirety of twitter
This is some top tier retardation.


>I remember the hysteria that followed when OldBO asked /marx/ to come over and post over /leftypol/ and how hysterics interpreted this as an "ML takeover."
actually, /leftypol/ was overwhelmingly for it. posters respected Ismail, /marx/ for in-depth answers and books. Ismail just told OldBO to fuck off cause he saw what a retard he was. when 8ch went down bunkerchan asked ismail to come but he decided to just do it on his eregime forum. looks like history absolved Ismail.


I was personally banned by old bo for rojava posting.


Rojava posting always causes a shit storm. Glad I never got involved.


because you don't have convictions. sad!


Does anybody else get a notification for the certificate for "FindMyMobile" if you open bunkerchan on an Android? Did somebody implemented a literal tracking function? What the fuck


>sleeping 8/leftypol/ mod called currency becomes owner of bunkerchan
>suddenly oldBO and hoochie come out of the woodwork
>nazbols and incels flood bunkerchan
>tracking software
oh nonononono


Post screenshot so we can laugh


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damn we were are the more active site now.

bunkerchan moving to .net unironically killed their site


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Orange Bad


wawa weewah!!


>$ turns out to be a glowie.


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oy vey


good.. good…


we are in burger hours, mind you


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4got pic


Just one-tenth of what once was. Man, oh man.


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Didn't post a screenshot of it so far because it didn't happen to me again, but just now it did. Here you go.




Fuck you ex-dictator tranny, I'm glad you're not the man in charge anymore, you can't ban me now.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


Why is the layout/design of this site so shit?


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