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R: 38 / I: 4

Work day general 2.0

Welcome to the work day general.

Tell us about your day anon. Did you have a good day at work? Its OK we know work is horrible.

I work graves at a factory. If you have it shitty at work I can relate.

Tell us about your day under the crushing weight of the profit motive.
R: 5 / I: 1

idk if this is the right board but

how do i overcome laziness / procrastination? please

relating to things such as assignments
R: 4 / I: 0

i can't do it anymore.

I never liked waging but I did wage for a good 4 years of my life and invested in crypto. which went relatively well. although i should have been a multimillionaire already. I fucked up many trades. But I'm still relatively well off and have 5 bitcoins and another 1 bitcoins in shitcoin. i also sold off a bitcoin between 60/70k. I have not really worked a job the past years and idk what the fuck is going on but I'm just not motivated anymore. for anything. especially not a job. I actually have a super wagie wojack factory job interview today but I think I am not going to go. the NPC interview is going to go full retard. Any job really. the entire B.S Human resources… the… slavery. the people talking to you like you are some retard ( I have a degree but do do low jobs now cause i gave up my IT carreer many years ago when my folio was big). I'm stuck bro's. my CV/RESUME is completely fucked with a 3 year gap and a 1 year gap. I could explain the one year gap saying I'm traevlling … but now i also have a 3 year gap (I was just enjoying my life and travelling). so when the HR Roasters see that they probably never want to hire me cause I am not a good wage slaves.

I also lived outside of the country for more than a year with my new foreign gf. but even that doesn't really scratch my itch right now. it feels over. is it normal that it feels over at 33?
R: 30 / I: 0

Anyone here whom is in the minority that prefers work over school?
Work may suck but at least you dont have to deal with bullies and being broke or absurd rules from teachers.
R: 4 / I: 0

been unemployed for a year.
+1000 applications
white man
masters in STEM from stanford
I have gotten 3 offers in cities 500 miles away though so there is that.
but the job market is getting worse.
and worse.

im in the 3rd largest city in the USA it shouldn't be this hard to find a job
fuck the federal reserve and their business cycle.
R: 31 / I: 3

How come child labor didn't make a huge comeback
R: 3 / I: 0

Has anyone here considered trade school/apprenticeships?

I know sooner or later I will have to escape NEETdom since this lifestyle isn't sustainable in the long-term and you'll start to feel depressed and like a bum.

I know one day I will want to live an independent life. My end goal is to make lots of money while I'm still young so I can save up and buy land in the country and build a homestead.

Immediately after graduating high school, I did college for one semester in Fall 2019 and then basically dropped out when the pandemic hit. I was studying for computer science but I'd said college ain't worth for learning that since I can easily learn about programming and system administration with Linux and FOSS software and the clusters of old computers and Raspberry Pis I have at home.

I've been considering joining Job Corps or enrolling myself in a vocational school and then get an apprenticeship so I can become an electrician (or plumbing or HVAC). I heard being an electricians make good money and you mostly just work alone. I'm already good with math and learning the physics of electromagnetism and thermodynamics.

Are there any other NEETs and ex-NEETs who don't like college/university but are considering or are going to trade school or apprenticeships?
R: 7 / I: 0

Are police proles?
R: 7 / I: 1

so fucking prevalent

Any other anons with a job in a trade or profession that is of use to a large percentage of people will be very familiar with the following interaction. Someone that you haven't spoken to in years appears via DM and goes:
>Hey bro! How've you been?
>Good thanks yourself?
>Great by the way my car is making a rattling sound when I go over bumps and my mechanic can't look at it til next week, can you help
>I don't really have any time off in the next couple of weeks either, but you can bring it in to my garage when I'm open and we'll assist
>I thought we were friends, man! I can't afford £40/hr. Can't I bring it to you on Saturday and we'll have some beers and fix it then?
>No, that's my day off. I'm not replacing ball joints on my day off
>But my car needs fixed! I would help you with anything you needed
>I don't need help with anything
>You're an asshole
At first I just thought this simply denoted selfish cunts that I should just cut contact with, but now I'm estranged from like half of the people I went to school with and some of my extended family because I have 'refused to help' them. It seems like a majority of people in my life, certainly all of the ones who do not work with their hands, think that my position is unreasonable.
Majority of people don't have a skill that their acquaintances have any need for, so fail to empathize with people who do. As far as they're concerned I'm just being greedy.
How would you deal with people who expect your time and effort for free, and are liable to become offended when you refuse? Do they have a point? Is this my fault for being trained to do this stuff in the first place?
R: 0 / I: 0

Costco Wagecucks

Is there a reason that they seem to only hire chronically asshurt middle aged people? They make you feel like dirt when asking to pick up a pizza. None of them seem to want to be there.Very rare to see a teen employed at any Costco.

Why the fuck do I need to pay Costco a membership fee to shop there just to deal with some pissed off wage earner (Union no less) in order to maybe save a buck or two on large quantity consumable goods?

Small to commercial business usually have a supplier that beats Costco for what they need. Individuals and households with a brain understand that bulk needs can be met by something like a Walmart or even Home Depot.

Why the fuck would any human with an ounce of self worth want to piss away a couple hours minimum just to shop at Costco? Idiocracy made fun of this damn near two decades ago and it's more true than ever.

BTW - the rotisserie chickens are shit now and it's not because of the package change. Fuck Costco.
R: 8 / I: 1

Why I Hate Working for Costco

First and foremost, Costco is run by retarded monkeys. How so you ask? Well let me tell you the “real” fucked up shit that goes down in that shit hole place of employment. I am not denying the fact you make more money starting out and being topped out than any other retail company, but you can roll a piece of shit in sprinkles and massage my balls and I still wouldn’t eat it. My experience comes from the AM shift, where we stock and merchandise the products before the store opens. This work is basically slave driven with middle management having their head so far up their ass they can wear it as a hat running the show. Costco pays employees twice as much as Wal-Mart employees, but they expect you to do twice…wait I mean ten times as much work also. These so called floor managers are dumb fuck dick suckers with no college education who sucked every dick and sucked every butthole on the hierarchal dick chain to get to where they are at. Prove me wrong that these dumb fucks are not incompetent and I will eat a jar full of 100 day old pubes and I am excluding and sheeple middle mangers, who work for Costco, go fuck yourself you piece of donkey seamen hobo fluffer.

Let me break down middle management for you: High School Education, sucked dick, and if it wasn’t for Costco they would be managing a Denny’s, sorry to you Denny managers but when you give asses power than everyone gets shitted on. So how does management work at Costco? Like this: Part-time, suck dick, fulltime, eat ass, supervisor, suck dick and eat ass, department manager, eat dick, suck ass, and get fucked in the ass, admin manager, eat dick, ass, shit, get ass fucked by two dicks at the same time, assistant manager, eat dick, ass, shit, get every orifice filled with dicks, eat pubes, and you become Warehouse manager. But remember while these cock knockers are taking it up the ass they recycle the abuse downwards to make themselves feel better. They rely on their best employees, the foolish yes man who gets sucked in with promises of promotion, so they begin sucking and licking the hierarchal dick chain to find out all efforts do not mean shit. They take your ideas and make it theirs, they talk about how great you are as an employee, but behind your back they tell managers above them how much you suck. They basically have you do their job while they fiddle their pee holes. Anybody including a “retarded” monkeys not a normal one, but a retarded one could do these managers jobs. Ooooooh you have to go around doing ISI’s (keying in item numbers to see how well your products are doing), wow that must be sooooo fucking hard, oh wait you have to type in next weeks schedule and make new signs, and then walk around for six hours going on smoke breaks with your other monkey antichrist stale cunt juice friends discussing what next big thing you have in mind for the floor so you can sound smart and listen to yourself talk. Because in reality, outside of Costco world you are really just an organism made up of retarded cells that should have been aborted because with your so called intelligent rants about your big ideas, you push evolution back a million years per word that comes out of your fluffing mouth. Wow!!! You fucking complete me!!

After you can get pass the floor managers you have the almighty merchant manger who tells stories of their finest conquest back in tha mothafucking day. Dude if you’re not an assistant manager by now and this is your third rotation as a merch manager, God is telling you something…GO KILL YOURSELF!!! These numb nutts have the employees moving shit around so much that it becomes almost pointless. Example: You have a product you want to showcase on end cap, so they have us move all this shit to accommodate this product move. We don’t even leave it out longer than two days to see how well it will do to move it back to do more stupid fucking moves for no reason. If the product is not moving more than 20feet away from its original position to be showcased than leave it the fuck alone. A customer will buy shit because they want to, not because of your genius move that basically move a product from point A to point B 10 feet away.

The lack of communication of what mangers want is also what is wrong with working for this company. You can spend all day busting your ass to do a move one manger wanted, to have it moved a different way the next day by another manger, to have it moved again by another manger the next day, until the final decision of the warehouse mangers comes in to have it moved back to its original spot. Way to go guys on proving crack is wack, you embred bitches. Please be more humble with the job position and pay you have and quit acting like you are moving the world forward, because in reality like I said before, a retarded monkey could do your job.
R: 0 / I: 0

Retarded Walmart-Americans make me sick.
R: 5 / I: 0

Working hard turns into health risks imagine that
R: 12 / I: 1

One whole year

I've officially spent one whole year working in a factory. I've had dozens of jobs and never managed to stay in one longer than 6 or 7 months. All for various reasons. Hating the job generallly, depression, wages suck, boss is a count, etc etc etc. This is the second job I've had in a factory and the first job I have ever had where I am actually producing goods for society.

I'm actually proud of the work I do even if I am being heavily exploited by having my life force and time stolen from me.it feels good to actually make something for society. It feels good to work at a job for a year. To have stable employment and decent wages.

It's tragic that reality is not like this for most people. AMA
R: 1 / I: 0

try applying for a job

most jobs are fake advertising.
R: 2 / I: 0

family wage jobs

Economic crashes were destroying the family unit long before feminism came along
R: 2 / I: 0

I push carts, part time, the sun exposure and exercise, is a change of pace from a life of gaming and indoor seclusion.
R: 24 / I: 5

How come people don't want to work hard?
R: 2 / I: 1

Be extremely wary of Mike Rowe

He is a thespian operative (a real life actor) portraying himself as a blue collar tradesperson inclined. Mike Rowe has powerful connections with Koch Industries to con people into the trades. I am not against the trades and I appreciate trade workers & was one myself, but Rowe is misrepresenting the benefits therefore. In certain blue collar trades, you may never get to retire because of occupational induced illnesses leading to premature death and disability.
R: 22 / I: 1

What do you think of the push to make employees working fro home, to return to the office?
R: 8 / I: 2

R: 5 / I: 1

How to truly accept?

Whenever you don't have a job, you are ostracized from society. You literally don't exist.
Why are people like this? Working is fucking miserable.
R: 19 / I: 2

>you can have no friends and be a socialist
R: 1 / I: 0

Welp here we go again
R: 3 / I: 1


How do I stop being a nervous wreck during job interviews? I shake and stutter over my words.
R: 1 / I: 0

Why is it so hard to get a job that isn't wagie retail or fast food? I've been applying since July and nothing yet aside from Interviews
R: 2 / I: 0

Reminder that the reason employers ban gossiping in the workplace is to silence workers from banding together which often results in combating abuse in the workplace and solving workplace issues. Gossiping can lead to the formation of unions which employers don't like so they've made up the issue of "workplace bullying".
R: 0 / I: 0

The Thin Bread Line

Pizza delivery driver fifth of 10-most dangerous jobs

According to the BLS, 334 delivery drivers (transporting food and goods) lost their lives from 2015 to 2019. While most fatalities resulted from transportation accidents, almost 17 percent occurred due to intentional injuries in an assault, robbery, or homicide.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), a pizza delivery driver is at a higher risk of injury and death than a construction worker or police officer. BLS statistics reported of the 5,553 total workplace fatalities that occurred throughout the country, delivery drivers made up 1,005 of them.

Opportunistic crimes might include snatching a few packages or robbing a delivery worker on their way back to a vehicle. Theft crimes are only the beginning of the risk that drivers face. There have been reported assaults and even homicides involving delivery drivers in recent years.Sep 14, 2023
R: 2 / I: 0

Share your interview experiences

Have any horror stories?
R: 41 / I: 12

extremely dangerous work environments.

What are some of the most dangerous work environments to be in? Paper mills, Steel mills, Coal. What's the most dangerous job you've ever worked in?
R: 4 / I: 0

Found this scathing but informative critique of how working in the military really works. It covers many subjects but I think this one about Special Forces is particularly interesting.
>continued: Did you ever notice when they talk about SOCOM being created, they always say "as a response to what happened in Operation Eagle Claw"? Notice their words very carefully. They never say "to prevent 'disasters' or 'failures'" like Eagle Claw. No. Always "in response to". What they mean is SOCOM wasn't created "to make the various units communicate and work with each other" or some shit that people say. No, it was restructured so they can escape scrutiny WHEN they fuck up. It was created to save all these military bureaucrats careers, so their fuck ups NEVER see scrutiny. Not only to the public, but to congress and even the pentagon who are supposed to hold them accountable. So now when they fuck up, they can paper over everything with "classified" LOL. I bet the causality rates in Tier 1 operations routinely exceed 50%. And for what? The guys are sent on pointless missions chasing mundane ragheads so the higher brass can make a huge profit and great career prospects. So when these "operators" always brag about the "sacrifices" they made, remind them that their "sacrifices" were for some hidden military brass's CAREERS, not their "country", etc. LOL
R: 29 / I: 7

ITT: We post our recent poverty moments
R: 2 / I: 0

What are some good ways to get out of work but still get paid?
R: 21 / I: 1

Anyone else find it ridiculous that jobs are able to drug test you for what you are doing outside of work? If I want to smoke weed or shoot heroin outside of work I don't see why I shouldn't be able to do it.

If I'm drunk or high on the job that's one thing but I don't think people should be allowed to be fired for what they do outside of work. Especially, yeah, when alcohol (arguably one of the most destructive Drugs ever) is legal and B: When it's 2022 and pretty much everyone and granny is stoned out of their mind.

What's the deal with this? Why are people willing to literally let their employers anal rape them?
R: 9 / I: 0

"Just pick up a trade" is the new "just learn to code bro"
R: 25 / I: 1

How do young people even move out of their parents now? I'm nearly 18 years old with zero plans to go to college and I don't have my driver's license. I live in California so rent will cost an arm and a leg. My dad bought a house in this hellhole and he's expecting me to work and help him pay the mortgage if I want to live to live here. I don't want to live in this hot as fuck place, if you know California as it is now it's getting hotter every year and the fires get worse and worse. What I really want is a place to start fresh in another state, but rent is going to be costly as fuck in every city in this country.
R: 8 / I: 0

Which one of you made this?
R: 8 / I: 4

Wagie Humor Thread

Post wagie humor here
R: 1 / I: 5

this is the american proletariat

this is the american proletariat

fix him

ps fuck janny transhumanists rest in piss
R: 11 / I: 4

Wtf. You guys told me that electing Biden and beating Cheeto Hitler was a victory for labor?!
R: 3 / I: 2

R: 4 / I: 2

actual decent trades/positions?

Been trying to look into trades for antisocial drifters who dont have to tolerate the disgusting masses on a day to day basis
only positions i could find were
>night security
>truck driver
>night janitor
and thats it ideas are pretty tapped. have no prospects on any above posted positions. any anons know any trades that wont break your body?
R: 3 / I: 3

Favorite Supplies to Steal from Work

>workplace type/position/Maybe company
>favorite shit to steal

heres mine, probably forgot the odd job or 2 whatever

warehouse, packer, amzon (pretty much my favorite job tbh)
>coworkers gloves(dipped them in bleach, also fuck em)
>label stickers
>safety vests
>safety tape

library,temp frontdesk clerk
>test scans
>copier paper
>lost/found shit

Retail,cart shithead, blumart
>safety vests
>plastic gloves
>water supplies
>sodas(used to pour these on some poor fucks cars lol)

>couple bags of face masks with company logo(hint: had a red star)
>fuckin pens again

grocery store, produce clerk
>green twistys
>produce(not really steal, but would dump them in the trash compactor for the lols, they would usually wonder "wut happened" when lookin for shit)

Some recommendations and context, avoid working with the public especially if youre marooned in ameristan. this applies extra with lower class areas they can huff paint
R: 14 / I: 1

Of course the board for work is dead
R: 35 / I: 2

Don't want to work for what we give you? Fine, be replaced by robots.
R: 9 / I: 5

Post your work face

I'll start
R: 2 / I: 0

I need work with relocation

Hi I am Middle Data scientist, good ComputerVision skills with OpenCV. I am very wide skilled.
I want relocate from Russia.
I have skill with Linux Administration Gentoo/Debian/Ubuntu, and basic security skill.

R: 13 / I: 1

Night shift work

Why the fuck do we have a society that has rationalized and normalized the idea of working grave yard shifts? Literally no human on earth is biologically designed for this shit.

It doesn't make any damn sense what so ever.
R: 2 / I: 1

Advice for advice

Sup, I have a buddy of mine that works with me.
We used to work at this shitty restaurant where we were extremely underpaid, etc etc. You know how that goes.
Anyway, we both ended up getting an extremely good well paying job. Now the company prides itself on its outstanding quality and god labor practices, but, I have been doing really well and excelling and my buddy is not doing so well. we got trained on different shifts. My shift worked really hard to get me where I needed to be as a group and as a unit. I had to change teams I was on several times because of issues with the management but now I am where I need to be and doing well. We are now on the same shift and he is getting trained on this shift. This shift has extremely high production quotas some times 3 or 4x higher than the other shifts and they are all assholes. The guy teaching him is being a prick too and yelling at him, etc etc etc. Well he got a little sick of it today and went and talked to the shift manager and he asked to changed to a different team where he wouldn't be getting constantly yelled at.
Basically the manager told him to fuck himself and that he isn't changing teams. He also told him "yeah we almost canned a guy today" (my friend is unsure if this was a tacit lowkey admission that they are thinking of firing him.) Well, I know from my experience with the shift I got trained on that sounds like a bullshit approach and it sounds like they are not giving him the necessary attention to have him excel at this job. Which isn't easy, btw. He has a family and he is trying really hard to keep his job but he doesn't know what to do.
He asked me for advice and said he was thinking of going above our shift manager and going to his boss or HR. Obviously, I told him I would. I don't like to let them push me around, but, he is worried about it. He doesn't want to loose this job and go back to washing fucking dishes and a restaurant.
I told him if I was him I would wait a week and take he training I could get from the asshole team lead and ignore him being a prick and see how he feels in a week or so. but he retorted with "well I am scared they are going to look for a reason to fire me which makes me want to go to HR first"
I gave him my advice and I don't know what to think of it. What do you guys think? Seriously in need of advice here for my buddy. He's a good dude who is honestly to god for this shitty world and he's just trying to make a living for his family.

Can help please?
R: 6 / I: 1

What do you do for work anon?
R: 3 / I: 2

A short rant about the state of the economy

Work from home email jobs like this are bullshit and seeing them is all the evidence I need to decide that the economy is deeply flawed and will shortly collapse in on itself. This isn't just me being a commie either, you can have relatively productive economies under laissez-faire capitalism, but 2022 America doesn't fit this category at all.

You see, people with these types of jobs like to kid themselves by saying: "haha I spend 90% of my "work" time scrolling through facebook and procrastinating, the schmuck who owns this company sure would be so mad if he found out!". The thing is, they know. They simply don't care. I just can't fully understand why they don't care. Is porky just trying to carry on as normal in the hope that things will blow over, burying his head in the sand as markets begin to collapse in on themselves? It makes no sense to me which is why it's so frightening.

These girls obviously don't know any better, and I am admittedly somewhat jealous of them as a manual labourer, but once all the people in these ridiculous jobs get made redundant I do wonder what will happen to them. Even the gig economy, including onlyfans, is drying up as people have less disposable income and fuel prices are skyrocketing so no Uber.
What I'm saying is, I feel like this upcoming recession will be very different bros, I can feel it in my stomach. Is anyone else getting this same feeling of impending doom?