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/WRK/ - Wagie and Work

Work and Wagie related discussion
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Welcome to the work day general.

Tell us about your day anon. Did you have a good day at work? Its OK we know work is horrible.

I work graves at a factory. If you have it shitty at work I can relate.

Tell us about your day under the crushing weight of the profit motive.


Work fucking sucks. Kill me.


day felt fast and we finished early, was happy.


It went relatively fast, nothing out of the ordinary happened tbh.

Highlight was breaking about 1000 health and safety regulations by hitting a spinning lathe with a mallet.


Lol, one time we smelled fire and our team lead literally just made us keep going. It turned out to be nothing, but, yeah OSHA wouldn't be happy about that one.


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Lol your boss is like that this is fine dog meme.

The best health and safety training I ever received was watching those liveleak videos from Chinese factories. They made me actually treat the machinery with the respect it deserves.


Yeah those a pretty scary. Anytime I think about acting dumb in anyway I think about those videos, lol.
We had a guy get the tip of his finger ripped off the other day from acting stupid.


Yep those videos will fucking scare the shit out of you, kek.


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Just picked up trash off the streets. Now I realize, why the hell do people litter?!


Because the masses are dumb beyond all comprehension


I never litter, but as a result, pockets of my attire have a tendency to collect random pieces of trash. Maintaining a habit of emptying out when in range of a bin can be tedious.

>the masses
It can only be a minority of people that litter, otherwise the world would look like a garbage dump.


I don't think you understand how big the world is.


Today I will slack off all day and do the bare minimum.


I'm a pressman for a newspaper company. Local news.

It's pretty boring most days but that's fine. I don't make a lot, just enough to pay my rent, buy some food, and repeat until my next paycheck, or in other words, $18.50/hour.

My days are either printing junk mail ads or doing maintenance on the press. Today we replaced all the rollers in Tower 1 Black. Went well, messy as hell, was dripping with ink from head to toe. When I got home I had to wash my hair like 3 times until the shampoo wasn't black anymore. I don't mind the messiness of the job though. Doing actual work like that is nice for me, I like the days we got stuff to fix.

Most days are printing junk mail, local newspapers, and cleaning. It gets pretty lonely too, my boss just hangs out in his office upstairs and my only other coworker is an elderly man who just wants to retire but the economy won't allow him that luxury. He's quiet and goes home the second he can. So that usually leaves me to clean up, get rolls down, set up for recycling, and mindlessly wipe things down in solitude.

Every week I clean out our water system, grease the press, check oil levels, adjust rollers, clean out the folder, lube the clutches, replace the cutting blade and cutting rubbers, check splice breaks, and flush the ink pumps. I can get most of that stuff done on Monday since we usually don't have any print jobs on Monday. The leftover weekly maintenance chores I will get done throughout the week when there's down time.

I'm the only one who actually does any of the work and it'd be nice if my boss would hire another employee but he says we don't got the funds. The elderly man does help me from time to time, especially if it's something out of the ordinary like replacing a water motor or something. He, like me, enjoys doing repairs and since he's put in his time doing maintenance for the past 35 years or so he just leaves it to me.

It's a decent job, beats working retail or food service. My last job was in landscaping, that paid me fucking bank but it was just too hard on my body. Found myself drinking Rockstar Energy like it was water and chain smoking while digging trenches for irrigation.

I miss working with people my age though, I miss having friends and going out after work. Nowadays I just go home and watch YouTube, get high, play video games, and go to bed. I used to be so hopped up on caffeine that after a 10 hour shift in the sun putting in pavers I'd go out with my coworkers and get blasted. We'd all go into work the next morning stumbling and groaning but we'd sweat out the remaining alcohol before 10AM.

That's really my only complaint about this job, the loneliness and boredom.


That sounds like a comfy job all things considered. Have you thought about trying to meet young people outside of work at events and stuff?


Maybe you should try to start a book club and get the books printed where you work. You know if it catches on, you might get a new coworker.


wtf is this work stuff, man darn..


Slacking on the job




It's boring


Time passing too slowly..


This work shit dont be making sense..


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taking my hour lunch break rn. did like two hours of work this morning, rest of the time I just jiggled my mouse and browsed shitposts. wfh


Curious, what do you think your class is?


clerk like from Gogol stories. not really a prole, moreso a pleb. am a class traitor though– i deeply loathe plebs and can't stand the people at my job. would support a revolution even if it led to a liquidation of my "class," would rather be executed by the proletarian revolution than continue living in this shitscape.


You don't think plebs have revolutionary potential?


not really no. they are mostly fascists. also burger plebs especially have been poisoned and traumatized from birth so they suffer from all sorts of mental and physical ailments (obesity, anorexia, autism, adhd, anxiety, etc) that make many of them incapable of fighting even if they wanted to.


jiggling my mouse and shitposting with the above anon tbh. still one of the few hold outs at my company that refuses to come back into the office. eat shit, i'm riding this gravy train until they fire me.


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I ain't doing no work


Thoughts on mandatory Christmas parties instead of work?


They tried to get me to join in on their dance,


Go on…


It was a conga line, i didn't join. the party ended and i didn't win at bingo


You didn't join the conga line bro? damn I would have haha. Was it just a little get together?


Have to work after Christmas but before New Years Eve..


I hd to work on christmass and I have to work on new years eve and on top of that I work at this shit ass paper mill. Today was fucking ass too


>listen to political news video
>piece of shit higher-up turns up the music
>headphones don't block it out


So you need boss-canceling head-phones ?

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