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Found this scathing but informative critique of how working in the military really works. It covers many subjects but I think this one about Special Forces is particularly interesting.
>continued: Did you ever notice when they talk about SOCOM being created, they always say "as a response to what happened in Operation Eagle Claw"? Notice their words very carefully. They never say "to prevent 'disasters' or 'failures'" like Eagle Claw. No. Always "in response to". What they mean is SOCOM wasn't created "to make the various units communicate and work with each other" or some shit that people say. No, it was restructured so they can escape scrutiny WHEN they fuck up. It was created to save all these military bureaucrats careers, so their fuck ups NEVER see scrutiny. Not only to the public, but to congress and even the pentagon who are supposed to hold them accountable. So now when they fuck up, they can paper over everything with "classified" LOL. I bet the causality rates in Tier 1 operations routinely exceed 50%. And for what? The guys are sent on pointless missions chasing mundane ragheads so the higher brass can make a huge profit and great career prospects. So when these "operators" always brag about the "sacrifices" they made, remind them that their "sacrifices" were for some hidden military brass's CAREERS, not their "country", etc. LOL


>What they mean is SOCOM wasn't created "to make the various units communicate and work with each other" or some shit that people say. No, it was restructured so they can escape scrutiny WHEN they fuck up. It was created to save all these military bureaucrats careers, so their fuck ups NEVER see scrutiny
I don't know what this is really about but there's probably bad organizational design if the first priority is blame-evasion


The bradley worked great despite all the laughs of pentagon wars.

Creating a new thing which solves the problem is good, particularly when you fucked up trying to do something new.

The M113 guy is retarded, and if his ideas were followed, you wouldn't see many of the great, effective products which make the NATO military the best in the world.

I love the hilarious image of operators taking 50% casualties regularly, but they're not actually used to win wars, just posturing, so they don't see enough engagement to take real casualties like you'd see in something like the civil war.


>The bradley worked great
In the gulfwar 1990-91 "Desert Storm", sure, it destroyed loads of ancient badly maintained Iraqi tanks, that still had hand-cranked turrets. Out of the 2k bradleys only a handful got destroyed.
But in the recent Ukraine war, not so much, bradleys got chewed up.

>the great, effective products which make the NATO military the best in the world.

You sound like a weapons porky shill.


Soldiers, at least in the west are mercenaries who fight for corporations and I am tired to pretend otherwise.
In Russia it's the same but for oligarchs.

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