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/WRK/ - Wagie and Work

Work and Wagie related discussion
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Any other anons with a job in a trade or profession that is of use to a large percentage of people will be very familiar with the following interaction. Someone that you haven't spoken to in years appears via DM and goes:
>Hey bro! How've you been?
>Good thanks yourself?
>Great by the way my car is making a rattling sound when I go over bumps and my mechanic can't look at it til next week, can you help
>I don't really have any time off in the next couple of weeks either, but you can bring it in to my garage when I'm open and we'll assist
>I thought we were friends, man! I can't afford £40/hr. Can't I bring it to you on Saturday and we'll have some beers and fix it then?
>No, that's my day off. I'm not replacing ball joints on my day off
>But my car needs fixed! I would help you with anything you needed
>I don't need help with anything
>You're an asshole
At first I just thought this simply denoted selfish cunts that I should just cut contact with, but now I'm estranged from like half of the people I went to school with and some of my extended family because I have 'refused to help' them. It seems like a majority of people in my life, certainly all of the ones who do not work with their hands, think that my position is unreasonable.
Majority of people don't have a skill that their acquaintances have any need for, so fail to empathize with people who do. As far as they're concerned I'm just being greedy.
How would you deal with people who expect your time and effort for free, and are liable to become offended when you refuse? Do they have a point? Is this my fault for being trained to do this stuff in the first place?


Do it once and make sure they actually physically help, go from there.


Utterly feeble.


if you don't mind my asking, how'd they fuck up their car steering ?

People get miffed because they're thinking you're refusing a mutually beneficial quit pro quo exchange of favors. Their not thinking that you're not getting anything out of it.

I think you need to ask for return favors that's worth your while, and you need to expect it to be somewhat difficult to figure out what some other person can do for you.

Also people can't value what they don't understand, the other anons suggestion to make them help with the manual labor part, that might ameliorate that lack of understanding.


Make sure they physically help.
They'll never ask again.


Newgene here.
This is why I advocate for mandatory vocational training in schools alongside mandatory ethical pyschological training for legal privileges.

Adulthood is too often tied to money and age and fancy fashion.


>At first I just thought this simply denoted selfish cunts that I should just cut contact with, but now I'm estranged from like half of the people I went to school with and some of my extended family
Yeah, uyghur! How fucking dare you not 2 fix your massas shit whenever they want it? It's your god-given social position 2 better their life 4 free, after all!
My gratz 2 ya, nig. Now @ least you know about the true nature of these faggots who made you think they could ever be your friends. Go on & use this filter till you die, it could really save you in the long run.
>How would you deal with people subhumans who expect your time and effort for free?
Same as I would with their higher grade buddies from the ruling class. In meinkampf, of course.
>Do they have a point?
They have a fucking bullseye on their heads.
>Is this my fault?
Why would it not be their fault 4 pissing you off like th@, huh?! Keep in mind th@ they, unlike you, never blame themselves 4 anything.
Stop taking their shit on yourself or they be gonna riding on your back till your spine fucking cracks apart, after which they will start drowning you in their shit right there 4 making their life inconvenient once again.

You can bet these nigs will also violently defend cuckitalism 2 death while sumiltaneously scamfucking every deal they make without even any wage substitute on their part (like bourgs do), just like they tried 2 do th@ with you.


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If they're women demand sexual favors in exchange.

Otherwise refer to their their wives/gfs.

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