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/WRK/ - Wagie and Work

Work and Wagie related discussion
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>workplace type/position/Maybe company
>favorite shit to steal

heres mine, probably forgot the odd job or 2 whatever

warehouse, packer, amzon (pretty much my favorite job tbh)
>coworkers gloves(dipped them in bleach, also fuck em)
>label stickers
>safety vests
>safety tape

library,temp frontdesk clerk
>test scans
>copier paper
>lost/found shit

Retail,cart shithead, blumart
>safety vests
>plastic gloves
>water supplies
>sodas(used to pour these on some poor fucks cars lol)

>couple bags of face masks with company logo(hint: had a red star)
>fuckin pens again

grocery store, produce clerk
>green twistys
>produce(not really steal, but would dump them in the trash compactor for the lols, they would usually wonder "wut happened" when lookin for shit)

Some recommendations and context, avoid working with the public especially if youre marooned in ameristan. this applies extra with lower class areas they can huff paint


I stole a lot of fucking chips and chocolates from one of my old jobs


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u work at convenient stores or bakeries or something


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did u get got?

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