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/WRK/ - Wagie and Work

Work and Wagie related discussion
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Whenever you don't have a job, you are ostracized from society. You literally don't exist.
Why are people like this? Working is fucking miserable.


This is such a a spoiled and entitled additude. Working sucks, but, it probably isn't the fact you don't have a job that you are ostracized it's probably the fact you are a whiny spoiled brat about work on general. Working generally does suck but to enjoy a modern existence we must do labor to survive and sustain ourselves. It would be nice to not have a parasitical class of leeching sucking the blood from ounlive force/labor but even with out that some work will need to be done. Most people flip burgers and get very little from such work, but, ask anyone working in an actual factory or some type of production facilities and you will discover they are quite happy.


workimg is better than school


Holy fuck leftychads, proof reading.


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>proof reading



Are you saying proof reading is soy?

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