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 No.22268[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Jihad will win

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 No.22667[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Nothing special, just stuff to cringe and laugh at. If you use iFunny post your own cringe encounters or arguments.
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Crimea was not a part of "Russian territory", it was a part of RSFSR

It was Khrushchev who transferred Crimea under UkrSSR administration as a part of his wider administrative reforms

Khrushchev and Brezhnev were from Ukraine, as well as many many other party functionaries

retarded nazoids being retarded think this is all about Crimea or Donbass, or even Ukraine - if not just for that pesky Khrushchev/Gorbachev/Zelensky/Satan all would've been just dandy in nazoid wonderland kek

suckers for lief


The cringe thread really do be having the worst kinds of cringe



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How does /urban/ feel about miniature housing? Is it bourgeois lifestyleism or a peak into the future of sustainable living?
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Technology advances start off as bonus gadgets in high end products and then market forces make them cheaper and more refined until they filter down into everything else. Things like anti lock brakes and lane tracking and voice commands were first introduced in the S Class decades ago to lure millionaires away from Bentley. And now market competition has brought us to the point where they are cheap and reliable enough to be standard in every pleb car.

Whats different about camper vans is there isn't much of a market for super high end models where innovation can happen because anyone who could afford it will just buy a fucking house. Or a yacht.

The other thing to think about is living in a van is cold. So a folding van will probably be even colder.


You'd think capitalism would have developed and perfected plop out buildings to completely commodify houses, on their own.

Am i right in the assumption that you are saying that for campers to have technological evolution they need to get better insulation and somebody needs to find a different clientele than wealthy private individuals that can pay for early research and development cost. That leaves the Military upgrading their field tents with fold out buildings or governments who want emergency facilities that they can more or less instantly erect wherever. Who else ?


>You'd think capitalism would have developed and perfected plop out buildings to completely commodify houses, on their own.
The problem with housing is that mortgages are provided by banks and banks are artificially propped up by government no matter how badly they act. Banks are not allowed to fail and go out of business because angry citizens who lost all their money will start a revolution. So housing is not really subject to the rules of the free market.

>for campers to have technological evolution

My point is that innovations are typically established in luxury products with high margins and then the market figures out how to make it cheaper over time. Campers don't seem to have a very big luxury market so that could be why innovation is slow. Somehow the new thing needs to be made cheap right away otherwise there is no one to sell to. That's my theory.


>emergency facilities
The problem with government projects is they are spending other people's money so nobody involved generally cares about the quality of the end result. I guess you're thinking along the right lines though, identify similar products and see what can technology can be moved over.

>better insulation

I don't know what you can do about that because space is so limited. The stuff they insulate brick houses with wouldn't even fit into something drivable. I knew a contractor who lived in a van and he couldn't do it in winter. He just worked 6 months and then lived in a cheap warm country for the other 6 months.


>The problem with housing is that mortgages are provided by banks and banks are artificially propped up by government
I get it, it's almost like a feudal arrangement the way power is entrenched, but that would not actually stop people from buying and living in the plop out houses assuming that mass-production with a lot of automation in factories can make it cheap and of good quality.
>My point is that innovations are typically established in luxury products with high margins
Yeah but you said that rich people don't give a shit about this. So forget about the luxury segment.
>The problem with government projects is they are spending other people's money so nobody involved generally cares about the quality of the end result.
That's not a problem that can't be overcome, just create a unconditional return policy for quality control issues. That way even for a bureaucracy that doesn't give a shit, the bar is low enough that eventually it will annoy somebody enough to send it back if it's crap.
Maybe public institution want to have this type of building because it's easier to undo planning errors of previous administrations, if they can just be packed up. And maybe for architecture vanity, so every leader can have their favorite style of building.
>I guess you're thinking along the right lines though, identify similar products and see what can technology can be moved over.
So any suggestions for cross-overs ?
>I don't know what you can do about that because space is so limited.
this stuff http://www.buyaerogel.com/product/spaceloft-5-mm-cut-to-size/ would work but it's kinda expensive, and i'm not sure how healthy it is.


Just because it looks nice diesnt make it bourgeois lifestyleism. dammit.

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 No.21406[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


Some changes in website management are happening. As the people who use the website, you've got a right to know. If you've been active on the IRC server you know what this is about.

Essentially for the better part of the year the mod team has been stuck in a series of personal and site management conflicts. The way our "modocracy" works incentivizes as much consent as possible but also has no leader with the final say on things. This tends to create conflicts with a mod team whose members frequently take unilateral action with the idea that after they take it they can get majority approval for it. The current problem is largely due to such unilateral action made by a member of the mod team and the resulting resurfacing of personal and site management differences.

For now the site admin and I have settled on a way to fix this mess through giving me basically the final word on everything. There's not going to be different mods starting votes to expel other mods anymore because I'm the only one who can expel anyone now. There's not going to be incessant arguing over things that are basically irrelevant t most of you and mods leaving (and consequently lowering site quality due to reduced moderation) because I get to just end discussions if they're going nowhere.

The odd mix of democratic centralism and a sort of anarchist council that we had going is going to come back in the future, maybe in an altered form, but for now the watermelon military junta is in charge. Expect to see not too many changes from the normal other than maybe a more strict implementation of the rules and more bans relating to liberal intersectionality garbage because that's what I think the mod team should be focusing on rather than personal nonsense.
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>this is basically the one instance in which you can be totally sure what you are getting
Yeah, no trust and i don't want him anywhere near here. not no guessing


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>I would remove anyone's face pic if they asked me to.

Exactly you retard. That is the problem.


No you.


new thread for new autism


>>22257 is >>434283

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 No.20294[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The USA is trying to manufacture a happening in Cuba: https://twitter.com/TPostMillennial/status/1414328377683718148

Is this cause for concern or just a meaningless glow OP?

605 posts and 145 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Cuba has been resisting on the U.S. backyard for 60 years and has not yet fallen. They know how to handle imperialism, have faith.


Most people already know this. The people still defending the actions of the USA are retarded inbred gusanos. They don't care.


>By the time the government gears are grinding towards intervention, the public is several steps behind on what to be outraged about and disoriented.
So basically China is becoming more coherent and organized while the US is becoming more disorganized and disoriented. If they want to have this great battle for power, why do they shoot them self in the foot ?
Also if you can realize all of this just by casually pondering about what is going on in the media , don't you think that this strategy isn't all that clever ?


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our human rights organizations are on the case. they are concerned with human rights.


In the USA atleast 10 of them would've been killed
>the protests we are seeing in Cuba are massive
Kek, this is a massive cope. They're completely artificial and weak. Counter protests are even larger
>covid and economic conditions
Cuba handled covid extremely well. If that was the case the US government would'be been overthrown by its own people.
<we will definetly improve our economy by sanctioning and couping our country instead of giving up on sanctions
Fucking "human rights watch" faggots are drooling retards and have no clue whatsoever.


This thread is a collection of effort posts.


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Quantum physics accounts for the collapse of the wave function (and thus for the emergence of “ordinary” reality) in terms of the act of perception/registration (a single reality emerges through the act of measurement), but it then explains (or, rather, describes) this measurement in terms of the ordinary reality that only emerges through it (the measuring machine is hit by electrons, etc.), and this obviously involves a vicious circle.

What this means is that the big problem is not how we can pass from the classic universe to the universe of quantum waves, but exactly the opposite one—why and how the quantum universe itself immanently requires the collapse of the wave function, its “de-coherence” into the classic universe, i.e., why and how the collapse is inherent to the quantum universe. Instead of just standing in awe before the wonder of the quantum universe, we should turn around our perspective and perceive as the true wonder the rise of our “ordinary” spatio-temporal reality. It is not only that there is no classic reality which is not sustained by blurred quantum fluctuations; one should add that there is no quantum universe which is not always-already hooked onto a piece of classic reality. The problem of the collapse of the wave function through the act of measurement is that it has to be formulated in classic, not quantum, terms—this is why “the collapse of the wave function occupies an anomalous position within quantum mechanics. It is required by the fact that observations occur, but it is not predicted by quantum theory. It is an additional postulate, which must be made in order that quantum mechanics be consistent.” One should note this precise formulation: a measurement formulated in terms of classic reality is necessary for quantum mechanics itself to be consistent, it is an addition of the classic reality which “sutures” the quantum field. What, then, is the status of “quantum reality,” i.e., of the so-called wave function Fi which renders the panoply of superimposed states?

>Are we to regard Fi as actually representing physical reality? Or is it to be viewed as being merely a calculational tool for working out probabilities of the results of experiments that might be performed, the results of these being “real,” but not the wave function itself? … It was part of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics to take this latter viewpoint, and, according to various other schools of thought als
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Quantum physics accounts for the collapse of the wave function (and thus for the emergence of “ordinary” reality) in terms of the act of perception/registration (a single reality emerges through the act of measurement), but it then explains (or, rather, describes) this measurement in terms of the ordinary reality that only emerges through it (the measuring machine is hit by electrons, etc.), and this obviously involves a vicious circle.

What this means is that the big problem is not how we can pass from the classic universe to the universe of quantum waves, but exactly the opposite one—why and how the quantum universe itself immanently requires the collapse of the wave function, its “de-coherence” into the classic universe, i.e., why and how the collapse is inherent to the quantum universe. Instead of just standing in awe before the wonder of the quantum universe, we should turn around our perspective and perceive as the true wonder the rise of our “ordinary” spatio-temporal reality. It is not only that there is no classic reality which is not sustained by blurred quantum fluctuations; one should add that there is no quantum universe which is not always-already hooked onto a piece of classic reality. The problem of the collapse of the wave function through the act of measurement is that it has to be formulated in classic, not quantum, terms—this is why “the collapse of the wave function occupies an anomalous position within quantum mechanics. It is required by the fact that observations occur, but it is not predicted by quantum theory. It is an additional postulate, which must be made in order that quantum mechanics be consistent.” One should note this precise formulation: a measurement formulated in terms of classic reality is necessary for quantum mechanics itself to be consistent, it is an addition of the classic reality which “sutures” the quantum field. What, then, is the status of “quantum reality,” i.e., of the so-called wave function Fi which renders the panoply of superimposed states?

>Are we to regard Fi as actually representing physical reality? Or is it to be viewed as being merely a calculational tool for working out probabilities of the results of experiments that might be performed, the results of these being “real,” but not the wave function itself? … It was part of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics to take this latter viewpoint, and, according to various other schools of thought als
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 No.18474[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Okay so literally i'm creating a new bi porn thread because i realized that some people are staying on bunkerchan just because my nudes are there so i'm gonna make it easier for them to come here by reposting them
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Final bump to kill the thread


W-why do you want to kill all this good stuff?


I just checked and this thread is 6 months old. A lot of good porn is going to be lost :'(


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I'll make a new one. Next time i wont post without 5 files per post to maximize post efficiency.

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 No.17849[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Get in here

This thread is for discussion of the 2021 Peruvian Election. Looks like it's keeps beign a close one, and either one could win this. The Peruvian Left has gone far, however, and has united under a pretty based candidate. Let's watch

Prev. threads:
>>>/leftypol_archive/14633 #1
>>>/leftypol_archive/15250 #2
>>>/leftypol_archive/15858 #3
>>>/leftypol_archive/16499 #4
>>>/leftypol_archive/17177 #5
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We need a new one until 100.000 lead has been secured at closing


Another one for the weeklong recount


Is somebody gonna make a new thread or nah?


Ok, give me a sec


I am not sharp enough edition
New one

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 No.17177[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Get in here

This thread is for discussion of the 2021 Peruvian Election. Looks like it's keeps beign a close one, and either one could win this. The Peruvian Left has gone far, however, and has united under a pretty based candidate. Let's watch

Prev. threads:
>>>/leftypol_archive/14633 #1
>>>/leftypol_archive/15250 #2
>>>/leftypol_archive/15858 #3
>>>/leftypol_archive/16499 #4
666 posts and 161 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>we could have had Peru with Japanese Characteristics and cum


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>our revolution is not communist


>denounced by the USSR
>denounced by China
>denounced by literally everyone


Gonzalo has been in jail since 1992 boy
Shining Path has been irrelevant for over 2 decades at this point
Stop being so white, you fat American cunt



>neither was the Cuban Revolution.

Initially, at least. The bay of pigs invasion blessed us with Castro going full commie.

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