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 No.21406[View All]


Some changes in website management are happening. As the people who use the website, you've got a right to know. If you've been active on the IRC server you know what this is about.

Essentially for the better part of the year the mod team has been stuck in a series of personal and site management conflicts. The way our "modocracy" works incentivizes as much consent as possible but also has no leader with the final say on things. This tends to create conflicts with a mod team whose members frequently take unilateral action with the idea that after they take it they can get majority approval for it. The current problem is largely due to such unilateral action made by a member of the mod team and the resulting resurfacing of personal and site management differences.

For now the site admin and I have settled on a way to fix this mess through giving me basically the final word on everything. There's not going to be different mods starting votes to expel other mods anymore because I'm the only one who can expel anyone now. There's not going to be incessant arguing over things that are basically irrelevant t most of you and mods leaving (and consequently lowering site quality due to reduced moderation) because I get to just end discussions if they're going nowhere.

The odd mix of democratic centralism and a sort of anarchist council that we had going is going to come back in the future, maybe in an altered form, but for now the watermelon military junta is in charge. Expect to see not too many changes from the normal other than maybe a more strict implementation of the rules and more bans relating to liberal intersectionality garbage because that's what I think the mod team should be focusing on rather than personal nonsense.
811 posts and 192 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



Wait does the script still works on leftypol.org?


oh my bad I thought you were watermanlet. I am also faggot that has gay love with golden retrievers and not actually a mod




good; no place for muh transhumanist


go back to twitter not space_


if he wants to piss away userbase in exchange for a sub-discord tier cj, fine lol


>it in google so it ok
>rping as genjeet
there pedo threads in 8ch /b/ thanks to that dumb logic

stfu bait


he was man who madess videos
u just know because of the inflreds


i hope he wants to piss away liberal and other rightist dreg


This board has more irrelevant janny drama no one gives a shit about than users


>more rp and a a mention of genjeet out of nowhere


it do be like this for a while now


that's just the consequence of being in the first world.


part and parcel of living in a small anonymized message board


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None of this would be necessary if you just banned the fucking avatarfag


based on my experiences on leftypol over the past few years this seems to be true, the /pol/ invasion did a number on us


this, if none you fucker care about avatarfag and not want to defend avatarfag then banned them if it goes board-wide and not just a small thread or let others discouraged it if it's not doxxing
that shit should've stayed in /get/


Caballo is a socdem. I don't trust anything he says.


you say things like reactionary-friendly, but really what you mean is anti-establishment
what happened to left-wing meaning against totalitarianism? "COVID denial" or "anti-vax' is an effort that pushes back against the attempt to control a populace by fear. Is that in your view 'reactionary?'
If you want to be a liberal government kool-aid drinker there is every other site on the internet to do it. I'm not sure what the point of leftypol is if we can't even voice opposition to a government (or really, ruling class) that wants to squash us all with fear and, potentially, biological warfare.
From my point of view, the liberals are evil.


your lot are more tedious than interesting. that, more than your flat earth tier worldview, is your greatest sin.


>"COVID denial" or "anti-vax' is an effort that pushes back against the attempt to control a populace by fear.
kys King Lear


so, a strawman and the name of a bogeyman
not very bright are you libtards?


Go to patriots.win and stay there fucking boomer. We are not stuck in 2016, deal with it.


a man made of straw would have more interesting things to say.


why even make a new site if you want to enforce twitter-level narratives here?
just makes no sense
how do you even differ from establishment thought


the problem is it's not a coincidence that leftist countries mounted the severest national programs to fight the coronavirus. protecting your country's people from the effects of an unknown virus without wrecking your economy and society is what any sensible society would do. Leninhat and the other schizos think of this as some self-strengthening event where getting sick just makes you stronger bro, just trust me. i don't trust the Pfizer/Moderna vaccines but i'm not against vaccines, they're the price you have to pay for a healthy and high density population. some of the vaccinefags get so worked up they end up portraying this as the seminal "anti-establishment" position when pursuing this will be so damaging in the long term that it's irresponsible to the core. there will be a future for humanity after capitalism and i'm not letting these schizos take the reins ever. fuck that shit


It's you who are liberal


thats a fair point
at least it says something, unlike the other subnormals ITT


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For reference I never opposed letting users have a part in the moderation process, or transparency, or anything like that, I only think that allowing Matrix users to straight up vote on mod matters as if they were mods is a bad idea. We should act on behalf of all users not just the most active and vocal ones. Hence the surveys we've been doing.

We did try to remove a mod who we couldn't work with though. That's why this power grab was attempted, because the minority couldn't bear to see one of their own be removed for his wrecking behaviour.

I don't love Stalin but I always advocated for all reasonable leftists (ie not nazbols) to be allowed to post here equally.

Cheers man.

The 'new junta' are united partly by their admiration for Haz and opposition to controls on topics about him, which was another nail in the coffin of our democracy, when the majority voted to ban Haz discussion because it was toxic to the board, this (I believe) caused the junta-ists to draw inwards to each other further.

Maybe I could have done more. I don't know.

As others have pointed out I'm a Demsoc, not that it matters.

Leftism means protecting the working people, not allowing them to be massacred in order to keep the economy going - as porky originally wanted to do at the start of the pandemic before overwhelming backlash forced them into moderate control measures. Ironically Chinese people who had a much harsher lockdown have been far more free for the past two years, with little to no pandemic controls outside the affected areas.


>I wouldn't think they are pedos or support anything like that.
>surrounded themselves as areas of "free speech" so establishing lines each individual
>admins at getchan tolerate such dialogue
ok jailbate 7chanfag


are we allowed to discuss mao or stalin's wives


I think Haz is an autist, no need to invent things about what I believe.


Alright fair enough. I never knew your stance on him, but I know Zul and Zero were definitely both very pro-him.


who the fuck is haz


When would have been a good time for leaving?
This was just another inevitability in the history of the board. Coma just sled up the process. The contradictions between the mods who want to make this reddit and the mods who want to keep this true to the nature of image boards couldn't go on for ever


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The reason people opposed your idea to ban Haz from the very beginning(this was when he was still making videos on leftypol) was because your reasoning was stupid.

Caballo wanted to ban Haz for Idpol. On account of the use of the word Anglo as a "idpol slur".


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>who runs the site and how is irrelevant


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I'm torn between telling you what's wrong with all currently existing imageboards and imageboard moderation schemes and keeping it for myself so i can use it




>because it was toxic to the board
Which is why i think a ban for the shit 4chan meme or removing the penny face was understand even if i kinda disagree with it, it's the same bullshit.
Still glad he's gone, he was /get/ creep who posted penny porn which i don't trust at all and he spam his shit board wide
just banning an over amount of avatarfaging was the best option

it's best if you don't know
just another breadtuber that a namefag named sage is in love with


what's there not to trust, it's just porn


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Exactly. I know I've been accused of being pro avatarfag but I would remove anyone's face pic if they asked me to. It's shitty 'content' for one thing. Make fun of their posts instead.

I did not immediately jump to banning Haz immediately, it took some time for me to come around to that, but I think it was obvious fairly quickly that he was an insecure, unstable, schizo that was going to harm the left more than ever help it. Now if he was just another content creator, fine, but he was clearly developing a colony that was harming the board. He practically exudes 'cult of personality' energy. And yes, I do think he's an idpoller, a bad one. But since we bring him up, I also removed Haz's dox on many occasions.


>Caballo wanted to ban Haz for Idpol.

>On account of the use of the word Anglo as a "idpol slur".

not based, although it's now becoming that thanks to haz far as i know
i miss anti anglo meme


porn of a cartoon child in a children show
There is aged up gumball porn out there but most gumball fans and porn are /ss/ and lolishit
I don't trust them like how i don't trust loud house fans in /co/


no I mean are you afraid it was made with trafficked peanut mooses or what
this is basically the one instance in which you can be totally sure what you are getting


>this is basically the one instance in which you can be totally sure what you are getting
Yeah, no trust and i don't want him anywhere near here. not no guessing


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>I would remove anyone's face pic if they asked me to.

Exactly you retard. That is the problem.


No you.


new thread for new autism


>>22257 is >>434283

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