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 No.3433[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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No, do actually read anything you respond to?


You can't even eat just rice. Is this just really drawn out bait? Is this socdem flag?


"treated" not "made"




I do.

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 No.19078[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

We have a HoI4 thread but why not just have a Grand Strategy general thread? I'm pretty sure there are plenty of people here who play the other grand stratgy games/think hoi4 is too dumbed down shit. Plus /gsg/ on 4chan is infected with /pol/yps and I really want an alternative place to discuss the games. So what's everyone been playing? Here's the results of my recent Serbia to Yugoslavia campaign.
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Never heard of foreplay?




The teases about USSR have shown at least half the Soviet focus tree being alternative history about Trotsky.


That sounds pretty cool to me. Also that's exaggeration, we just haven't seen the other alternative candidate yet.

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 No.14133[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Last thread: >>983378

Why did the Soviet Union annex Moldova but not Romania, eventually at least? Might as well have gone all out and annexed all Romanian-speaking lands.
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Nazis did it. "Smoking gun" documents from the russian side are fake


Didn't those documents come from the Soviet archives when the USSR was falling apart? Who says they are fake?


Those documents - and many others - are fakes. Every since Khruschev they were dropping fakes into the archives. Like, come on, they were writing memoirs for the soviet generals and mashals! Timoshenko had no memoirs, Voroshilov's memoirs were edited so hard there was no 30-50s in them, Stalin's full works were basically removed from all libraries, Budyonnyi similarly had everything he participated in past Civil War stripped away.

Everyone with a half a brain says that. "Secret Documents" is a running joke in Russia. Problem is, people joking aren't smart enough to expand on the concept. Come the fuck on - why WOULDN'T anticommunists put fakes into the archives? Rightoids are willing to go to great lengths to invent falsehoods to smear communists (and jews) with, and Black Book of Communism is one big lie - so, why WOULDN'T post-communist anti-communist Russia (and khruschevite USSR) do the same? Half of present day russian politicians were nationalists at one point, and Putin himself praises Solzhenitsyn, fuck, Solzhenitsyn is in russian schools alongside Dostoevsky and Chekhov.


Oh, and if this line of thinking doesn't persuade you, Katyn was totally done by nazis. All the evidence on site points to nazis doing it. Eventually "historians" were forced to admit that polish officers weren't shot by NKVD - so they actually procured documents about prisoner transfers, about how poles were moved around the USSR when the war broke out. Obviously, to shoot them later!


File: 1622473962999.png ( 21.49 KB , 924x129 , Screenshot from 2021-05-31….png )

Mods, tweet this screenshot with a link to the foreign policy article

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