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 No.14133[View All]

Last thread: >>983378

Why did the Soviet Union annex Moldova but not Romania, eventually at least? Might as well have gone all out and annexed all Romanian-speaking lands.
449 posts and 64 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Yes, but he was still able to gather masses of people without sperging out too much (end of war, all power to the soviets,)


Lenin's way of talking in russian sounds great, and snappy remarks actually burn. Marx in english or russian is meh


>he was that isolated in the RSDWP.


I might be crazy for asking, but what is the point of /leftypol/? To be clear I don't think /leftypol/ provides absolutely nothing, but I question the benefit it has to left-wing politics.
Does /leftypol/ exist for discussing left-wing theory? I see a few examples of this, but the vast majority of posts have little to do with theory. One might point to /edu/, but it's a very slow board and is rarely if ever referenced by posters on /leftypol/.
Does /leftypol/ exist for analyzing current events? There's lots of talking about current events, but I rarely see any insights on an event given here that a reasonable person can't arrive at on their own. Even when an effortpost is made, discussion is often sparse and terse.
Does /leftypol/ allow leftists to organize? Obviously this isn't happening. Maybe there's some potential here if something spontaneous like Occupy 2.0 occurs, but the fact that discussion isn't private - let alone encrypted - makes such reasoning dubious.
Does /leftypol/ exist to connect leftists? Being a primarily anonymous image board, and one where even the slightest psuedonymity can be discouraged, this is not the case. I've never observed two or more posters connect beyond the site itself and the matrix chatroom.


Its /pol/ but for leftists. Don't overthink it.


>noooo you can't debunk revisionists down to the last detail!!
t. lassalle


then what is the point of /pol/?


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Funnily enough, in his earlier works such as The Poverty of Philosophy, he's often accused of making unfair generalizations and sweeping statements. Considering how much of a nuisance Proudhonism became to the European Left, he probably wasn't harsh enough.


Its an anonymous image board. Its for trying out new theories and arguing for them bullheadedly until you are proven wrong then changing your mind and starting a new thread without having to admit it. Second its for shitposting and sharing jokes while commiserating with likeminded people about the state of the world, something that is increasingly challenging to find in real life.


the point of politically incorrect and being anon is so you can say the dumbest shit and not have it attached to you forever. you can't learn you are wrong if you soften your phrasing or don't say what you really mean to protect your reputation, even if its just a username or avatar. arguing while shooting from the hip in your own words is peak dialectics.


You're universalizing your own view of a piece of software. Unless you can point out where in /leftypol/'s FAQ, guide, whatever this is stated, you're wrong.


Yeah that sounds right to me

I can point it out in the boards history. Thats how its always functioned. Never any of those things >>14586 listed


>board's history
Nice spook. Anonymous posts aren't evidence of some "inherent" trait of imageboards.


I mean 4chan started as a place to talk about liking japanese cartoons without being ridiculed for it.


Does 'the point' of the site have to be the official stated purpose, or how it is used? Those are two different questions with different answers.
For the first, read the sticky. The FAQ page will be launched within the week but for now that information is still in our manifesto.
>>163675 attachment 1


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This, but it goes both ways. People can't dismiss your opinion for being a women or other minority if you don't tell them. Its a real marketplace of ideas.


Based spook poster


>anti-Semitism is bourgeois
Can you prove that?


Imageboards have the disadvantage of it being trivially easy to astroturf though.


>Its a real marketplace of ideas.
lol retards still pushing this trash Shii said decades ago about anonymity when it's been proven wrong time and time again.


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Whilst right now most nations are equipped to deal with forms of conventional terrorism, I have had some looming thoughts in my head that entire nations might be fucked if a group of really dedicated geniuses manage to cook up a superweapon in a basement or hell, even a small group of insurgents manage to, lets say steal a nuclear bomb.

About 5 years ago a small handful of south African thieves managed to sneak into a nuclear plant containing the remnants of the Apartheid nuclear program. Nothing of value was stolen but the site contained enough material to construct about 6 moderately sized nuclear bombs. The thieves were never caught. Imagine if they managed to get away with something, imagine the panic and later, the horror.

Nuclear terrorism is something that keeps me up at night, and its not even the only scenario like this. A single skilled hackerbro could shut off an entire cities electrical grid for a few hours, a few more dedicated people could destroy a few transformers and shut a whole city off for weeks. Imagine some bio terrorists get their hands on the last remaining vials of smallpox, or hell manage to cook up some new virus conventionally or with new technology that may come soon. I am personally shocked nothing like this has happened before, the US and the Soviets have managed to lose several nuclear warheads and like mentioned previously the last vials of smallpox. Most of this has never been found. What are the implications of this and what are other feasible ways to create/steak a superweapon? Fun fact, America usually transports its nuclear missiles in unescorted semi truck containers.


Oh my fucking god I wasnt paying attention and didnt realize I was replying to a thread. Please ignore this.


>communism doesn't result in utopia
Ok and?
>How do we deal with non-communists
Depends. Maybe we'll provide classes for some and maybe a bullet for others.


Why didn't the feudal lords become the bourgeoisie? If anything they were in a position to develop the means of production and not be usurped by the urban bourgeoisie.


I would like to give a posthumous apology to Mr.Coral Marks

After reading up on wikipedia apparently the dude marx was sassing around was the infamous "jewish uyghur lasslee" who is a nationalist and monarchist

I take back what I said. Marx was based to shit on him


I saw what you did. Everybody saw it. We will not ignore it. I will screencap your post and remember it forever.

Do better.


Because they were conditioned to be lazy parasites. They had privileges, they were expecting to get a cushy job whenever, they owned land and collected taxes from anyone living, moving in or leaving, and so on and so forth. One hell of a cozy existance.


>Why didn't the feudal lords become the bourgeoisie
In some cases they did, but generally speaking feudal landlords are limited in the sort of property they can own or income they can derive from it.

In England we do see a bourgeois-ification of the landlords as they enclose the commons (the land outside of their property used by the peasants) over the period from the 14th to 19th century. During that time also you also have conflicts like The Barons War on the continent where lower-level nobility fought with upper-level nobility, in part because the higher nobility needed their land for increased profits and they no longer needed a personal army etc.


and yet he is right, and he is more of anon than you will ever be with such attitude. now stfu and lurk moar newfag


big monopolies, automation & cybernetics


Does anyone have a list of AES countries? I want to keep a list.


In which of marx's works does he talk about "petty boug being a volatile class" or something like that

I remember quoting that from the introduction of the critique of the gotha programme but i can't find it there anymore


If it weren't for theory autists gathering on /leftypol/ I'd probably still be a rightoid


Could someone please give me a good article that highlights the success of Cuba's healthcare system, and why it is revered?
Want to send it to a liberal, so preferably not an article that praises Stalin for some reason.


There's a lot of stuff here: https://leftypedia.org/wiki/Cuba
If anything you can send over the individuals sources contained within this.


Did something similar to operation paperclip happened to soviet scientists after '91? Would not be surprised if certain flowing agencies encouraged them with big salaries to emigrate to the US.


*glowing agencies


Does anybody have a source on that quote where Marx (or possibly Engels, I forget) acknowledges the existence of revolutionary excesses in reference to the Paris Commune? Iirc it’s something along the lines of it being ridiculous to say that the Commune burned the exact necessary number of buildings, killed the exact necessary number of people and no more, etc.


if the US south had the quality of life of any random banana republic before the new deal why is that the part where most people are economically libetarian today?


Do you really need marx or engels to say that maybe trying to burn the notre dame was going a bit to far?


What's the difference between syndicalism and leninism? Given that Lenin's revolutionary goal was "all power to the soviets", wouldn't organization along the lines of council's/syndicates/soviets/unions ultimately result in a soviet-like system?


>capital cannot be revolutionary
>you can't just opt out of capitalism, socialism must come from within capitalism
These two statements seem contradictory but I see them a lot. What's the deal?


Is a fortune cookie a tangible spook you can actually physically hold in your hands?


Leftists say Katyn was a justified operation against Polish counterrevolutionaries, others say that it was a murder of Polish intelligentsia to prevent Poles from having leadership figures of their own and such. What's the truth here?


Nazis did it. "Smoking gun" documents from the russian side are fake


Didn't those documents come from the Soviet archives when the USSR was falling apart? Who says they are fake?


Those documents - and many others - are fakes. Every since Khruschev they were dropping fakes into the archives. Like, come on, they were writing memoirs for the soviet generals and mashals! Timoshenko had no memoirs, Voroshilov's memoirs were edited so hard there was no 30-50s in them, Stalin's full works were basically removed from all libraries, Budyonnyi similarly had everything he participated in past Civil War stripped away.

Everyone with a half a brain says that. "Secret Documents" is a running joke in Russia. Problem is, people joking aren't smart enough to expand on the concept. Come the fuck on - why WOULDN'T anticommunists put fakes into the archives? Rightoids are willing to go to great lengths to invent falsehoods to smear communists (and jews) with, and Black Book of Communism is one big lie - so, why WOULDN'T post-communist anti-communist Russia (and khruschevite USSR) do the same? Half of present day russian politicians were nationalists at one point, and Putin himself praises Solzhenitsyn, fuck, Solzhenitsyn is in russian schools alongside Dostoevsky and Chekhov.


Oh, and if this line of thinking doesn't persuade you, Katyn was totally done by nazis. All the evidence on site points to nazis doing it. Eventually "historians" were forced to admit that polish officers weren't shot by NKVD - so they actually procured documents about prisoner transfers, about how poles were moved around the USSR when the war broke out. Obviously, to shoot them later!


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Mods, tweet this screenshot with a link to the foreign policy article

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